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# Preliminary Proxy Statement   ? / 'Confidential, for Use of the Commission  / 'Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))   ?"Definitive Proxy Statement ?'Definitive Additional Materials ?1)Soliciting Material Pursuant ? 240.14a-12$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4jocWK'8 m=PF0*8X> @ l  B..8m9  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to SecSummary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $} $ } U} $ } : B     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/201580Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the   ?  No fee required   ? 0 (Fee computed on table below per Exchange  ' Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.~ 2*Title of each class of securities to whichtransaction applies:~ /'Aggregate number of securities to whichtransaction applies:~ 0(Per unit price or other underlying value4,of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange4,Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which2*the filing fee is calculated and state howit was determined):~ 80Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:D locWK^?b4ds7 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?     !!!!!""~ """Total fee paid:#####$$$$$%% &?&7&/Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.'' (?(2(*Check box if any part of the fee is offset))3)+as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2)**8*0and identify the filing for which the offsetting++6+.fee was paid previously. Identify the previous,,0,(filing by registration statement number,--3-+or the Form or Schedule and the date of its...filing.///00~ 000Amount Previously Paid:111112222233~ 3303(Form, Schedule or Registration Statement4444 4No.:555556666677~ 777 Filing Party:8888899999::~ ::: Date Filed:;;;;;<<<<<=>$?____________________________D l;W?M`5Db&c@A1@)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0A(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/=PF0*8X> @rAA@@??..--,,++**))((&&    l  E LEXY  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } 8} $ } } $ E     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Summary Compensation 2015 Proxy Summary  ~  4 ,General Information about the Annual Meeting  ~  2 *Election of Directors (Item 1 on the Proxy  ~ 2  Card) Director Nominees  ~ 6 Corporate Governance~ RCode of Ethics~ RGovernance Principles~ V6.Board Meetings, Annual Meeting of Stockholders~ Vand Attendance,$Committees of the Board of Directors~ Z*"Board Oversight of Risk Management~ fDirector Independence~ j7/Leadership Structure of the Board and Executive~ n)!Sessions of Independent Directors-%Compensation Committee Interlocks and~ r-%Insider Participation in Compensation Decisions%Communications with Directors~ rDirector Compensation~ v4,Director Fees and Annual Grant of Restricted~ v Stock UnitsOther Benefits~ zD! lsg+q W L2p , !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?$ Stock Ownership Requirements  ~ ~ !Executive Compensation!!~ !!,"$Compensation Discussion and Analysis""~ ""%#Compensation Committee Report##~ ##/$'Summary Compensation Table for the Year$$~ $$%Ended December 31, 2014)&!Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table&&~ &&4',Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End''~ '' (Table/)'Option Exercises and Stock Vested Table))~ ))*Pension Benefits Table**~ **++#Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation++~ ++ ,Table+-#Potential Payments upon Termination--~ --1.)Potential Payments upon Change in Control..~ ../Audit Committee Report//~ / /20*Proposal to Ratify the Appointment of KPMG00~ 0001(LLP as Our Independent Registered Public52-Accounting Firm for 2015 (Item 2 on the Proxy 3Card)34+Advisory Vote to Approve Our 2014 Executive44~ 44/5'Compensation (Item 3 on the Proxy Card))6!Transactions with Related Persons66~ 6607(Security Ownership of Our Management and77~ 7&758-Holders of More Than 5% of Outstanding Shares9of Common Stock4:,Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting::~ :.:; Compliance0<(Proposals for the 2016 Annual Meeting of<<~ <.<= Stockholders'>Stockholders Sharing an Address>>~ >.>4?,Expenses Relating to this Proxy Solicitation??~ ?2?D lR0 D3z@Pj lQkS@ABCD@A$B____________________________1C)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0D(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ P=PF0*8X> @DDCCBB l  #%j:k  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } : #     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015:2Meeting Information and Mailing of Proxy Materials ? Time and Date 5 -Wednesday, May 6, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. Central   Time   ? Place  The Four Seasons Hotel   1300 Lamar StreetHouston, Texas 77010 ? Record DateMarch 13, 2015? Voting0(Stockholders as of the close of business80on the record date, March 13, 2015, are entitled2*to vote. Each share of our Common Stock is6.entitled to one vote for each director nominee1)and one vote for each of the proposals to be voted on. ? Admission2*An admission card is required to enter our3+Annual Meeting. Please refer to the section-%?General Information about the Annual6.Meeting?How do I vote??In Person? for detailed instructions.DlmaUI%Dhr 2H !"$ ____________________________1!)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0"(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ (=PF0*8X> @""!!  l  x  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and MailingElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $4} $ } } $ }       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/20150(Voting Matters and Board Recommendations Matter  Board of Directors  Page   Vote Recommendation   Reference 1. Election of Directors ! FOR EACH DIRECTOR NOMINEE ~ 2. &2. Ratification of Appointment of KPMG  FOR ~ 3 +as Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for 20152*3. Advisory Vote to Approve 2014 Executive FOR~  Compensation$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.wk_SgZA=PF0*8X> @ l  7  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } $} $ }  }  $ } U} $ } } $ } U} $ } U} $ } } $ } < 7     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Election of Directors      Name  Age   Director    Occupation   Independent  AC  CC  NGC   Other Public       Since             Company                     Boards Mike R. Bowlin  ~ "   ~ F   Retired Chairman,  L    X  X ~            Atlantic Richfield Co. Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr.~ ~ v  Retired Chairman,   X  F X~    President and Chief  Executive Officer of  Marathon Oil Corp.!Eleazar de Carvalho Filho~ ~ j  Founding Partner of   X  F X~   Virtus BR Partners  Assessoria Corporativa  Ltda. and Sinfonia  Consultoria Financeira  e Participa??es Ltda.C. Maury Devine~ ~ V  Retired President and   X  F X~    Managing Director of  ExxonMobil Norway,   Inc.Claire S. Farley~ ~ f   Member of KKR   X  F X~   Management LLC, the  general partner of KKR   & Co. L.P.Dl~rfjOSQ-e6o?vMu !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456  John T. Gremp  ~    ~ n   Chairman, President         ~ !!!!!!!!!! ! and Chief Executive"""""""""" " Officer of FMC########## # Technologies, Inc.$Thomas M. Hamilton$$~ $$$$~ $F$$ $ Co-owner of Medora$  $ X$  $F$ $X$$$~ $%%%%%%%%%% % Investments, LLC& Peter Mellbye&&~ &&&&~ &v&& & Retired Executive Vice&  & X& && &X& &X& &None'''''''''' ' President of Statoil((((((((((  ( ASA)Joseph H. Netherland))~ ))))~ )F)) ) Retired Chairman,)  ) X) )))))) )None********** * President and Chief++++++++++ + Executive Officer of,,,,,,,,,, , FMC Technologies, Inc.-Peter Oosterveer--~ ----~ -~-- - Chief Operating Officer-  - X-  -F--- -X- -None.......... . of Fluor Corporation/Richard A. Pattarozzi//~ ////~ /J// / Retired Vice President/  / X/ // /X/ /X/~ / 0000000000 0 of Shell Oil Company1James M. Ringler11~ 1111~ 1F11 1  Non-executive1  1 X1  1F1 1X111~ 12222222222 2 Chairman of Teradata3333333333 3  Corporation$4____________________________15)Created by Morningstar Document Research.06(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2Gb8X&`0vO'=PF0*8X> @2665544    l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsGovernance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } *} $ } $} $ }  '      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Election of Directors AC  Audit Committee     CC  Compensation Committee  F (  Audit Committee Financial Expert NGC + #Nominating and Governance Committee  L ! Lead Independent Director  $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/&q@~rf tL=PF0*8X> @ l  "pI  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } 7} $ } $ "     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Governance Highlights/ 'Size of Board after 2015 Annual Meeting ~ 2' Number of Independent Directors ~ . Average Age of Directors ~ (  Number of Board Meetings in 2014 ~ $ Annual Election of Directors  ?%Majority Voting for Directors ?!Lead Independent Director ?1)Regular Executive Sessions of Independent ? Directors3+All Board Committee Members are Independent ? Directors.&Annual Board and Committee Evaluations ?-%Director Stock Ownership Requirements ?6.Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Applicable ? to Directors6.Governance Principles with Director Retirement ?Policy1)Annual Advisory Vote to Approve Executive ? Compensation3+Risk Oversight by Full Board and Committees ?$____________________________D8l~rfBr,kXP>| !1 )Created by Morningstar Document Research.0!(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/=PF0*8X> @!!  l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } a} $ }  } $ }  } $                         FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015E=Ratification of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm  Type of Fees ~ z  ~ v     (in millions)   Audit Fees  @   @  Audit-Related Fees   ?    {Gz?  Tax Fees   HzG?    Q?  Other Fees~ Q? TotalGz@Q@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2sbVJ>n1=?n=PF0*8X> @R       l  |  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent RegDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } 7} $ } $} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015'Other Key Compensation Features/ 'Executive stock ownership and retention  ?    requirements1 )?Clawback? policy that permits recoupment  ?  3 +of Performance-Based Incentive Compensation$ due to financial restatement6.Stock trading policy that prohibits executives ?0(from hedging, pledging and short-sellingour Common Stock No employment agreements ?/'No tax gross-ups for executive officers ?$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4th\ >t@$k_S+=PF0*8X> @ l  7  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } !} $ } m)                        FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees            Mike R. Bowlin    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:  ! Independent Lead Director    ? Compensation * "? Edwards Lifesciences Corporation   Age : 72   # ? Nominating and Governance  + #Director Since : 2001 (Independent)   / 'Former Public Directorships Held Duringthe Past Five Years: None$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0Qvj9$d=PF0*8X> @2  l  0  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } !} $ } !                        FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees            Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr.    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:   Age :64    ? Audit  ? Baker Hughes, Inc.  + #Director Since : 2013 (Independent)   # ? Nominating and Governance  ? Spectra Energy Corp.      / 'Former Public Directorships Held Duringthe Past Five Years:1)? Marathon Oil Corporation (retired 2013)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0vjV6=PF0*8X> @2  l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } !} $ } U5                           FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees                Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:  ! Eleazar de Carvalho Filho    ? Audit . &? Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners   Age : 57   # ? Nominating and Governance  L.P.  + #Director Since : 2010 (Independent)     4 ,? Companhia Brasileira de Distribuic?o?Grupo P?o de Ac?car? Cnova/'Former Public Directorships Held Duringthe Past Five Years: None$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/64 vjJ)i]Q)=PF0*8X> @2 l  V'  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } !} $ } +                       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees            C. Maury Devine    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:   Age : 64    ? Audit (Chairman) , $? John Bean Technologies Corporation  + #Director Since : 2005 (Independent)   # ? Nominating and Governance   ? Technip      / 'Former Public Directorships Held Duringthe Past Five Years: None$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.vjCUI==PF0*8X> @2  l  6  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } } $ }  '                       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees            Claire S. Farley    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:   Age : 56    ? Audit (  ? LyondellBasell Industries B.V.  + #Director Since : 2009 (Independent)    ? Compensation      / 'Former Public Directorships Held Duringthe Past Five Years:+#? Encana Corporation (retired 2014)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.vjQQrfZ2=PF0*8X> @2  l  DE  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } } $ } } $ } !                      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees             John T. Gremp    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:   Age : 63    None  ? Joy Global Inc.   Director Since : 2011   / 'Former Public Directorships Held During       the Past Five Years: None$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/,#|vjfn =PF0*8X> @2   l  HU  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } } $ } $                        FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees            Thomas M. Hamilton    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:   Age : 71    ? Audit & ? HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc.  + #Director Since : 2001 (Independent)   ! ? Compensation (Chairman) ! ? Hercules Offshore, Inc.         ? Methanex Corporation/'Former Public Directorships Held Duringthe Past Five Years: None$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0vjQ+=PF0*8X> @2 l  d  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } !} $ } !                       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees             Peter Mellbye    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:   Age : 65    ? Compensation  None  + #Director Since : 2013 (Independent)   # ? Nominating and Governance      / 'Former Public Directorships Held Duringthe Past Five Years:)!? North Energy ASA (retired 2014)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.vji\sg?=PF0*8X> @2  l  t  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } } $ } !                         FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees            Joseph H. Netherland    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:   Age : 68    None  None  + #Director Since : 2001 (Independent)   / 'Former Public Directorships Held During       the Past Five Years:/'? Newfield Exploration Company (retired~ z-%? Spectra Energy Corp. (retired 2013)'? Tidewater Inc. (retired 2013)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2vjlfi=PF0*8X> @J    l  !  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } !} $ } !                       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees            Peter Oosterveer    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:   Age : 57    ? Audit Committee  None  + #Director Since : 2015 (Independent)   # ? Nominating and Governance      / 'Former Public Directorships Held Duringthe Past Five Years:? None$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.vjcV|T=PF0*8X> @2  l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } 0.} $ } !                       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees            Richard A. Pattarozzi    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:   Age : 71    ? Compensation " ? Stone Energy Corporation  + #Director Since : 2002 (Independent)   . &? Nominating and Governance (Chairman)  ? Tidewater Inc.      / 'Former Public Directorships Held Duringthe Past Five Years:0(? Global Industries, Ltd. (retired 2011)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.&vjK '=PF0*8X> @2  l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $ } *} $ } } $ } +                          FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Director Nominees            James M. Ringler    Our Committees: # Other Public Directorships:   Age : 69    ? Audit  ? Autoliv Inc.  + #Director Since : 2001 (Independent)    ? Compensation , $? John Bean Technologies Corporation         ? Teradata Corporation"? The Dow Chemical Company/'Former Public Directorships Held Duringthe Past Five Years:0(? Ingredion Incorporation (retired 2014)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4vjc .K=PF0*8X> @2 l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } } $ } <} $ }       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015,$Committees of the Board of Directors Meetings and Membership  Audit   Compensation  Nominating and        Governance" Number of Meetings in 2014  6 (1) ~  ~   Mike R. Bowlin    ?  ? Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr.  ?    ?!Eleazar de Carvalho Filho ? ?C. Maury Devine C ?Claire S. Farley ? ?Thomas M. Hamilton ? C Peter Mellbye ? ?Edward J. Mooney (2) CPeter Oosterveer ? ?Richard A. Pattarozzi ? CJames M. Ringler ? ?$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/< {ocWy@c0d-!=PF0*8X> @ l   g  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of DireDirector Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } !} $ } $4      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015@8Director Fees and Annual Grant of Restricted Stock Units Compensation Element   Compensation Annual Retainer 1 )$60,000 paid in cash and/or as restricted  . &stock units as elected by the director Annual Equity Grant / '$250,000 in restricted stock units that  / 'vest after one year (included in ?Stock3+Awards? column of the Director Compensation Table below).Annual Chairman Fee#$20,000 for Audit Committee*"$15,000 for Compensation Committee-%$10,000 for Nominating and Governance Committee Annual Lead Director Fee$20,000 for 2014!$50,000 effective in 2015 Meeting Fee/'$2,000 per committee meeting (includingtelephonic meetings)#Stock Ownership Requirement+#Five times annual retainer for 2014.&Six times annual retainer effective in~ ~$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/D lg[OC5= t+u; =PF0*8X> @ l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Summary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015#Director Compensation Table      Name  Fees Earned or   Stock    All Other   Total     Paid in Cash   Awards    Compensation  ~     ($) (1)   ($) (2)   ($) (3) Mike R. Bowlin ~ !  ~ !2    ?  ~ !2  Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr.  ~    ~ &B    ?   ~ &$ !Eleazar de Carvalho Filho~ ~ &B    ?  ~ &$C. Maury Devine~ ~ &B  ~  bm  ~ FrClaire S. Farley~  ~ &B    ?  ~ bThomas M. Hamilton~ ~ 2  ~  B  ~  Peter Mellbye~ e~ &B    ?  ~ &Edward J. Mooney~ ~ &B    ?  ~ &Joseph H. Netherland~ ~ &B  ~  "N  ~ 9Richard A. Pattarozzi~  ~ &B  ~  "  ~ -James M. Ringler~ w~ 2  ~  ]  ~ $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/<xl`#+Hb=PF0*8X> @            l  D  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } U} $ } U5      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Summary Compensation Named Executive Officer  Position(s) Held in 2014  John T. Gremp / 'Chairman, President and Chief Executive   Officer Maryann T. Seaman 4 ,Executive Vice President and Chief Financial  4 ,Officer from March 1, 2014 to present Senior2*Vice President and Chief Financial Officer1)from January 1, 2014 to February 28, 2014Douglas J. Pferdehirt4,Executive Vice President and Chief OperatingOfficerTore HalvorsenSenior Vice PresidentJohan PfeifferVice President$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/6sgCm n!J =PF0*8X> @ l  .  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } 1} $} $ } 7      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Summary Compensation ?,$Executive compensation is structured   4 ,to be competitive and to provide appropriate   1 )retention incentives in order to attract,   1 )motivate and retain qualified exceptional   1 )executive talent over the long term. Each   4 ,named executive officer?s total compensation2*opportunity (i.e., base pay, target annual,$non-equity incentive opportunity and6.target long-term equity incentive opportunity)1)is targeted at median compensation levels.&at comparable peer companies who would0(likely compete for our executive talent.$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8sg]OC< =PF0*8X> @ l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } m)} $ }  '      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015G?Establishing Compensation Peer Group and Competitive Pay Levels" Baker Hughes Incorporated* % National Oilwell Varco, Inc.* BorgWarner Inc.  Noble Corporation** "Cameron International Corporation* (  Oceaneering International, Inc.** "Chicago Bridge & Iron Company N.V. (  Oil States International, Inc. *  Cummins Inc. $ Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.Dresser-Rand Group Inc.'Superior Energy Services, Inc.*Dover CorporationTidewater Inc.*Eaton Corporation plcThe Timken CompanyFlowserve CorporationURS CorporationHalliburton Company*'Weatherford International Ltd.*Ingersoll-Rand Co. PLC$The Williams Companies, Inc.&McDermott International, Inc.*Worthington Industries$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8`TH<x`w/*=PF0*8X> @ l  ,$  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer !Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } } $ } I }  $ } I } $ } I } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Short-Term Compensation      Performance Measure   Weighting   Target   2014 Actual Results        Improvement Required     ! 1.0 Over 2013 Performance   2.0 Over 2014 Target   Above (Below) 1.0    2014 Rating " Working Capital Efficiency   1 ? 3    7.6%    15.8%    (6.6)%    zG?   EBIT Growth   1 ? 3    21.8%    13.2%    14.1%   ~    EBIT Percentage of Sales1 ? 3130 bps   150 bps  120 bpsGz?      BPI     Q?$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0 |pdhSJ=PF0*8X> @Z         l  t:  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm CompensationSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } $}  $ } $} $} $ } $} $ } $} $} $ } $} $ }  } $ } $} "$ } ## } $$$ %%%%%%%%%% % % % % %%%%%%%FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015VNDetermination of 2014 Payouts under the Non-equity Incentive Compensation Plan      !"#$  Component  Base Pay       Weighting       Target Bonus      Rating     ! "Payout $                   % BPI: ~ !    X   ~ . %   X   ~  %   X    Q?    =  !~ "! $ API: ~ !    X   ~ f %   X   ~  %   X   ~     =  ! "~ #2W $                                  ! " # $/'Total Non-Equity Incentive Compensation !~ "! $$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/, |QE9-q Ni]Q)=PF0*8X> @r$$$"#   "#     "# l  E  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uLongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } 1} $} $ }       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Summary Compensation ?Equity Compensation  $ ____________________________1 )Created by Morningstar Document Research.0 (http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ sg# =PF0*8X> @ l  W  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } $} $ } } $ } I }  $ } } $} $ } $} $} $ } $} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Long-Term Compensation      Performance Measure   Weighting    Performance    Below Average   Average    Above Average        Period   (0% of Target)   (100% of Target)   (200% of Target)  EBITDA Growth   1/3    1 year   ~  %  ~  %  ~  %" Return on Investment (ROI)   1/3    1 year   ~  %  ~  %  ~  %& Total Stockholder Return (TSR)   1/3    3 years   ~  %  ~  %  ~  %$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*( h}qeiamR*=PF0*8X> @b         l  e  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm CompensationSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } U} $ } U} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/20152*Stock Ownership and Retention Requirements Named Executive Officer  Multiple of Base Pay   John T. Gremp  ~   Maryann T. Seaman  ~   Douglas J. Pferdehirt  ~   Tore Halvorsen  ~  Johan Pfeiffer@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/,|ui]Qo 1%=PF0*8X> @"  l  $Β  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RCompensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } I"} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } y} U} $ } y} U} $ }  } $ }  } $ }  } $ } y} $ $!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Summary Compensation      # Name and Principal Position  Year   Salary   Bonus   Stock    Non-Equity    Change in    All Other   Total       ~    ~    Awards   Incentive Plan    Pension Value    Compensation    ($) (1)(2)               ($) (1)    Compensation   and Non-   ($) (3)                  ~      Qualified                       Deferred      Compensation     Earnings     ($) (2) John T. Gremp~ z~ !^u;    ?  ~ !J~ !q~ !ּ~ !~ !O Chairman, President~ v~ r89    ?  ~ ~~ )~ ^~ N?~   #and Chief Executive Officer~ r~ 2+6    ?  ~  ~ -.~ K~  ~ n  Maryann T. Seaman~ z~ !&w!    ?  ~ !B~ !-~ !uU~ !2~ !$9 $Executive Vice President and~ v~      ?  ~ b~ N ?~ ~ :l Chief Financial Officer~ r~     ?  ~ rBV~ ~ .E/~ ?~ Ҏ Douglas J. Pferdehirt~ z~ !n,    ?  ~ !l~ !BH ?~ !X~ !n $Executive Vice President and~ v~ x+    ?  ~ v~  ?~ ~ m Chief Operating Officer~ r~ N  ~  .c~   ~ O\~ ~ 2C  ?~ ~ d Tore Halvorsen (5)~ z~ !    ?  ~ !c~ !'~ !h~ !~ !  Senior Vice President~ v~ 5!    ?  ~ >jc~ f~  ~ ~  ~ r~      ?  ~ H~ Z~ ~ 6~ bo Johan Pfeiffer~ z~ !W    ?  ~ !.J~ !V ~ !;*~ !~"~ ! Vice President~ v~ @    ?  ~ E~   ?~ n~ Fn D$lsg_gK0"lR-w\ !!!"!#! $!____________________________1")Created by Morningstar Document Research.0#(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ <=PF0*8X> @9## "" !!                      l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Stock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ }  } $ } y} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015%Compensation Committee Report      Name  Year   Maximum Award Value  John T. Gremp  ~ z    ~ !:#        ~ v     ~ 1'        ~ r     ~ O      Maryann T. Seaman  ~ z    ~ !     ~ v~      ~ r~  bkk    Douglas J. Pferdehirt~ z~ !    ~ v~  Rf    ~ r~  z?    Tore Halvorsen~ z~ !Ά    ~ v~  r̉    ~ r~  Z    Johan Pfeiffer~ z~ !Je    ~ v~  t`    $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/>0vj^Ga0xN$ =PF0*8X> @R        l  ,  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } } $ } } $ }  } $ }  } $ }  }  $ } !!} "($ } ))y} *+$ ,,,,,,,,,,, , , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Stock Option Grants      !"#$%&'()* Name  Grant  Estimated Future Payouts   Estimated Future Payouts    All Other    All Other " # $Exercise & ' ( Grant Date *   Date " Under Non-Equity Incentive   Under Equity Incentive   Stock   Option " # $or Base & ' ( Fair Value      Plan Awards    Plan Awards   Awards:   Awards: " # $Price of & ' (of Stock                             Number    Number of " # $Option & ' ( and Option                             of    Securities " # $Awards & ' (Awards     Shares  Underlying"#$($/Sh)&'(($) (1)     of Stock Options     or Units  (#) ThresholdTarget   Maximum ThresholdTargetMaximum (#) !"#$%&'~  ~    ~   (#) (#) (#) John T. Gremp~ z~ !~ !`D  ~  !" ~ !"#~ $!&'()*+ 2/27/2014 TB     ~ : !"#$%&'~ (!.>* 2/27/2014 PB     ~ ~ ~   !"#$%&'(~ )jS*2/27/2014 PB-m     ~ ~ z~  !"#$%&'(~ )a*Maryann T. Seaman~ z~ !~ !r  ~  !"8 ~ !"#~ $!&'()* 2/27/2014 TB     ~  !"#$%&'~ (!.* 2/27/2014 PB     ~ ~ ?~  !"#$%&'(~ )c>*2/27/2014 PB-m     ~ ~ Ÿ~ ? !"#$%&'(~ )"*Douglas J. Pferdehirt~ z~ !~ !n,  ~  !Y ~ !"#~ $!&'()* 2/27/2014 TB     ~  !"#$%&'~ (!4* 2/27/2014 PB     ~ ~ 2i~ b !"#$%&'(~ )ƇF*2/27/2014 PB-m     ~ ~ ~ *i !"#$%&'(~ ).'*Tore Halvorsen~ z~ !~ !  ~  !/ ~ !"#~ $!&'()*D.lthd l&'.&ٴ ,!,",#,$,%,&,',(,),*,+,    2/27/2014 TB                          ~     ! " # $ % & '~ (!  *!!! 2/27/2014 PB!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!~ !!!!~ !B!!!~ !!!!!!!! !!!"!#!$!%!&!'!(~ !)Jf+!*"""2/27/2014 PB-m""""""" " " " " """~ """"~ "&o"""~ "J""""""" "!"""#"$"%"&"'"(~ ")"*#Johan Pfeiffer#~ #z#~ #!##~ #!# # ~ # !'################### ~ #!#"##~ #$!#&#'#(#)#*$$$ 2/27/2014 TB$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$~ $}$$$ $!$"$#$$$%$&$'~ $(!i$*%%% 2/27/2014 PB%%%%%%% % % % % %%%~ %%%%~ %%%%~ %bM%%%%%%% %!%"%#%$%%%&%'%(~ %) %*&&&2/27/2014 PB-m&&&&&&& & & & & &&&~ &&&&~ &^S&&&~ &&&&&&&& &!&"&#&$&%&&&'&(~ &)&*'($)____________________________1*)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0+(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/^=PF0*8X> @ZK++****))*$$()#### ## ##$% ()  $%()  $%()  $%()  $%     ! ! !$%()  ! $% ()  ! $% ()    ! $% ()    ! $% ()    ! $% () l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option Grants!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } $} $ } $}  $ } $} $ } $} $ } $} $ }  } $ } } $ } $} "$ } ##$} $$$ %%%%%%%%%% % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015!Outstanding Equity Awards      !"#$    OPTION AWARDS   STOCK AWARDS (2) $ Name   Number of    Number of   Equity   Option   Option   Number    Market Value   Equity Incentive Plan  ! "Equity Incentive $    Securities    Securities    Incentive   Exercise    Expiration   of    of Shares or   Awards; Number of  ! " Plan Awards;    Underlying    Underlying   Plan   Price   Date   Shares   Units of   Unearned Shares,  ! "Market or Payout    Unexercised    Unexercised   Awards:  ~         or Units    Stock that   Units or Other Rights  ! "Value of UnearnedOptionsOptions   Number of  of Stockhave Notthat have Not Vested !"Shares, Units or (#) (#)   Securities   that haveVested (#) !"Other Rights that Exercisable Unexercisable   Underlying   Not($) (1) !"have Not Vested   Unexercised  Vested !~ "   Unearned   (#)  Options   (#) John T. Gremp ? ?    ?   ? ?~ f~  ? !" #?$Maryann T. Seaman ? ?    ?   ? ?~ c ~ nط ? !" #?$Douglas J. Pferdehirt ? ?    ?   ? ?~  ~ x) ? !" #?$Tore Halvorsen ? ?    ?   ? ?~ ~ G ? !" #?$Johan Pfeiffer ? ?    ?   ? ?~ 25~ " ? !" #?$$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/B6Xznb5Ux6#=e=PF0*8X> @C$$$    "# "# "# "#       "#        "#        "#        "#  # l  5:CG  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } !} $ }  } $ } y } $ 5                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015:2Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End Table   Executive Officer # Restricted Stock Unit Grant # Restricted Stock Unit Grant  * "Restricted Stock Unit Vesting Date    Date  Amount  John T. Gremp   2/23/2012 TB  ~     1/2/2015     2/23/2012 PB  ~     1/2/2015    2/23/2012 PB-m   ?    1/2/2015  2/21/2013 TB~ :e 1/2/2016  2/21/2013 PB~ Bc 1/2/2016 2/21/2013 PB-m~ Ҙ 1/2/2016  2/27/2014 TB~ : 1/2/2017  2/27/2014 PB~   1/2/2017 2/27/2014 PB-m~ z 1/2/2017 Maryann T. Seaman 2/23/2012 TB~  1/2/2015  2/23/2012 PB~ ? 1/2/2015 2/23/2012 PB-m ? 1/2/2015  2/21/2013 TB~ j 1/2/2016  2/21/2013 PB~ ! 1/2/2016 2/21/2013 PB-m~ J 1/2/2016  2/27/2014 TB~  1/2/2017  2/27/2014 PB~  1/2/2017 2/27/2014 PB-m~ Ÿ 1/2/2017 Douglas J. Pferdehirt 8/1/2012 TB~ B' 8/1/2015  8/1/2012 TB~ h 1/2/2015  8/1/2012 PB~  1/2/2015 DlmaUIi4d.N~J ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4     8/1/2012 PB-m   ?    1/2/2015 !!! 2/21/2013 TB!!~ !f!!!! 1/2/2016! """ 2/21/2013 PB""~ "b^"""" 1/2/2016" ###2/21/2013 PB-m##~ ##### 1/2/2016# $$$ 2/27/2014 TB$$~ $$$$$ 1/2/2017$ %%% 2/27/2014 PB%%~ %b%%%% 1/2/2017% &&&2/27/2014 PB-m&&~ &&&&& 1/2/2017& 'Tore Halvorsen'' 2/23/2012 TB''~ ''''' 1/2/2015' ((( 2/23/2012 PB((~ ( (((( 1/2/2015( )))2/23/2012 PB-m)) )?)))) 1/2/2015) *** 2/21/2013 TB**~ *N**** 1/2/2016* +++ 2/21/2013 PB++~ +Ҙ++++ 1/2/2016+ ,,,2/21/2013 PB-m,,~ ,6f,,,, 1/2/2016, --- 2/27/2014 TB--~ ----- 1/2/2017- ... 2/27/2014 PB..~ ..... 1/2/2017. ///2/27/2014 PB-m//~ /&o//// 1/2/2017/ 01$2____________________________13)Created by Morningstar Document Research.04(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/. f2bOI=1 =PF0*8X> @244 33 22    l  Z  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } 0} $ } !} $ }  } $ } y } $                            FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015:2Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End Table   Executive Officer # Restricted Stock Unit Grant # Restricted Stock Unit Grant  * "Restricted Stock Unit Vesting Date    Date  Amount Johan Pfeiffer   2/23/2012 TB  ~ O    1/2/2015     2/23/2012 PB  ~     1/2/2015    2/23/2012 PB-m   ?    1/2/2015  08/2/2012 TB~ V 8/2/2016  2/21/2013 TB~ Rk 1/2/2016  2/21/2013 PB~ 2 1/2/2016 2/21/2013 PB-m~ G 1/2/2016  2/27/2014 TB~ } 1/2/2017  2/27/2014 PB~ bM 1/2/2017 2/27/2014 PB-m~ ^S 1/2/2017 $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8 maUIh3c/{S=PF0*8X> @2      l  n  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)Pension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } $} $ } $}  $ } } $ } y} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015/'Option Exercises and Stock Vested Table         OPTION AWARDS    STOCK AWARDS  Name   Number of   Value Realized on  $ Number of Shares Acquired on   Value Realized on    Shares Acquired    Exercise ($)   Vesting   Vesting    on Exercise       (#)  ~     (#) John T. Gremp ? ?  ~  z  ~ ! -!Maryann T. Seaman ? ?  ~  5  ~ ~=Douglas J. Pferdehirt ? ?  ~  B'  ~ rTore Halvorsen ? ?  ~    ~ Johan Pfeiffer ? ?  ~    ~ *p-$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4> xl`T4{ +K?3 =PF0*8X> @            l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock Vest!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } %} $ }  } $ } } $ } } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015Pension Benefits Table      Name   Plan Name   Number of   Present Value of   Payments During      Years of    Accumulated   Last Fiscal Year     Credited  $ Benefit as of 12/31/2014 (2)      Service as     of 12/31/2014 John T. GrempU.S. Pension Plan33333C@~ !gq   ~  'U.S. Non-Qualified Pension Plan~  nS   ~  Maryann T. SeamanU.S. Pension Plan33333<@~  :   ~  'U.S. Non-Qualified Pension Plan~     ~  !Douglas J. Pferdehirt (1)U.S. Pension Plan N/A  N/A     N/A'U.S. Non-Qualified Pension Plan  N/A     N/ATore Halvorsen!Norwegian Pension ProgramA@~  fD&   ~  'Norwegian Supplementary Program~  r+   ~  Johan PfeifferU.S. Pension PlanL5@~  zl$   ~  'U.S. Non-Qualified Pension Plan~  nBR   ~  $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/@D}qeE{='Pp@i]Q)=PF0*8X> @z          l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ }  } $ }  }  $ }  } $ } $} $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/20151)Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Table      Name   Executive    Registrant    Aggregate    Aggregate   Aggregate Balance at     Contributions   Contributions in   Earnings in Last    Withdrawals/   Last Fiscal Year End   in Last Fiscal   Last Fiscal Year    Fiscal Year    Distributions   ($) (4)   Year    ($) (2)(3)  ~   ~     ($) (1) John T. Gremp~ !j~ !c ~  !֕   ?~ !QMaryann T. Seaman~  U~   ~     ?~ Douglas J. Pferdehirt~ ")~ f  ~     ?~ VTore Halvorsen~ ~   ~  d   ?~ .]QJohan Pfeiffer (5)~ ~  J  ~  j   ?~ >P$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4+ vj^RVYXgu^RF=PF0*8X> @                  l  n  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } y} $ } $}  $ } y} $ } y} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015@8Payments in the Event of Death, Disability or Retirement     , "$LONG-TERM INCENTIVE COMPENSATION ($)  Name   Performance-   Stock Options/   Restricted Stock Units   Total    Based Restricted   SARs  $ Unvested and Accelerated (1)    Stock (1)(2)  John T. Gremp ~ !$    ?  ~ !G  ~ !Il Maryann T. Seaman~ * ?  ~  n  ~ c}Douglas J. Pferdehirt~ V- ?  ~  z5  ~ bTore Halvorsen~ f ?  ~  F=S  ~ Johan Pfeiffer~ :w ?  ~  w  ~ E$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2% g[OCw;f1PD8=PF0*8X> @z          l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death !Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } y} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015@8Payments in the Event of Death, Disability or Retirement  John T. Gremp ~ ![  Maryann T. Seaman  ~ nW  Douglas J. Pferdehirt  ~ 29  Tore Halvorsen  ~ J  Johan Pfeiffer  ~ 6+ $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*hg[OCy&vN=PF0*8X> @"  l  )  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } y} $ }  }  $ } $} $ }  } $ }  } $ }  } $ } y} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/20153+Payments Made in an Involuntary Termination         COMPENSATION     BENEFITS AND PERQUISITES        Severance   Pro-Rated Target    Restricted      Medical and   Financial Planning    Outplacement   TOTAL    Payment    Annual Non-   Stock     Dental   and Tax   Services       Equity Incentive    (Accelerated)      Benefit (2)    Preparation       Compensation (1)              Assistance John T. Gremp~ !Z~ ! Mi    ?  ~ !~ !Y~ !B ~ !zMaryann T. Seaman~ N~ f+    ?  ~ :~ *\~ B ~ Douglas J. Pferdehirt~ Vkr~ bJE    ?  ~ ~ 6U~ B ~ F3Tore Halvorsen~ *G~ $    ?  ~ ~ "H~ B ~ upJohan Pfeiffer~ h=~     ?  ~ ~ "H~ B ~ fa$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4th\P(@=PF0*8X> @                   l  "  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } =} $ } y} $ } y}  $ } y} $ } y} $ }  } $ "     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/20151)Potential Payments upon Change in Control         John T. Gremp   Maryann T. Seaman   Douglas J. Pferdehirt   Tore Halvorsen   Johan Pfeiffer (1)   Compensation                     Base Pay Multiple ~ !q  ~ !:|f  ~ !M  ~ !a  ~ !9 0 (Annual Non-Equity Incentive Compensation  ~ "\   ~ W   ~ M   ~ z3I   ~ *u( 4 ,Pro-Rated Annual Target Non-Equity Incentive  ~ `D   ~ r   ~ n,   ~    ~   Compensation:2Long-Term Incentive Compensation Performance-Based~ $~ *  ~  V-  ~ f~ :wRestricted Stock Units5-Stock Options / SARs Unvested and Accelerated ? ?    ?   ? ?;3Restricted Stock Units Unvested and Accelerated (2)~ G~ n  ~  z5  ~ F=S~ w Benefits and Perquisites     1)Service Credit for the U.S. Non-Qualified~ @~ :Of  ~  A  ~ ~ Pension Plan (3)6.Medical, Dental, Life Insurance and Disability~ ~ b  ~  6u  ~ ~ g Benefits (4)Outplacement Services~ B ~ B   ~  B   ~ B ~ B IRC 280G Tax Gross-up N/A N/A    N/A   N/A N/A      Total~ !w~ ! ~  !/  ~ !~ !΅     $____________________________DFlvj^RVC;`2`'|aAEvzn !1 )Created by Morningstar Document Research.0!(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/=PF0*8X> @!!           l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change !How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } } $ } y} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/20151)Potential Payments upon Change in Control  John T. Gremp ~ ![  Maryann T. Seaman  ~ nW  Douglas J. Pferdehirt  ~ 29  Tore Halvorsen  ~ J  Johan Pfeiffer  ~ 6+ $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*hvj^R5]=PF0*8X> @"  l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } a} $ }  } $ }  } $                         FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015^VHow much was the independent registered public accounting firm paid for 2014 and 2013?  Type of Fees ~ z  ~ v     (in millions)   Audit Fees  @   @  Audit-Related Fees   ?    {Gz?  Tax Fees   HzG?    Q?  Other Fees~ Q? TotalGz@Q@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2I=1%U$&U=PF0*8X> @R       l  $-/  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } a/} $ }  } $ } $} $ $                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015*"OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON STOCK   Beneficial Ownership on       February 27, 2015 Name  Common Stock of FMC   Percent of Class (1)     Technologies Mike R. Bowlin (2)  ~      * $Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr. (2)~ ! *%Eleazar de Carvalho Filho (2)~ J *C. Maury Devine (2)~  *Claire S. Farley (2)~  2 *John T. Gremp (3)~   *Tore Halvorsen (3)~  *Thomas M. Hamilton (2)~   *Peter Mellbye (2)~ ( *Edward J. Mooney (2)~ Z * Joseph H. Netherland (2)~ Q *Peter Oosterveer (2) ? *!Richard A. Pattarozzi (2)~ f *Johan Pfeiffer (3)~ ^ *!Douglas J. Pferdehirt (3)~ ¿ *James M. Ringler (2)~   *Maryann T. Seaman (3)~   */'All directors and executive officers as~ m *#a group (22 persons) (2)(3)Dfl}qeYM{xof[ ! " #  $!____________________________1")Created by Morningstar Document Research.0#(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ <=PF0*8X> @B##""!!      l  @  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON STFMC Technologies Inc!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } +} $ } 0}  } $ }  } $                               FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015*"OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON STOCK, $Name and Address of Beneficial Owner  Amount and Nature of    Percent of    Beneficial Ownership    Class (1) Capital World Investors   27,014,000 shares~    \(\'@ % 333 South Hope Street% Los Angeles, California 90071)!Capital Research Global Investors18,556,322 shares~  ףp= @ %333 South Hope Street%Los Angeles, California 90071 The Vanguard Group, Inc.15,616,141 shares~ @ %100 Vanguard Boulevard#Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355BlackRock, Inc.15,344,963 shares~ Q@ %40 East 52 nd Street New York, New York 10022 State Street Corporation12,362,112 shares~ \(\@ %One Lincoln Street#Boston, Massachusetts 02111$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/>^ 0}qeYWU4 dC|Z3~ZwO=PF0*8X> @:     l  3#SY  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)!THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WU } I"} $ } I; 3     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015FMC Technologies, Inc.     , $VOTE BY INTERNET - www.proxyvote.com  0 (Use the Internet to transmit your voting FMC TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 0 (instructions and for electronic delivery$ 5875 N. SAM HOUSTON PKWY. W. 2 *of information up until 11:59 p.m. EasternHOUSTON, TX 770861)Time on May 5, 2015. Have your proxy card7/in hand when you access the web site and follow/'the instructions to obtain your records6.and to create an electronic voting instruction form.5-ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF FUTURE PROXY MATERIALS6.If you would like to reduce the costs incurred2*by FMC Technologies, Inc. in mailing proxy1)materials, you can consent to receive all,$future proxy statements, proxy cards-%and annual reports electronically via91e-mail or the Internet. To sign up for electronic0(delivery, please follow the instructions2*above to vote using the Internet and, when4,prompted, indicate that you agree to receive0(or access proxy materials electronicallyin future years.D l}qeA'_ oF"1Sd !"#$%&'()*+,-./012   !!&!VOTE BY PHONE - 1-800-690-6903""0"(Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit##/#'your voting instructions up until 11:59$$3$+p.m. Eastern Time on May 5, 2015. Have your%%1%)proxy card in hand when you call and then&& &follow the instructions.'''((( VOTE BY MAIL))6).Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return**/*'it in the postage-paid envelope we have++1+)provided or return it to Vote Processing,,,2,*c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood,--- NY 11717../$0____________________________11)Created by Morningstar Document Research.02(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*hNg+:rfZ2=PF0*8X> @221100 l  =yW  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??3!Proxy Statement Pursuant to Sec!Proxy Statement Pursuant to (1)Summary Compensation!Meeting Information and Mailing!Voting Matters and Board RecommElection of DirectorsElection of Directors (1)Governance Highlights!Ratification of Independent Reg!Other Key Compensation FeaturesDirector NomineesDirector Nominees (1)Director Nominees (2)Director Nominees (3)Director Nominees (4)Director Nominees (5)Director Nominees (6)Director Nominees (7)Director Nominees (8)Director Nominees (9)Director Nominees (10)Director Nominees (11)!Committees of the Board of Dire!Director Fees and Annual Grant Director Compensation TableSummary Compensation (1)Summary Compensation (2)!Establishing Compensation Peer ShortTerm Compensation!Determination of 2014 Payouts uSummary Compensation (3)LongTerm Compensation!Stock Ownership and Retention RSummary Compensation (4)Compensation Committee ReportStock Option GrantsOutstanding Equity Awards!Outstanding Equity Awards at Fi!Outstanding Equity Awards a (1)!Option Exercises and Stock VestPension Benefits Table!NonQualified Deferred Compensat!Payments in the Event of Death  Payments in the Event of D (1)!Payments Made in an Involuntary!Potential Payments upon Change  Potential Payments upon Ch (1)!How much was the independent re!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON ST!OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMO (1)FMC Technologies IncU } $ } m)} $ } } $ } I } $ } I } $ } } $ } } $ } I } $ } I } $ =     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEF 14A 04/06/2015<4THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED AND DATED.                       FMC TECHNOLOGIES, INC.                     2 *The Board of Directors recommends you vote   FOR Items 1, 2 and 3: 1. Election of Directors      Nominees:*"To be elected for a one-year term: For  Against  Abstain  ForAgainstAbstain1a. Mike R. Bowlin ?   ?   ? 1h. Peter Mellbye ? ? ?     $1b. Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr. ?   ?   ?  1i. Joseph H. Netherland ? ? ?           ? ? ?%1c. Eleazar de Carvalho Filho ?   ?   ? 1j. Peter Oosterveer      ? ? ?1d. C. Maury Devine ?   ?   ? !1k. Richard A. Pattarozzi      ? ? ?1e. Claire S. Farley ?   ?   ? 1l. James M. Ringler     0(2. Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as ? ? ?D`lk_SGO-If9iW !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<     1f. John T. Gremp    ?  ?  ? 4 ,the independent registered public accounting      !!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !firm for 2015."""""1g. Thomas M. Hamilton""" "?"  " ?"  " ?" "" "?" "?" "?""########## # # # # .#&3. Advisory approval of 2014 executive######$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ compensation.%%%%%%%%%% % % % % %&&&&&&&& & & & & 1&)NOTE: Such other business as may properly&&&&&&&&''3'+For address changes and/or comments, please''''' ' '  ' ?' 2'*come before the meeting or any adjournment((1()check this box and write them on the back((((( ( ( ( ( (thereof.)))where indicated.******** * * * * ***********++2+*Please indicate if you plan to attend this+++ +?+  + ?,,,meeting.,,,,, , ---- -Yes-  - No- - - -----------........ . . . . ...........//1/)NOTE: Please sign as name appears hereon.0030+Joint owners should each sign. When signing11-1%as attorney, executor, administrator,2232+trustee or guardian, please give full title333as such.444555555 5 5 555556666666666 6 6 6 6 666666666667777/7'Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX] Date777 7 7 7 7 %7Signature (Joint Owners) Date7777777789$:____________________________1;)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0<(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/>0;$W#wR jbVJ"=PF0*8X> @<<;;::777733221100//,,++))((((''''&&$$##!!     Root Entry FBook    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFG