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Delaware  1-16489   36-4412642$ (State or other jurisdiction  (Commission File Number)  (I.R.S. Employer of incorporation)    Identification No.)   1803 Gears Road, ~ . Houston, TX0((Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.ui-X=1%=PF0*8X> @2  l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC NO TITLEIncome Statement!FMC Technologies Inc will condu!FMC Technologies Inc will c (1) Balance Sheet!FMC Technologies Inc will c (2)U } } $ } U5      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 8-K 02/17/201091SECTION 9 #150; Financial Statements and Exhibits FMC TECHNOLOGIES, INC.   By: + #/ S / W ILLIAM H. S CHUMANN , III   William H. Schumann, III  4 ,Executive Vice President and Chief FinancialOfficer$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/,J|rfZN*j=PF0*8X> @"  l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC!SECTION 9 150 Financial StatemeIncome Statement!FMC Technologies Inc will condu!FMC Technologies Inc will c (1) Balance Sheet!FMC Technologies Inc will c (2)U } I } $ } a/      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 8-K 02/17/2010NO TITLE Release  Immediate Release Contact / 'Investors: Robert Cherry (281) 591-4560  ) !Media: Ellen Bates (281) 445-6559  # Michael King (281) 931-2540 $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/(TwSA5)=PF0*8X> @ l  G4MIP  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC!SECTION 9 150 Financial Stateme NO TITLE!FMC Technologies Inc will condu!FMC Technologies Inc will c (1) Balance Sheet!FMC Technologies Inc will c (2)U } 8} $ }  } $ }  }  $ }  } $ }  } $ G     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 8-K 02/17/2010Income Statement        Three Months Ended   Twelve Months Ended     December 31    December 31   ~ f  ~ b  ~ f  ~ b  Revenue   @   fffffԒ@   fffff5@   ffffƱ@  Costs and expenses   fffff@    ̢@    F@    33333h@       a@̌a@   ̐@  fffff@Other expense, net333333ӿ'     ~      .&Income before net interest expense and33333a@`@   33333{@  ̼@ income taxesNet interest expense~ ffffff   #       0(Income from continuing operations before33333`@fffff`@   33333/@  ̤@ income taxes"Provision for income taxesfffff&D@fffff&A@   33333cc@  ~ b     )!Income from continuing operations333333W@yW@   ̬v@  $v@3+Income (loss) from discontinued operations,333333?   ?   @net of income taxes      Net IncomefffffFW@33333V@   ̴v@  33333v@7/Less: net income attributable to noncontrolling? ?     ffffffDJl{o*ak1,2 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?  interests!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!4",Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,""LW@"""33333V@"" " ̜v@" " "̔v@" #Inc.$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $$$%%%% % -&%Basic Earnings per share attributable&&&&&&&&& & & & & &&&"'to FMC Technologies, Inc.:)(!Income from continuing operations((?(((?(( ( HzG@( ( (Gz@(2)*Income (loss) from discontinued operations))){Gz?)))){Gz)) )  ) ?) ) ))Q?)********** * * * * *** +Basic earnings per share++RQ?+++\(\?++ + HzG@+ + +p= ף@+,,,,,,,,,, , , , , ,,,1-)Basic weighted average shares outstanding---fffff^@----`_@-- - - 33333_@- - --33333_@-.......... . . . . ...//// / /0'Diluted earnings per share attributable000000000 0 0 0 0 000"1to FMC Technologies, Inc.:)2!Income from continuing operations22?222Gz?22 2 (\@2 2 2(\@223*Income (loss) from discontinued operations33 3?3333{Gz33 3 3 {Gz?3 3 33Q?34444444444 4 4 4 4 444"5Diluted earnings per share55?555 ףp= ?55 5  ףp= @5 5 5= ףp=@56666666666 6 6 6 6 66637+Diluted weighted average shares outstanding777fffff&_@7777_@77 7 7 l_@7 7 77fffff6`@78888888888 8 8 8 8 8889999 9 4:,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,::::::::: : : : : ::: ;Inc.:)<!Income from continuing operations<<9W@<<<yW@<< < ̔v@< < <fffffv@<2=*Income (loss) from discontinued operations===333333?====== = = ?= = == @=>>>>>>>>>> > > > > >>>4?,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,??LW@???33333V@?? ? ̜v@? ? ?̔v@?Dl?/c'6;2f(\MEM @Z+FFEEDD?????? ??<<<<<< <<555555 55222222 22++++++ ++(((((( (("""""" ""           l  -5ip  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC!SECTION 9 150 Financial Stateme NO TITLEIncome Statement!FMC Technologies Inc will c (1) Balance Sheet!FMC Technologies Inc will c (2)U } 8} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ -     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 8-K 02/17/2010kcFMC Technologies, Inc. will conduct its fourth quarter 2009 conference call at 9:00 a.m. EST on Wed        Three Months Ended   Twelve Months Ended     December 31    December 31  ~ f  ~ b  ~ f  ~ b  Revenue                     !Energy Production Systemsfffff@ffffff@  @  fffff@!Energy Processing Systems33333#f@33333l@   33333Ӆ@  @7/Other revenue (1) and intercompany eliminations@   -  ~       @fffffԒ@  fffff5@  ffffƱ@       "Income before income taxes        Segment operating profit     !Energy Production Systemsffffff`@fffff]@   @  33333Kz@!Energy Processing Systems4@YD@   Y@  d@     &Total segment operating profitb@c@   T@  Q@  Corporate items     Corporate expenseffffff$333333"   33333A  B0(Other revenue and other expense, net (1)5   L  fffff&EDl@4(Py!meC_ !"#$%&'()*+, Net interest expense  ~     ffffff    #     !!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!"Total corporate items"""2""""?"" 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