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Delaware   36-4412642' (State or other jurisdiction of  (I.R.S. Employer& incorporation or organization)  Identification No.)  ' 1803 Gears Road, Houston, Texas ~ .0((Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/,|thDfN s=PF0*8X> @ l  7_$*+  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } :} $ } } $ 7     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011FMC Technologies, Inc.   Page $ PART I?Financial Information      0 (Item 1. Financial Statements (unaudited)  ~    ,$Condensed Consolidated Statements of~ Income-%Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets~ ,$Condensed Consolidated Statements of~  Cash Flows1)Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial~  Statements4,Item 2. Management?s Discussion and Analysis~ >-%of Financial Condition and Results of Operations80Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures~ ^About Market RiskDlth," ~s tC- !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456' Item 4. Controls and Procedures  ~ ^ !!!"PART II?Other Information""""##!$Item 1. Legal Proceedings$$~ $^$%%&Item 1A. Risk Factors&&~ &b&''7(/Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities((~ (f()and Use of Proceeds**/+'Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities++~ +f+,,&-Item 4. [Removed and Reserved]--~ -f-..!/Item 5. Other Information//~ /f/001Item 6. Exhibits11~ 1j123$4____________________________15)Created by Morningstar Document Research.06(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/26\D;#X@=PF0*8X> @"665544  l  OG.bj  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1) Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } 8} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ O     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011Income Statement        Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30,  ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j  Revenue:                 Product revenue  fffff@   @  ~ /   C@ !Service and other revenue33333i@pa@   T@  fffffz@      Total revenue@~    @  @Costs and expenses:     Cost of product revenue~ J @   Ң@  fffffT@)!Cost of service and other revenuefffffF`@`X@   v@  s@3+Selling, general and administrative expense~ 33333S[@   33333[u@  fffffs@( Research and development expense7@/@  ~    ̌H@      Total costs and expenses~ j@   ٨@  33333_@#Other income (expense), net333333  @   ?  ffffff     .&Income before net interest expense and9e@\@   8z@  y@ income taxesNet interest expense333333  ~         0(Income from continuing operations befored@ffffff\@   y@  Ay@ income taxesDlzn+%Q*23g]EQ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" 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(Note 3):)6!Income from continuing operations66?666Q?66 6 Gz?6 6 6Q?6+7#Income from discontinued operations77 7?777 7?77 7  7 ?7 7 7 7?78888888888 8 8 8 8 888"9Diluted earnings per share99?999Q?99 9 Gz?9 9 9Q?9:::::::::: : : : : :::1;)Weighted average shares outstanding (Note;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ;;; <3): =Basic===,n@====0n@== = = fffff6n@= = ==fffffvn@=>>>>>>>>>> > > > > >>>?Diluted???in@????33333sn@?? ? ? 33333sn@? ? ?~ ??Dl657LbO:n6jwHs%-@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@4A,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,AAAAAAAAA A A A A AAA BInc.:)C!Income from continuing operationsCCfffffF^@CCC,T@CC C r@C C Cfffff>q@C,D$Income from discontinued operations,DD D?DDDD333333?DD D  D ?D D DD333333?DEnet of income taxesFFFFFFFFFF F F F F FFF4G,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,GGfffffF^@GG~ GFGG G r@G G G33333Cq@G HInc.IIIIIIIIII I I I I IIIJK$L____________________________1M)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0N(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/" 4<+VX9mu=PF0*8X> @Z+NNMMLLGGGGGG GGCCCCCC CC999999 99666666 66222222 22////// //****** **           l  aC  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } =} $ }  } $ }  } $ a                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011 Balance Sheet    September 30,    December 31,   ~ n  ~ j    (Unaudited)     Assets         Current assets:        !Cash and cash equivalentsfffffu@s@/'Trade receivables, net of allowances of~ J=@&$7.9 in 2011 and $11.0 in 2010!Inventories, net (Note 4)@@.&Derivative financial instruments (NotefffffFV@33333sR@~ .Prepaid expensesYA@fffff2@Deferred income taxes,Q@N@Income taxes benefit5@D@Other current assetsfffffg@d@Total current assets33333@R@ Investmentsb@fffffb@91Property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated33333_@~  1)depreciation of $516.2 in 2011 and $477.6in 2010Goodwillp@,q@-%Intangible assets, net of accumulated33333`@a@D l}qL{1pX`8 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? / 'amortization of $50.7 in 2011 and $42.3!in 2010"Deferred income taxes"""333333-@"""":@".#&Derivative financial instruments (Note###@H@#### N@#~ $.% Other assets%%~ %%%%%C@%&&&&&&&&&' Total assets'~ 'v?'''fffffx@'((((((((()Liabilities and equity))))))))*Current liabilities:********.+&Short-term debt and current portion of++@+++ffffff(@+,long-term debt-Accounts payable, trade---33333s|@----u@-..&Advance payments and progress billings..~ .....33333c@./Accrued payroll///fffffa@////9b@/.0&Derivative financial instruments (Note000 Y@0000R@0~ 1.2Income taxes payable222H@2222C@23Deferred income taxes33333333W@333333333P@3!4Other current liabilities44433333p@4444(p@4555555555!6Total current liabilities666G@6666]@627*Long-term debt, less current portion (Note777P@7777u@7~ 809(Accrued pension and other postretirement999`@9999fffff6f@9&:benefits, less current portion.;&Derivative financial instruments (Note;;;fffffF@;;;; G@;~ <.=Deferred income taxes===33333R@====yW@=>Other liabilities>>>fffffb@>>>>fffffc@>.?&Commitments and contingent liabilities????????D2l--?9o7zli@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ @ (Note 13)'AStockholders? equity (Note 10):AAAAAAAA.B&Preferred stock, $0.01 par value, 12.0BB B?BBB B?B.C&shares authorized; no shares issued inD 2011 or 20100E(Common stock, $0.01 par value, 600.0 andEEEffffff?EEEEffffff?E1F)300.0 shares authorized in 2011 and 2010,1G)respectively; 286.3 shares issued in 20114H,and 2010; 238.8 and 239.6 shares outstanding&Iin 2011 and 2010, respectively4J,Common stock held in employee benefit trust,JJJJJJJ333333 J5K-at cost; 0.2 and 0.1 shares in 2011 and 2010,L respectively/M'Common stock held in treasury, at cost;MMM33333+MMMMfffffM;N347.3 and 46.5 shares in 2011 and 2010, respectively0O(Capital in excess of par value of commonOO~ O OOOOՅ@O PstockQRetained earningsQQQ@QQQQ[@Q,R$Accumulated other comprehensive lossRRRrRRRR33333oRSSSSSSSSS2T*Total FMC Technologies, Inc. stockholders?TTT@TTTT~@TUequity VNoncontrolling interestsVVV'@VVVV333333%@VWWWWWWWWWX Total equityXXX33333@XXXX33333@XYYYYYYYYY$ZTotal liabilities and equityZ~ Zv?ZZZfffffx@Z[[[[[[[[[\]$^____________________________1_)Created by Morningstar Document Research.Dt l`x@r9!C qcQUeui` 0`(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/H=PF0*8X> @``__^^ZZZZ++++''''      l  P=  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance SheetNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } :} $ }  } $ }  } $ P                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011 Cash Flows   Nine Months Ended     September 30,  ~ n  ~ j - %Cash provided (required) by operating        , $activities of continuing operations:4,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,r@33333Cq@ Inc.2*Less: Income from discontinued operations, ?333333ӿnet of income taxes)!Income from continuing operationsr@fffff>q@.&Adjustments to reconcile net income to-%cash provided (required) by operating,$activities of continuing operations: DepreciationLO@N@ Amortization3333330@.@-%Employee benefit plan and stock-basedLI@H@compensation costs%Deferred income tax provisionffffff>@~ 80Unrealized (gain) loss on derivative instruments333333&)@ Other?ffffff)@4,Changes in operating assets and liabilities,'net of effects of acquisitions:D lt>}D% ]-%j1 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?  Trade receivables, net   Id    33333^ !Inventories, net!!!d!!!!33333sA@!"Accounts payable, trade"""33333]@"""" D".#&Advance payments and progress billings###33333G####fffff`#$Income taxes payable$$$333333)@$$$$ffffffM$0%(Accrued pension and other postretirement%%%J%%%%333333%& benefits, net)'!Other assets and liabilities, net'''L>''''fffff&C'(((((((((-)%Cash provided by operating activities)))33333]@))))33333`@) *of continuing operations+++++++++-,%Cash provided (required) by investing,,,,,,,,- activities:.Capital expenditures..~ ....~ ..(/ Proceeds from disposal of assets///@////@/ 0Other000ffffff000 0?0111111111-2%Cash required by investing activities222fffffVg222233333sO2333333333-4%Cash provided (required) by financing444444445 activities:-6%Net increase (decrease) in short-term666?666646 7debt(8 Net increase in commercial paper888e@8888̜b@809(Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt99 9?999~ 9z9$:Repayments of long-term debt:::::::333333ӿ:/;'Proceeds from exercise of stock options;;;?;;;;ffffff?;"<Purchase of treasury stock<<<P<<<<̌d< =Other===%====*=>>>>>>>>>-?%Cash provided (required) by financing???fffffW@????1?Dlr[1xsF P@}L@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O @ activitiesAAAAAAAAA/B'Effect of exchange rate changes on cashBBBffffff BBBBBCand cash equivalentsDDDDDDDDD-E%Increase in cash and cash equivalentsEEEfffff4@EEEE33333I@E/F'Cash and cash equivalents, beginning ofFFFs@FFFF33333|@FGperiodHHHHHHHHH0I(Cash and cash equivalents, end of periodIIfffffu@III@IJJJJJJJJJKL$M____________________________1N)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0O(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/$D,~Se=PF0*8X> @Z OONNMMIIII     l  '<  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } 6} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ '     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011"Note 3: Earnings per Share        Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30,, $(In millions, except per share data) ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j - %Basic earnings per share attributable                " to FMC Technologies, Inc.:)!Income from continuing operationsfffffF^@,T@  r@  fffff>q@     5-Weighted average number of shares outstanding,n@0n@   fffff6n@  fffffvn@     0(Basic earnings per share from continuing?(\?  ףp= ?  Gz? operations     /'Diluted earnings per share attributable     "to FMC Technologies, Inc.:)!Income from continuing operationsfffffF^@,T@  r@  fffff>q@     5-Weighted average number of shares outstanding,n@0n@   fffff6n@  fffffvn@1)Dilutive effect of restricted stock unitsffffff?@   ffffff?  ffffff@and stock options     ,$Total shares and dilutive securitiesin@33333sn@   33333sn@  ~      2*Diluted earnings per share from continuing?Q?  Gz?  Q?DKl|pd! ?.bp !"#$%&  operations!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!"#$$____________________________1%)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0&(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/x=PF0*8X> @&&%%$$            l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per Share Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } a/} $ }  } $ }  } $                            FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011Note 4: Inventories  (In millions)   September 30,    December 31,   ~ n  ~ j  Raw materials  33333Sb@   333333[@  Work in process   fffffa@    33333W@  Finished goods  ~ F     fffff@ .&Gross inventories before LIFO reservesfffff@~ & !and valuation adjustments/'LIFO reserves and valuation adjustments dPbNet inventories@@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8wk9EWr=PF0*8X> @Z        l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 InventoriesNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } +} $ }  } $ }  } $                             FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011 Note 5: Debt  (In millions)   September 30,    December 31,   ~ n  ~ j# Revolving credit facilities ~   ~   Commercial paper (1)   x@   ~ N   Term loan   fffff=@    ffffff@@ Property financing@@ Other ?@Total long-term debtT@33333Kv@Less: current portionffffff,$Long-term debt, less current portionP@u@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/: ~r@E:V=M=PF0*8X> @Z        l  Y  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 Debt!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } '} $ }  } $ } U}  $ } } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011$Note 7: Warranty Obligations        Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30,  (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j & Balance at beginning of period  L<@   333334@   ffffff6@   fffff0@ " Expense for new warranties   $@    !@    ;@    fffff4@ ( Adjustments to existing accruals333333?   333333  333333 Claims paid"333333  ~    333333)      Balance at end of period333333:@7@  333333:@  7@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4 znb :<8M=PF0*8X> @            l  &57  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } -} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ &     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/201191Note 8: Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits        Pension Benefits    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30,  (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j   Service cost  %@   ffffff!@   ffffff?@   fffff:@  Interest cost333333'@%@   33333sA@  fffff&@@&Expected return on plan assetsffffff/333333+   ̌G  33333sD( Amortization of transition assetɿ   ٿ  ٿ-%Amortization of actuarial losses, net@ffffff@   +@  333333!@     !Net periodic benefit cost%@!@  fffff&@@  :@     %Other Postretirement BenefitsThree Months Ended  Nine Months Ended September 30,   September 30, (In millions)~ n~ j ~  n  ~ j Service cost $? $?  ?   $? Interest cost??   333333?  ?-%Amortization of prior service benefit333333ӿ333333ӿ     ,$Amortization of actuarial gains, net   ɿ  ɿ     !Net periodic benefit cost333333ӿɿ  ffffff  ffffffD,lqeYMAh+^z-T !"#$%                 !"$#____________________________1$)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0%(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/d4(=PF0*8X> @*%%%$$##                  l  F  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } :} $ } y} $} $ } y} $                          FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011( Note 9: Stock-Based Compensation~ ~ 8 0(Number of restricted stock shares in thousands)  Shares    Weighted-         Average Grant       Date Fair Value  Time-based  ~ 2      Performance-based  ~  *     Market-based~  *6.Granted during the nine months ended September~  Gz4E@30, 2011$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4vj^[$"b=PF0*8X> @B     l  tT  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } m)} $ } y} $ } y}  $ } y} $ } y} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011( Note 9: Stock-Based Compensation        Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30,(  (In millions, except share data) ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j * "Shares of common stock repurchased  ~ v\   ~ R   ~ r5g   ~ RHb ) !Value of common stock repurchased  YN@   33333sD@   P@   ̌d@ $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*hvj^*=PF0*8X> @z           l  g  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } :} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011( Note 9: Stock-Based Compensation        Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30,  (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j 4 ,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,  fffffF^@  ~ F   r@   33333Cq@  Inc.0(Foreign currency translation adjustments~ 33333sK@   33333sA  ffffff /'Net deferral of hedging gains (losses),Cffffff9@   ffffff4  ffffff5@net of tax (1)80Amortization of pension and other postretirement??   ffffff@  ~ !benefit gains, net of tax     ,$Comprehensive income attributable to@Ld@  |o@  ̤r@FMC Technologies, Inc.     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/< vj^, (=PF0*8X> @            l  v  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } 7} $ }  } $ } U} $                            FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011( Note 9: Stock-Based Compensation  (In millions)   September 30,    December 31,   ~ n  ~ j/ 'Cumulative foreign currency translation  fffffU   I   adjustments6 .Cumulative deferral of hedging gains (losses),   ,    ffffff@ net of tax (1)0(Cumulative deferral of pension and otherhi-%postretirement benefit losses, net of tax,$Accumulated other comprehensive lossr33333o$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8vj^x,.zR=PF0*8X> @Z        l  u  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } 0} $ }  } $ }  } $                          FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011/'Foreign exchange rate forward contracts   Notional Amount     Bought (Sold)  (In millions)     USD Equivalent  Brazilian real   fffffn@    fffff`@   British pound   fffffI@    fffff&T@  Euro3333336fffff=Malaysian ringgit,^@fffffB@Norwegian krone333331@33333ׁ@Singapore dollarf@|a@ U.S. dollar3333333333$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4{ocW{ uj^R*=PF0*8X> @2    l  1  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } } $ }  } $ }  } $                       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011QIForeign exchange rate instruments embedded in purchase and sale contracts   Notional Amount     Bought (Sold)  (In millions)     USD Equivalent   British pound   L2@    ffffff<@  Euro   .@    4@ Norwegian krone~ Y U.S. dollar333333J@333333J@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.jYMA5Yef=PF0*8X> @2    l  %ծ*  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } 7} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ %     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011QIForeign exchange rate instruments embedded in purchase and sale contracts        September 30, 2011   December 31, 2010   (in millions)  Assets    Liabilities   Assets    Liabilities 6 .Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:                # Foreign exchange contracts:                0 (Current?Derivative financial instruments ~    ̌M@   YD@   C@ 2*Long-term?Derivative financial instrumentsL>@33333@@   F@  ?@ Interest rate contracts:     2*Long-term?Derivative financial instruments ?~      ?  @     /'Total derivatives designated as hedging33333U@W@   ̌U@  ̌R@ instruments     -%Derivatives not designated as hedging      instruments:#Foreign exchange contracts:     0(Current?Derivative financial instruments @@33333D@   ̌@@  A@3+Long-term? Derivative financial instruments3333332@#@   333333-@  333333'@     3+Total derivatives not designated as hedgingfffff&I@fffffI@   G@  ffffffG@ instruments     Total derivatives333333a@9b@  ̼`@  ~      DlYMA5i'-Fn`|| !"#$ !$"____________________________1#)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0$(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ P=PF0*8X> @$$##""          l  1D  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } @} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ 1     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011QIForeign exchange rate instruments embedded in purchase and sale contracts       9 1Gain (Loss) Recognized in OCI (Effective Portion)    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30,  (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j  Interest rate contracts  ?   ffffff   ffffff?   333333 "Foreign exchange contractšI@@   333333&  '@      TotalYI33333s@@  $  ~ &     =5Location of Gain (Loss) Reclassified from Accumulated1)Gain (Loss) Reclassified From AccumulatedOCI into Income+#OCI into Income (Effective Portion)Three Months Ended  Nine Months Ended September 30,   September 30, (In millions)~ n~ j ~  n  ~ j#Foreign exchange contracts:     Revenue$@ffffff  333336@  ~  Cost of sales333333?ffffff  ~    fffff13+Selling, general and administrative expense? ?   ?  ?      Totalffffff(@ffffff  6@  8     DlYMA5i/~4hPlDWM !"#$%&'()*+,-./04 ,Location of Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income = 5Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income (Ineffective Portion !!.!&and Amount Excluded From Effectiveness"""Testing)###Three Months Ended## # Nine Months Ended#$$$ September 30,$$ $  September 30,% (In millions)%~ %n%%~ %j%% ~ % n% % ~ %j%#&Foreign exchange contracts:&&&&&&&&& & & & & &&&'Revenue'''''?'' ' ffffff@' ' '?'( Cost of sales(((#@((((ffffff(( ( ~ (  ( ( ((ffffff()))))))))) ) ) ) ) ))) *Total**333333@***ffffff ** * ffffff@* * *ffffff*++++++++++ + + + + +++,-$.____________________________1/)Created by Morningstar Document Research.00(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/&n @o% o[wO=PF0*8X> @900//..****** **'''''' ''%%%%%% %%$$$$ #### ""!!                   l  .  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } U5} $ }  } $ } U}  $ } } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011QIForeign exchange rate instruments embedded in purchase and sale contracts     4 ,Location of Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income + #Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income on   / 'Derivatives (Instruments Not Designated   as Hedging Instruments)   Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30, (In millions)~ n~ j ~  n  ~ j#Foreign exchange contracts:     Revenueffffff@@  *@  333333 @ Cost of sales333333?     333333ӿ'Other income (expense), net (1)%ffffff5@   333333  ~       Totalffffff!333337@  333333%@  ?     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/: YMA5id8GH|=PF0*8X> @           l  #{  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } <(} $ } U} $ } U}  $ } U} $ }  } $ } U} $ } U} $ } U} $ }  } $ #!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011( Note 12: Fair Value Measurements         September 30, 2011   December 31, 2010   (In millions)  Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3  Assets                                  Investments:                                 Equity securities  L2@   L2@   $?   $?   L3@   L3@   $?   $?  Fixed income~ "~ "    ?   ? @ @ ? ? Stable value fund~   ?  ~      ?@ ?@ ?  Other??    ?   ?333333?333333? ? ? )!Derivative financial instruments:      "Foreign exchange contracts333333a@ ?   333333a@   ?̼`@ ?̼`@ ?        Total assetsd@fffff;@  33333sa@   $?d@ffffff=@~ & $?        Liabilities      )!Derivative financial instruments:      Interest rate contracts~   $? ~      $?@ $?@ $? "Foreign exchange contractsa@ ?   a@   ?33333]@ ?33333]@ ? )!Contingent earn-out consideration M@ ?    ?   M@~  ? ?~        Total liabilities|i@ $?  9b@   M@~  $?~ ~        D$lvj^[\g ]bz6Xs !!!"!$ ____________________________1!)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0"(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ (=PF0*8X> @j-"" !!                     l  '  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } a/} $ }  } $ } U}  $ } } $ } U} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011-%Derivative financial instruments#151;        Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30,  (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j & Balance at beginning of period  33333SP@   YI@  ~   ~   Remeasurement adjustment       ffffff?    333333ӿ    @ /'Foreign currency translation adjustment@   333333  ɿ      Balance at end of period M@~    M@  ~      $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2 }qeY9=2f=PF0*8X> @            l  +DJ  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } 8} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ +     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011-%Note 14: Business Segment Information        Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30,  (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j  Segment revenue                ! Energy Production Systems  fffff@   @   )@   33333a@ !Energy Processing Systems33333q@fffffh@   5@  D@7/Other revenue (1) and intercompany eliminations&ffffff  ~    $      Total revenue@~   @  @       #Income before income taxes:     !Segment operating profit:     !Energy Production Systems33333\@yZ@  dr@  x@!Energy Processing Systems~ @A@   33333c@  33333V@     &Total segment operating profite@̌a@   fffffN|@  fffffF~@Corporate items:     Corporate expense (2)"ffffff$   L<  L=0(Other revenue (1) and other expense, net@ffffff.     33333F~ Net interest expense333333  ~         Dl}qeY([^O%,`^}o !"#$%&'()* Total corporate items  ~     333333;    fffffD    lT !!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!0"(Income from continuing operations before""d@"""L\@"" " y@" " "33333+y@"6#.income taxes attributable to FMC Technologies, $Inc.%%%%%%%%%% % % % % %%%&'$(____________________________1))Created by Morningstar Document Research.0*(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8 ?c)MA5 =PF0*8X> @**))(("""""" ""             l  %e_`  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } 0} $ }  } $ }  } $ %                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011-%Note 14: Business Segment Information  (In millions)   September 30,    December 31,   ~ n  ~ j/ 'Segment operating capital employed (1):        ! Energy Production Systems  fffff@   @ ! Energy Processing Systems   fffffn{@    Qw@ 0(Total segment operating capital employed~ r 33333@-%Segment liabilities included in total33333ϖ@33333@.&segment operating capital employed (2) Corporate (3)i@ @ Total assets~ v?fffffx@Segment assets:!Energy Production Systems̭@33333@!Energy Processing Systems݃@fffff*@!Intercompany eliminationsffffffffffffTotal segment assets@333335@ Corporate (3)i@ @ Total assets~ v?fffffx@Del}qeYs'.Zsil[ ! " # $  !$"____________________________1#)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0$(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ P=PF0*8X> @z$$##""       l  )}*  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } 8} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ )     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011kcStatement under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:        Three Months Ended   Change     September 30, (In millions, except %) ~ n  ~ j  ~    %  Revenue  @  ~     33333st@     A@  Costs and expenses:                 Cost of sales@~ N    33333p@  A@3+Selling, general and administrative expense~ 33333S[@   ffffff?  333333?( Research and development expense7@/@   @  H@      Total costs and expenses~ j@   ̜p@  L?@#Other income (expense), net333333  @  ~     *Net interest expense333333   333333  fffff@     "Income before income taxesd@ffffff\@   fffffJ@  33333G@"Provision for income taxesF@@@@   ffffff*@  LD@     )!Income from continuing operationsl^@fffffFT@   LD@   I@,$Income from discontinued operations, ?333333?   333333ӿ   *net of income taxes      Net incomel^@YT@   fffff&D@  H@7/Less: net income attributable to noncontrolling333333ٿ   ɿ  ~ : interestsDxl?3'O)J]RN, !"#$%&'(                 4!,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,!!fffffF^@!!~ !F!! ! !  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"Inc########## # # # # ###$%$&____________________________1')Created by Morningstar Document Research.0((http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4@1eYM%=PF0*8X> @r((''&&!!!!         l  0ҩ  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } U5} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ 0     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011kcStatement under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:        Three Months Ended    Favorable/     September 30,    (Unfavorable) (In millions, except %) ~ n  ~ j  ~    %  Segment revenue                ! Energy Production Systems  fffff@   @    fffffVn@    ?@ !Energy Processing Systems33333q@fffffh@  ~  v  fffff&H@3+Other revenue and intercompany eliminations&ffffff   !   *      Total revenue@~    33333st@   A@      Segment Operating Profit     !Energy Production Systems33333\@yZ@   !@   @!Energy Processing Systems~ @A@   :@  333333S@     &Total segment operating profite@̌a@   33333A@  3333339@  Corporate Items     Corporate expense"ffffff$   ?  !@.&Other revenue and other (expense), net@ffffff.   fffff1@   *Net interest expense333333   333333  fffff@     Total corporate items~ 333333;   3333332@  P@     Dl?3'O} 4_. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 (Income from continuing operations before   d@    L\@    J@    fffffG@ ! income taxes""Provision for income taxes"""F@""""@@@"" " " ffffff*" " ""LD"########## # # # # ###)$!Income from continuing operations$$$fffffF^@$$$$,T@$$ $ $ 333333D@$ $ $$ I@$,%$Income from discontinued operations,%% %?%%%%333333?%% % % 333333ӿ% % % %*%&net of income taxes'''''''''' ' ' ' ' '''4(,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,((fffffF^@((~ (F(( ( (  D@( ( ((H@( )Inc.********** * * * * ***+,$-____________________________1.)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0/(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/$ , $0 TH<=PF0*8X> @//..--((((          l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } } $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog        Inbound Orders    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended     September 30,    September 30,  (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j ! Energy Production Systems  ,@  ~ V   fffff@   4@ !Energy Processing Systems̼t@fffff6h@   U@  @!Intercompany eliminations'~    333333-       Total inbound orders@R@  )@  33333ׯ@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4 vj^T{ ?wk=PF0*8X> @             l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } } $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $                         FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog        Order Backlog   (In millions)   September 30,    December 31,    September 30,   ~ n  ~ j  ~ j! Energy Production Systems  4@   fffffO@  ~ 4 ! Energy Processing Systems   fffff|@   ~     fffff~p@ !Intercompany eliminations~    333333     Total order backlog33333@K@  33333@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2 vj^hC nbV.=PF0*8X> @           l  )  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } 8} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ )     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog        Nine Months Ended   Change     September 30, (In millions, except %) ~ n  ~ j  ~    %  Revenue  @   @    @   ~ N  Costs and expenses:                 Cost of sales@33333@   @  333337@3+Selling, general and administrative expense33333[u@fffffs@   <@  ffffff"@( Research and development expense~ ̌H@   )@  L:@      Total costs and expenses٨@33333_@   33333@  ~ ZOther expense, net?ffffff   ffffff@   *Net interest expense~    ?  @     "Income before income taxesy@Ay@   "@  ffffff@"Provision for income taxes[@33333_@   L0  )     )!Income from continuing operations~ Tq@   333339@  "@,$Income from discontinued operations, ?333333?   333333ӿ   *net of income taxes      Net income~ Yq@   ffffff9@  333333"@7/Less: net income attributable to noncontrolling333333ffffff  ~    Q interestsD'lvj^' @r((''&&!!!!         l  0] :  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } U5} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ 0     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog        Nine Months Ended    Favorable/     September 30,    (Unfavorable) (In millions, except %) ~ n  ~ j  ~    %  Segment revenue                ! Energy Production Systems  )@   33333a@    33333Cv@    ,@ !Energy Processing Systems5@D@   33333k@  D@3+Other revenue and intercompany eliminations~ $     ~       Total revenue@@   @  ~ N      Segment Operating Profit     !Energy Production Systemsdr@x@   33333X  9!Energy Processing Systems33333c@33333V@   33333P@  lR@     &Total segment operating profitfffffN|@fffffF~@   ?    Corporate Items     Corporate expenseL<L=  ~    333333 @,$Other revenue and other expense, net33333F   333333C@  T@Net interest expense~    ?  @     Total corporate itemsfffffDlT   33333C@  ffffffH@     Dlvj^#,GJCw DB+:2>r !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 (Income from continuing operations before   y@    33333+y@     @    @ ! income taxes""Provision for income taxes"""[@""""33333_@"" " " L0@" " "")@"########## # # # # ###)$!Income from continuing operations$$$r@$$$$fffff>q@$$ $ $ 333338@$ $ $~ $&$,%$Income from discontinued operations,%% %?%%%%333333?%% % % 333333ӿ% % % %*%&net of income taxes'''''''''' ' ' ' ' '''4(,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,((r@(((33333Cq@(( ( ( ffffff8@( ( ((!@( )Inc.********** * * * * ***+,$-____________________________1.)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0/(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/$ ,(0 TH<=PF0*8X> @//..--((((          l  !  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } 0.} $ }  } $ }  } $                        FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog  (In millions)  September 30, 2011   December 31, 2010 ! Cash and cash equivalents  fffffu@   s@ . &Short-term debt and current portion of       ffffff(  long-term debt, $Long-term debt, less current portion   P    u Net (debt) cash333333hfffffG$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0vj^nW=5ZNB=PF0*8X> @J      l  6  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } -} $ }  } $ } $}  $ } $} $ } $} $ }  } $ } m} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011Debt and Liquidity       (In millions)  Amount   Debt    Commercial   Letters   Unused   Maturity   Description       Outstanding   Paper   of   Capacity           Outstanding (a)   Credit, $Five-year committed revolving credit ~ b   ~    x@   +@   9Y@     December 2012  facility-%Three-year committed revolving credit~ z ?    ?   ?~ z January 2013 agreement     ~ ~   x@  +@fffff.|@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4' xl@&AM9bVJ"=PF0*8X> @               l  nJ  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject (1)!Our businesses are subject (2)U } +} $ }  }  $ } } $ } y} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011kcOur businesses are subject to a variety of governmental regulations, violations of which could have      Period  Total Number of    Average Price   Total Number of   Maximum Number    Shares   Paid per   Shares Purchased as   of Shares That May    Purchased (a)   Share   Part of Publicly   Yet Be Purchased           Announced Plans or   Under the Plans or           Programs    Programs (b)"July 1, 2011?July 31, 2011~ @Q%E@  ~  :  ~ '&August 1, 2011?August 31, 2011~ ?RC@  ~  Z>  ~ vi,$September 1, 2011?September 30, 2011~ ޛ)\D@  ~    ~ b      Total~ ](\D@  ~  v\  ~ b     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/6_ ?3'Ot#g >2&=PF0*8X> @            l  CaZ3dHe  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (2)U } m} $ } I; C     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011kcOur businesses are subject to a variety of governmental regulations, violations of which could have  Number in   Description  Exhibit Table  @ 1 )Amended and Restated Bylaws (incorporated  6 .by reference from Exhibit 3.2 to the Quarterly  0 (Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 3,#2010 (File No. 001-16489)).ffffff @.&Second Certificate of Amendment to the91Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation1)(incorporated by reference to the Current5-Report on Form 8-K filed on May 6, 2011 (FileNo. 001-16489)).ffffff@6.Form of Specimen Certificate for the Company?s/'Common Stock (incorporated by reference0(from Exhibit 4.1 to the Form S-1/A filed-%on May 4, 2001 (File No. 333-55920)).@1)Preferred Share Purchase Rights Agreement/'(incorporated by reference from Exhibit2*4.2 to the Form S-8 filed on June 14, 2001(File No. 333-62996)).D? l?3'Sv^lw,, !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 333333@ - %Amendment to Preferred Share Purchase!!3!+Rights Agreement (incorporated by reference""1")from Exhibit 4.1 to the Form 8-K filed on##1#)September 14, 2009 (File No. 001-16489)).$$%31.1 *%0%(Certification of Chief Executive Officer&&6&.Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) and Rule 15d-14(a).''(31.2 *(0((Certification of Chief Financial Officer))6).Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) and Rule 15d-14(a).**+32.1 **+0+(Certification of Chief Executive Officer,,/,'Under Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley--$-Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. 1350.../32.2 **/0/(Certification of Chief Financial Officer00/0'Under Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley11$1Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. 1350.223 101.INS **33XBRL Instance Document.445 101.SCH **55XBRL Schema Document.667 101.CAL **7+7#XBRL Calculation Linkbase Document.889 101.DEF **9*9"XBRL Definition Linkbase Document.::; 101.LAB **;%;XBRL Label Linkbase Document.<<= 101.PRE **=,=$XBRL Presentation Linkbase Document.>?D lb^ P8ZBdLC+x`@AB$@____________________________1A)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0B(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ (=PF0*8X> @BBAA@@ l  CotA~V  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??!FMC Technologies IncFMC Technologies Inc (1)Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNote 3 Earnings per ShareNote 4 Inventories Note 5 DebtNote 7 Warranty Obligations!Note 8 Pension and Other Postre Note 9 StockBased Compensation Note 9 StockBased Compensa (1) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (2) Note 9 StockBased Compensa (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Note 12 Fair Value Measurements!Derivative financial instrument!Note 14 Business Segment Inform!Note 14 Business Segment In (1)!Statement under the safe harbor!Statement under the safe ha (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)Debt and Liquidity!Our businesses are subject to a!Our businesses are subject (1)U } m} $ } I; C     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 11/01/2011kcOur businesses are subject to a variety of governmental regulations, violations of which could have  Number in   Description  Exhibit Table  @ 1 )Amended and Restated Bylaws (incorporated  6 .by reference from Exhibit 3.2 to the Quarterly  0 (Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 3,#2010 (File No. 001-16489)).ffffff @.&Second Certificate of Amendment to the91Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation1)(incorporated by reference to the Current5-Report on Form 8-K filed on May 6, 2011 (FileNo. 001-16489)).ffffff@6.Form of Specimen Certificate for the Company?s/'Common Stock (incorporated by reference0(from Exhibit 4.1 to the Form S-1/A filed-%on May 4, 2001 (File No. 333-55920)).@1)Preferred Share Purchase Rights Agreement/'(incorporated by reference from Exhibit2*4.2 to the Form S-8 filed on June 14, 2001(File No. 333-62996)).D? l?3'Sv^lw,, !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 333333@ - %Amendment to Preferred Share Purchase!!3!+Rights Agreement (incorporated by reference""1")from Exhibit 4.1 to the Form 8-K filed on##1#)September 14, 2009 (File No. 001-16489)).$$%31.1 *%0%(Certification of Chief Executive Officer&&6&.Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) and Rule 15d-14(a).''(31.2 *(0((Certification of Chief Financial Officer))6).Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) and Rule 15d-14(a).**+32.1 **+0+(Certification of Chief Executive Officer,,/,'Under Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley--$-Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. 1350.../32.2 **/0/(Certification of Chief Financial Officer00/0'Under Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley11$1Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. 1350.223 101.INS **33XBRL Instance Document.445 101.SCH **55XBRL Schema Document.667 101.CAL **7+7#XBRL Calculation Linkbase Document.889 101.DEF **9*9"XBRL Definition Linkbase Document.::; 101.LAB **;%;XBRL Label Linkbase Document.<<= 101.PRE **=,=$XBRL Presentation Linkbase Document.>?D lb^ P8ZBdLC+x`@AB$@____________________________1A)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0B(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ (=PF0*8X> @BBAA@@ Root Entry FBook    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~