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Definitive Proxy Statement  ?' Definitive Additional Materials  ?- %Soliciting Material under Rule 14a-12$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*+hth\'r9=PF0*8X> @ l  -  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Stockholder Meeting to Be (1) Stockholder Meeting to Be (2) Stockholder Meeting to Be (3) Stockholder Meeting to Be (4)U } I"} $ }  } $ }  -     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEFA14A 03/25/20166.Stockholder Meeting to Be Held on May 6, 2016.   Meeting Information FMCTECHNOLOGIES, INC.   Meeting Type: Annual Meeting   For holders as of: March 14, 2016  6 .Date: May 6, 2016 Time: 11:00 a.m. Central   Time Location:The Four Seasons Hotel1300 Lamar StreetHouston, Texas 77010FMC TECHNOLOGIES, INC.4,You are receiving this communication because$5875 N. SAM HOUSTON PKWY. W.3+you hold shares in the company named above.HOUSTON, TX 770861)This is not a ballot. You cannot use this7/notice to vote these shares. This communication6.presents only an overview of the more complete1)proxy materials that are available to you91on the Internet. You may view the proxy materials-%online at www.proxyvote.com or easily0(request a paper copy (see reverse side).D lqeYMz*a |L(W"0E !"#$%&'()*+,  1 )We encourage you to access and review all!!.!&of the important information contained""-"%in the proxy materials before voting.###$$$%%%&&5&-See the reverse side of this notice to obtain''0'(proxy materials and voting instructions.()$*____________________________1+)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0,(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/i c =PF0*8X> @,,++**''&&""!!       l  **-  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!Securities Exchange Act of 1934!Stockholder Meeting to Be Held  Stockholder Meeting to Be (2) Stockholder Meeting to Be (3) Stockholder Meeting to Be (4)U } $ } $} $ *                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEFA14A 03/25/20166.Stockholder Meeting to Be Held on May 6, 2016. 5 -Proxy Materials Available to VIEW or RECEIVE:       0 (NOTICE AND PROXY STATEMENT ANNUAL REPORT         How to View Online: /'Have the information that is printed in3+the box marked by the arrow (located on the5-following page) and visit: www.proxyvote.com.4,How to Request and Receive a PAPER or E-MAIL Copy:5-If you want to receive a paper or e-mail copy1)of these documents, you must request one.1)There is NO charge for requesting a copy.2*Please choose one of the following methodsto make your request:~  BY INTERNET :www.proxyvote.com~  BY TELEPHONE :1-800-579-1639~  BY E-MAIL* :"sendmaterial@proxyvote.com3+* If requesting materials by e-mail, please0(send a blank e-mail with the information6.that is printed in the box marked by the arrowD lqeYMTJN1j(-J ! " # $ % & ' ( )  6 .(located on the following page) in the subject! !line."""#2#*Requests, instructions and other inquiries#$9$1sent to this e-mail address will NOT be forwarded%/%'to your investment advisor. Please make$&____________________________1')Created by Morningstar Document Research.0((http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/))y+{F=PF0*8X> @((''&&%%$$##!!     l  "\95:  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!Securities Exchange Act of 1934!Stockholder Meeting to Be Held  Stockholder Meeting to Be (1) Stockholder Meeting to Be (3) Stockholder Meeting to Be (4)U } $ } 6Vot e By Mail: You can vote by mail by requesting1)a paper copy of the materials, which willinclude a proxy card.$____________________________DWlqeYM)XXy4yUi] !1 )Created by Morningstar Document Research.0!(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/=PF0*8X> @!!  l  0CG  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!Securities Exchange Act of 1934!Stockholder Meeting to Be Held  Stockholder Meeting to Be (1) Stockholder Meeting to Be (2) Stockholder Meeting to Be (4)U } $} } $ 0     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEFA14A 03/25/20166.Stockholder Meeting to Be Held on May 6, 2016.  Voting Items 2 *The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR Items 1, 2 and 3:  ~ Election of Directors Nominees:*"To be elected for a one-year term: 1a. Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr. 1b.!Eleazar de Carvalho Filho 1c.C. Maury Devine 1d.Claire S. Farley 1e. John T. Gremp 1f.Thomas M. HamiltonDlqeYMP8b>I% !"#$%&'()*+,-./  1g.  Peter Mellbye!!!" "1h."Joseph H. Netherland###$ $1i.$Peter Oosterveer%%%& &1j.&Richard A. Pattarozzi'''( (1k.(Kay G. Priestly)))* *1l.*James M. Ringler+,$-____________________________1.)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0/(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/$,mIX4=PF0*8X> @//..--**((&&$$""      l  ,QT  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!Securities Exchange Act of 1934!Stockholder Meeting to Be Held  Stockholder Meeting to Be (1) Stockholder Meeting to Be (2) Stockholder Meeting to Be (3)U } $} I;} $ ,     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INCDEFA14A 03/25/20166.Stockholder Meeting to Be Held on May 6, 2016.               ~  1)Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as the0(independent registered public accountingfirm for 2016.~ 91Advisory approval of 2015 executive compensation.1)NOTE: Such other business as may properly2*come before the meeting or any adjournmentthereof.D"lqeYM)uQ- zT0t>* !"#$%&'()*+   !!!"""###$$$%%%&&&'($)____________________________1*)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0+(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/pL(=PF0*8X> @2++**)) Root Entry FBook  kU  !"#$%&'()*