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Employer Identification No.) or organization)  0(5875 N. Sam Houston Parkway W., Houston,~ z Texas0((Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0th\D};*=PF0*8X> @ l  ("$%  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } :}  (     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015Income Statement  $ PART I-Financial Information Page0 (Item 1. Financial Statements (unaudited)~ , $Condensed Consolidated Statements of~  Income,$Condensed Consolidated Statements of~ Comprehensive Income-%Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets~ ,$Condensed Consolidated Statements of~  Cash Flows1)Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial~ " Statements4,Item 2. Management?s Discussion and Analysis~ Z80of Financial Condition and Results of Operations80Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures~ About Market Risk'Item 4. Controls and Procedures~ !PART II-Other Information!Item 1. Legal Proceedings~ Item 1A. Risk Factors~ 7/Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities~ and Use of Proceeds/'Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities~ DlznbJB"L6jM8 !"#$%&'' Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures~ !!Item 5. Other Information~ !"Item 6. Exhibits~ "#$$%____________________________1&)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0'(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/j^R*=PF0*8X> @''&&%% l  156;  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income Statement!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } U5} $ 1     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015Income Statement          Three Months Ended   March 31,, $(In millions, except per share data)~ ~ ~ z Revenue:   Product revenue33333I@fffff@Service revenue33333p@r@Lease and other incoměP@333333R@ Total revenue|@@Costs and expenses:Cost of product revenueB@|@Cost of service revenuei@ l@'Cost of lease and other revenueG@33333M@3+Selling, general and administrative expense~ f@( Research and development expense=@L9@ Total costs and expensesfffffb@fffff.@Other expense, net333333.&Income before net interest expense and h@fffffvj@ income taxesNet interest expense333333ffffff "Income before income taxes~ pi@"Provision for income taxes33333sB@~  Net income33333b@a@Dc lznb_'aS} IO !"#$%&'()*+,-./01 )Net income attributable to noncontrolling     ! interests4",Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,"33333sb@"""fffff`@" #Inc..$&Earnings per share attributable to FMC$$$$%Technologies, Inc. (Note 3): &Basic&)\(?&&&= ףp=?&'Diluted')\(?'''= ףp=?'1()Weighted average shares outstanding (Note((( )3): *Basic~ ****̬m@*+Diluted+ @300//..++++****''''&&&&""""       l  *tMP  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1) Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } U5} $ *     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015MECONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (UNAUDITED)          Three Months Ended   March 31,  (In millions)~ ~ ~ z  Net income 33333b@   a@ .&Other comprehensive income (loss), netof tax:0(Foreign currency translation adjustments~ n"@~ 2*Net gains (losses) on hedging instruments:,$Net losses arising during the period33333Dɿ2*Reclassification adjustment for net losses~ 6333333&(gains) included in net income-%Net losses on hedging instruments (2)ffffff<3+Pension and other post-retirement benefits:4,Reclassification adjustment for amortization -/'of prior service credit included in netincome4,Reclassification adjustment for amortization333333@ffffff@4,of net actuarial loss included in net income-%Net pension and other post-retirement333333@@ benefits (3).&Other comprehensive income (loss), netfffff_"@DY l]QE9-Az"~/j2 !"#$%&'() of tax!Comprehensive income~ !b!!! @))((''$$$$""""!!!!       l  Tb9ov  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } I;} $ T     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015 Balance Sheet          March 31, 2015  December 31, 2014, $(In millions, except par value data)  (Unaudited)   Assets   ! Cash and cash equivalents ̸@   fffff@ /'Trade receivables, net of allowances of^@~ >!&$13.0 in 2015 and $9.4 in 2014!Inventories, net (Note 4)̨@@.&Derivative financial instruments (Note~ B33333h@~ .Prepaid expenses33333sQ@@H@Deferred income taxes~ 33333Q@Other current assets,w@t@Total current assets@fffffT@ InvestmentsfffffA@33333A@91Property, plant and equipment, net of accumulatedN@ɖ@1)depreciation of $835.9 in 2015 and $833.4in 2014Goodwill@@@-%Intangible assets, net of accumulatedq@fffffq@1)amortization of $124.0 in 2015 and $119.2in 2014Deferred income taxesfffffF^@Z@D l}qeW!=0"Y*p]S !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?. &Derivative financial instruments (Note 33333f@   `@ ~ !." Other assets"c@"""e@"# Total assets#33333;@###@#$Liabilities and equity$$$.%&Short-term debt and current portion of%-@%%%ffffff'@%&long-term debt'Accounts payable, trade'33333'@'''@'.(&Advance payments and progress billings(fffffʈ@((()@()Accrued payroll)Ig@))) p@).*&Derivative financial instruments (Note*ffffft@***fffffl@*~ +.,Income taxes payable,b@,,,c@,-Deferred income taxes-ffffffI@---K@-!.Other current liabilities.fffffv@...Qx@.!/Total current liabilities/fffff@///33333@/20*Long-term debt, less current portion (Note0fffffV@000D@0~ 112)Accrued pension and other post-retirement2,k@222fffffm@2&3benefits, less current portion.4&Derivative financial instruments (Note4r@444fffffk@4~ 5.6Deferred income taxes6fffffP@666fffff&K@67Other liabilities7ffffffX@777yZ@7.8&Commitments and contingent liabilities8889 (Note 13)':Stockholders? equity (Note 10)::::.;&Preferred stock, $0.01 par value, 12.0 ;-;; ;-;5<-shares authorized in 2015 and 2014; no shares=issued in 2015 or 20143>+Common stock, $0.01 par value, 600.0 shares>333333@>>>333333@>1?)authorized in 2015 and 2014; 286.3 sharesD lxrs=cZ0?o wU@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS0@(issued in 2015 and 2014; 231.1 and 231.59A1shares outstanding in 2015 and 2014, respectively4B,Common stock held in employee benefit trust,~ BBB~ BB,C$at cost; 0.2 shares in 2015 and 20145D-Treasury stock, at cost; 55.1 and 54.6 sharesDDDDfffff\D&Ein 2015 and 2014, respectively0F(Capital in excess of par value of commonF@FFF33333߆@F GstockHRetained earningsH/@HHH@H,I$Accumulated other comprehensive lossIfffff>III]I2J*Total FMC Technologies, Inc. stockholders?Jfffff8@JJJ0@JKequity LNoncontrolling interestsL5@LLLffffff5@LM Total equity~ M&MMMfffff[@M$NTotal liabilities and equityN33333;@NNN@NOP$Q____________________________1R)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0S(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/,/|f @XSSRRQQNNNNMMMMLLLLJJJJIIIIHHHHFFFFDDDDBBBB>>>>;;;;77776666444422220000////....----,,,,****))))((((''''%%%%####""""        l  @`x  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance SheetNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } I;} $ @     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015 Cash Flows          (In millions) Three Months Ended   March 31, ~ ~ ~ z- %Cash provided (required) by operating    activities: Net income33333b@a@.&Adjustments to reconcile net income to-%cash provided (required) by operating activities: DepreciationE@33333D@ Amortization333333/@ffffff(@-%Employee benefit plan and stock-based:@7@compensation costs%Deferred income tax provision~ F$@1)Unrealized loss on derivative instruments$@? Other#@ffffff@4,Changes in operating assets and liabilities,'net of effects of acquisitions:Trade receivables, neto@fffffFeInventories, netL7ffffff-Accounts payable, tradeS~ 6.&Advance payments and progress billings\a~ D8 lth|'\+TPz% !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?! Income taxes payable, net ffffff7  ~  1!)Accrued pension and other post-retirement!+!!~ !!" benefits, net)#!Other assets and liabilities, net~ ####C#-$%Cash provided by operating activities$33333e@$$$fffffI@$-%%Cash provided (required) by investing%%%& activities:'Capital expenditures'̬U''~ '' (Other(333333@((~ ( (-)%Cash required by investing activities)YT))~ ))-*%Cash provided (required) by financing***+ activities:',Net decrease in short-term debt,333333ӿ,,,4,(- Net increase in commercial paper~ -&---!@-$.Repayments of long-term debt.333333ӿ...."/Purchase of treasury stock/>///fffffF/901Payments related to taxes withheld on stock-based0ffffff000333333(01 compensation%2Excess (deficit) tax benefits2222ffffff?2 3Other 3-333ٿ3-4%Cash required by financing activities4fffff>44~ 44/5'Effect of exchange rate changes on cash~ 555533333356and cash equivalents870Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents7fffff&L@777333333[7/8'Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of8fffff@888x@89period0:(Cash and cash equivalents, end of period:̸@:::$r@:;<$=____________________________1>)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0?(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/D lK,2TF}bYMA=PF0*8X> @C??>>==::::8888777755554444333322220000////....----,,,,))))((((''''$$$$####!!!!       l  R  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } 6} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015"NOTE 3. EARNINGS PER SHARE          Three Months Ended   March 31,, $(In millions, except per share data)~ ~ ~ z4 ,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies, 33333sb@   fffff`@  Inc.5-Weighted average number of shares outstanding~ ̬m@1)Dilutive effect of restricted stock units??and stock options,$Total shares and dilutive securities @       l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARE NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } $} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015NOTE 4. INVENTORIES          (In millions)  March 31,   December 31, ~ ~ ~ z  Raw materials h@   33333h@  Work in process fffffVb@   33333d@ Finished goods@33333@33333Œ@fffff@&LIFO and valuation adjustmentsfffffggInventories, net̨@@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2Lwk_yS)=PF0*8X> @         l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIESNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } +} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015 NOTE 5. DEBT          (In millions)  March 31,   December 31, ~ ~ ~ z! Revolving credit facility $-   $-  Commercial paper (1) }@   Q}@ 2.00% Notes due 201733333r@r@3.45% Notes due 202233333;@33333;@ Term loan2@fffff6@Property financing!@ffffff#@Total long-term debtc@~ VLess: current portionffffff ffffff,$Long-term debt, less current portionfffffV@D@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8~rfK S=PF0*8X> @         l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBT!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } '} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015$NOTE 7. WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS         $ Three Months Ended March 31,  (In millions)~ ~ ~ z& Balance at beginning of period~ ^  ~ J " Expense for new warranties @   @ ( Adjustments to existing accruals?? Claims paidffffff  Balance at end of period8@fffff2@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0znbV5j^R*=PF0*8X> @        l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } 0.} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015:2NOTE 8. PENSION AND OTHER POST-RETIREMENT BENEFITS                  Pension Benefits $ Three Months Ended March 31, ~ ~ ~ z  (In millions) U.S.  Int?l  U.S.  Int?l Service cost @ffffff@ 333333 @   333333@ Interest costffffff@ @ 333333@   @&Expected return on plan assets~  333333'   ffffff.&Amortization of actuarial loss (gain),@ @ @   333333? net!Net periodic benefit cost@ffffff@ @   @$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/6pdXL@X$qFxih=PF0*8X> @                  l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } 0.} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015:2NOTE 8. PENSION AND OTHER POST-RETIREMENT BENEFITS         & Other Post-retirement Benefits $ Three Months Ended March 31,  (In millions)~ ~ ~ z  Interest cost ?   ? .&Amortization of actuarial loss (gain), - net!Net periodic benefit cost? $-$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0zpdXL@v5_P=PF0*8X> @j        l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1)NOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } :} U} $ } $} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015( NOTE 9. STOCK-BASED COMPENSATION       8 0(Number of restricted stock shares in thousands) Shares   Weighted-      Average Grant    # Date Fair Value (per share)  Time-based~     Performance-based~  * Market-based~  * Total granted~ QC@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0vj^RFW o=PF0*8X> @B     l  y  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } <(}  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015$NOTE 10. STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY   ' (Number of shares in thousands) Treasury Stock' Balance as of December 31, 2013~ :   Stock awards~  ) ! Treasury stock purchases~  $Balance as of March 31, 2014~ 'Balance as of December 31, 2014~ U Stock awards~ )! Treasury stock purchases~ " $Balance as of March 31, 2015~ \$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/6znbV2m&L=PF0*8X> @"  l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } 2} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/201512Table of Contents                  (In millions) Foreign Currency  Hedging 1 )Defined Pension and Other Post-retirement  Accumulated Other   Translation      Benefits  Comprehensive Loss December 31, 2014 fffff~s   33333SS   hr   ] 0 (Other comprehensive income (loss) before~ n   33333D   -   a %reclassifications, net of tax2*Reclassification adjustment for net losses -~ 6 333333@   L2@2*(gains) included in net income, net of tax.&Other comprehensive income (loss), net~ nffffff< 333333@   fffff_of taxMarch 31, 2015fffffylZ 33333r   fffff>$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/6 wk_D =PF0*8X> @                  l  ! $$  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } 6}  $ } : !                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/201512Table of Contents              Three Months Ended    (In millions)  March 31, 2015  March 31, 2014  5 -Details about Accumulated Other Comprehensive . &Amount Reclassified out of Accumulated 8 0Affected Line Item in the Condensed Consolidated Loss Components  Other Comprehensive Loss  Statement of Income-%Gains (losses) on hedging instruments  #Foreign exchange contracts:ffffff:%  Revenue'@&@   Cost of sales 3 +Selling, general and administrative expense.ffffff? " Income before income taxes333333@333333? $ Income tax (expense) benefit~ 333333@   Net income1)Defined pension and other post-retirement  benefits-%Amortization of actuarial gain (loss)333333   (a)3+Amortization of prior service credit (cost) -?   (a)333333ffffff " Income before income taxes@ffffff? $ Income tax (expense) benefit333333   Net income$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.Ds lwk_QbCzk*vj 0 (http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/H=PF0*8X> @         l  3  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } 0}  } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015[S_______________________13Table of ContentsNOTE 11. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS        Notional Amount   Bought (Sold)  (In millions)   USD Equivalent Australian dollar G@   33333A@  British pound333333L@T@Canadian dollar33333hPc Eurod@fffffFf@ Kuwaiti dinarffffff2Malaysian ringgit33333[@~ zNorwegian kronefffffa@33333+s@ Russian ruble̔|333333Singapore dollar33333sd@fffff]@ U.S. dollar3333333333$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/<cOC7+@z^9vj^6=PF0*8X> @2    l  >  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } }  } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015[S_______________________13Table of ContentsNOTE 11. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS        Notional Amount   Bought (Sold)  (In millions)   USD Equivalent Brazilian real ̬Z   Y@  Euro333333'@)@ U.S. dollarL6@L6@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.&OC7+@'=PF0*8X> @2    l  Q  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } 7} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/201514Table of Contents                  March 31, 2015  December 31, 2014  (In millions) Assets   Liabilities  Assets   Liabilities6 .Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:       # Foreign exchange contracts:       2*Current - Derivative financial instruments33333n@s@ 33333e@   33333i@4,Long-term - Derivative financial instruments~ qr@ ,`@   33333j@/'Total derivatives designated as hedging1z@̼@ r@   33333[z@ instruments-%Derivatives not designated as hedging    instruments:#Foreign exchange contracts:   2*Current - Derivative financial instrumentsfffff:@ffffff;@ 9@   7@4,Long-term - Derivative financial instrumentsffffff@@ @   ffffff@3+Total derivatives not designated as hedging~  A@~  ~   33333<@ instrumentsTotal derivativesA|@̓@ t@   fffff&|@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/B> Xwk_P3G0Fr=PF0*8X> @*%                    l  K]  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/201515Table of Contents         ! Gain (Loss) Recognized in  OCI (Effective Portion) $ Three Months Ended March 31,  (In millions)~ ~ ~ z"Foreign exchange contractsJffffff?$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/,}|wk_k*|=PF0*8X> @R       l  "lm  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } S} $ "     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/201515Table of Contents        M ELocation of Gain (Loss) Reclassified from Accumulated OCI into Income1 )Gain (Loss) Reclassified from Accumulated + #OCI into Income (Effective Portion) $ Three Months Ended March 31,  (In millions)~ ~ ~ z#Foreign exchange contracts:Revenueffffff:% Cost of sales'@&@3+Selling, general and administrative expense Total.ffffff?4,Location of Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income5-Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income (Ineffective6.Portion and Amount Excluded from EffectivenessTesting)$Three Months Ended March 31, (In millions)~ ~~ z#Foreign exchange contracts:Revenue?ffffff@ Cost of sales333333  Total333333?$____________________________D lwk_y> ~#CIn#g !1 )Created by Morningstar Document Research.0!(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/=PF0*8X> @!!       l  z  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } U5} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/201515Table of Contents        4 ,Location of Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income+ #Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income on / 'Derivatives (Instruments Not Designated  as Hedging Instruments) $ Three Months Ended March 31, (In millions)~ ~~ z#Foreign exchange contracts:Revenue~  Cost of sales??'Other income (expense), net (1)fffff;@ @ Total:@@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/6wk_Y*j?=PF0*8X> @     l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } 0} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/201515Table of Contents                          March 31, 2015  December 31, 2014  (In millions) Gross Amount Recognized 0 (Gross Amounts Not Offset Permitted Under   Net Amount  Gross Amount Recognized 0 (Gross Amounts Not Offset Permitted Under   Net Amount     ! Master Netting Agreements         ! Master Netting Agreements Derivative assets A|@   z   5@   t@   t  ~ . $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*_hwk_?=PF0*8X> @               l  (  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } $} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/201515Table of Contents                          March 31, 2015  December 31, 2014  (In millions) Gross Amount Recognized 0 (Gross Amounts Not Offset Permitted Under   Net Amount  Gross Amount Recognized 0 (Gross Amounts Not Offset Permitted Under   Net Amount     ! Master Netting Agreements         ! Master Netting Agreements Derivative liabilities ̓@   z   33333ci@   fffff&|@   t   `@ $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*hhwk_?}=PF0*8X> @               l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } <(} $                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015( NOTE 12. FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS                                  March 31, 2015  December 31, 2014  (In millions) Total  Level 1  Level 2  Level 3  Total  Level 1  Level 2  Level 3 Assets                 Investments:               Equity securities3333336@3333336@  $-    $-6@6@ $- $- Fixed income~ ~   -    -ffffff@ffffff@ - -Money market fund333333@ - 333333@    -333333 @ -333333 @ -Stable value fund? - ?    -ffffff? -ffffff? - Other~  ~    -    -@@ - -)!Derivative financial instruments:   "Foreign exchange contractsA|@ - A|@    -t@ -t@ - Total assets~ 333333>@ ||@    $-w@33333?@ u@ $- Liabilities   )!Derivative financial instruments:   "Foreign exchange contracts̓@ - ̓@    -fffff&|@ -fffff&|@ -Total liabilities̓@ $- ̓@    $-fffff&|@ $-fffff&|@ $-$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/BcXvj^R_U:Yr=PF0*8X> @U                            l  $g  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } =} $ $     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015-%NOTE 14. BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORMATION         $ Three Months Ended March 31,  (In millions)~ ~ ~ z Segment revenue    Subsea Technologies @  ~  Surface Technologies{@}@Energy Infrastructure9Y@333333b@;3Other revenue (1) and intercompany eliminationsffffff" Total revenue|@@#Income before income taxes:"Segment operating profit :Subsea Technologiesfffffe@fffffa@Surface Technologies33333sO@U@Energy Infrastructure333333@333333/@&Total segment operating profitPm@~ Corporate items:Corporate expense (2)L0-4,Other revenue (1) and other expense, netffffff:333333~ Net interest expense333333ffffff Total corporate items~ :ffffffE/'Income before income taxes attributableg@fffffFi@%to FMC Technologies, Inc. (4)DF l}qeYMx9n~!P9C !"# $!____________________________1")Created by Morningstar Document Research.0#(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ <=PF0*8X> @"##""!!      l  !  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } U5} $ !     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015-%NOTE 14. BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORMATION          (In millions) March 31, 2015  December 31, 20144 ,Segment operating capital employed (1) :    Subsea Technologies 33333@   fffff@  Surface Technologies 33333@   fffff~@ Energy InfrastructureLs@fffffs@0(Total segment operating capital employedfffff@fffff@-%Segment liabilities included in total33333@Ģ@.&segment operating capital employed (2) Corporate (3)@fffff2@ Total assets33333;@@Segment assets:Subsea Technologies33333n@33333į@Surface Technologiesfffff@33333Ϙ@Energy InfrastructureHz@̤{@!Intercompany eliminationsffffff;3333335Total segment assetsL@~ ^ Corporate (3)@fffff2@ Total assets33333;@@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.D l}qeYM5fuo1l  0 (http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/H=PF0*8X> @ !        l  2  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } U5} $ } } $ } } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/20152*THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2015 AND 2014               $ Three Months Ended March 31,  Change (In millions, except %)~ ~ ~ z ~   % Revenue |@   @   fffff&`   ffffff  Costs and expenses:        Cost of sales~ 6@ [    3+Selling, general and administrative expense~ f@ !   333333 ( Research and development expense=@L9@ 333333@  ~  F  Total costs and expensesfffffb@fffff.@~  6   ffffff #Other income (expense), net333333     * Net interest expense333333ffffff  ?  ~  . "Income before income taxes~ pi@ 2   333333" "Provision for income taxes33333sB@~  >   33333sF  Net income33333b@a@ 333333'@   !@ 1)Net income attributable to noncontrolling ?   N@  interests4,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,33333sb@fffff`@ (@   ffffff"@  Inc.$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/BXxl`THN!.j8z 9$P@4 =PF0*8X> @ !         l  %   dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } U5} $ } } $ } } $ %     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/20152*THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2015 AND 2014               $ Three Months Ended March 31,  Favorable/(Unfavorable) (In millions, except %)~ ~ ~ z ~   % Revenue        Subsea Technologies @  ~    ffffffF     Surface Technologies{@}@ @    Energy Infrastructure9Y@333333b@ YF   33333> 3+Other revenue and intercompany eliminationsffffff"     *  Total revenue|@@ fffff&`   ffffff  Net income     Segment operating profit    Subsea Technologiesfffffe@fffffa@~  n   3@ Surface Technologies33333sO@U@ 8   L< Energy Infrastructure333333@333333/@ ffffff)   YT &Total segment operating profitPm@~  %   333333 Corporate items    Corporate expenseL0- ffffff   " ,$Other revenue and other expense, netffffff:333333   ~  z Net interest expense333333ffffff  ?  ~  . Total corporate items~ :ffffffE    0 "Income before income taxesg@fffffFi@ 333331   ! "Provision for income taxes33333sB@~  >@   33333sF@ 4,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,33333sb@fffff`@ (@   ffffff"@ Dlxl`TH=X(Z/8{>L !"#$ Inc.!$"____________________________1#)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0$(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/P=PF0*8X> @J)$$ ## ""       l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } *} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog          Inbound Orders $ Three Months Ended March 31,  (In millions)~ ~ ~ z Subsea Technologies~    33333@ Surface Technologiesdt@fffffz@Energy Infrastructure33333W@a@+#Intercompany eliminations and otherffffff -Total inbound orders~ &6@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2(vj^RW#MA5 =PF0*8X> @       l  F$  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } }  $                        FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog               Order Backlog  (In millions) March 31, 2015  December 31, 2014  March 31, 2014 Subsea Technologies~ fK   @   @  Surface Technologies <@   q@   @ Energy Infrastructure33333e@~ ~  v !Intercompany eliminations333333%- fffff2 Total order backlog~ Vfffff۹@ 33333@ $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0vj^RqMA5 =PF0*8X> @             l  $0  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)Debt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } 0.} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015'LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES          (In millions) March 31, 2015  December 31, 2014! Cash and cash equivalents ̸@   fffff@ . &Short-term debt and current portion of -   ffffff'  long-term debt,$Long-term debt, less current portionfffffVDNet debtfffffj$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.wk_S*=PF0*8X> @j        l  B=  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } *} $ }       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015Debt and Liquidity                        (In millions) Amount  Debt   Commercial  Letters  Unused  Maturity  Description      Outstanding  Paper  of  Capacity          Outstanding (a)  Credit+ #Five-year revolving credit facility~ r   $-   }@   $-   33333@    March 2017$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*hxl`X8-!=PF0*8X> @             l  M  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and LiquidityINDEX OF EXHIBITSU } m)} $ }  } $ }  } $ } y} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015-%ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECURITIES               Period  Total Number of   Average Price  Total Number of  Maximum Number   Shares  Paid per  Shares Purchased as  of Shares That May    Purchased (a)  Share  Part of Publicly  Yet Be Purchased          Announced Plans or  Under the Plans or Programs   Programs (b)( January 1, 2015-January 31, 2015~ D@~  "  ~  Q *"February 1, 2015-February 28, 2015~ QC@~  2!  ~  ` $March 1, 2015-March 31, 2015~ "Hz'C@~  ?  ~  wN  Total~ 0QC@~  2U/  ~  wN $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4' }qeYM[ ebVJ"=PF0*8X> @           l  [>]gp  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??"Washington DC 20549Income StatementIncome Statement (1)!CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMEN Balance Sheet Cash FlowsNOTE 3 EARNINGS PER SHARENOTE 4 INVENTORIES NOTE 5 DEBTNOTE 7 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER POSTRE!NOTE 8 PENSION AND OTHER PO (1) NOTE 9 STOCKBASED COMPENSATIONNOTE 10 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY12Table of Contents12Table of Contents (1)!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 DERI!13Table of ContentsNOTE 11 (1)14Table of Contents15Table of Contents15Table of Contents (1)15Table of Contents (2)15Table of Contents (3)15Table of Contents (4)!NOTE 12 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT INFORM!NOTE 14 BUSINESS SEGMENT IN (1)!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 201!THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31 (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCESDebt and Liquidity!ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECUU } } I; [     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-Q 04/24/2015INDEX OF EXHIBITS    Exhibit No. Exhibit Description @. &Arrangement Agreement dated August 17, / '2012 between FMC Technologies, Inc. and / 'Pure Energy Services Ltd. (incorporated4,by reference from Exhibit 2.1 to the Current4,Report on Form 8-K filed on August 20, 2012)(File No. 001-16489).@-%Restated Certificate of Incorporation/'of FMC Technologies, Inc. (incorporated3+by reference from Exhibit 3.1 to the Annual1)Report on Form 10-K filed on February 22,#2013) (File No. 001-16489). @80Amended and Restated Bylaws of FMC Technologies,4,Inc. (incorporated by reference from Exhibit3+3.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed3+on December 11, 2013) (File No. 001-16489).ffffff@6.Form of Specimen Certificate for the Company?s/'Common Stock (incorporated by reference0(from Exhibit 4.1 to the Form S-1/A filed-%on May 4, 2001) (File No. 333-55920).@3+Indenture, dated September 21, 2012 between5-FMC Technologies, Inc. and U.S. Bank NationalDlymaIQ YcKC !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? - %Association, as trustee (incorporated!4!,by reference from Exhibit 4.1 to the Current"1")Report on Form 8-K filed on September 25,###2012) (File No. 001-16489). $4.2.a5$-First Supplemental Indenture, dated September%/%'21, 2012 between FMC Technologies, Inc.&.&&and U.S. Bank National Association, as'/''trustee (incorporated by reference from(1()Exhibit 4.2 to the Current Report on Form)2)*8-K filed on September 25, 2012) (File No.** 001-16489). +4.2.b9+1Form of 2.00% Senior Notes due 2017 (incorporated,4,,by reference from Exhibit 4.3 to the Current-1-)Report on Form 8-K filed on September 25,.#.2012) (File No. 001-16489). /4.2.c,/$Second Supplemental Indenture, dated040,September 21, 2012 between FMC Technologies,101(Inc. and U.S. Bank National Association,2-2%as trustee (incorporated by reference313)from Exhibit 4.4 to the Current Report on434+Form 8-K filed on September 25, 2012) (File55No. 001-16489). 64.2.d961Form of 3.45% Senior Notes due 2022 (incorporated747,by reference from Exhibit 4.5 to the Current818)Report on Form 8-K filed on September 25,9#92012) (File No. 001-16489).:333333$@5:-Form of Long-Term Incentive Performance-Based;0;(Restricted Stock Unit Agreement Pursuant<5<-to the Amended and Restated FMC Technologies,=-=%Inc. Incentive Compensation and Stock>2>*Plan (Employee) (incorporated by reference?/?'from Exhibit 10.1 to the Current ReportDh l> D_YW^[@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@1@)on Form 8-K filed on March 5, 2015) (FileAANo. 001-16489).B?@0B(Certification of Chief Executive OfficerC5C-Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) and Rule 15d-14(a)D/D'of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,EE as amended.F333333?@0F(Certification of Chief Financial OfficerG5G-Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) and Rule 15d-14(a)H/H'of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,II as amended.J32.1 *0J(Certification of Chief Executive OfficerK/K'Under Section 906 of the Sarbanes-OxleyL$LAct of 2002, 18 U.S.C. 1350.M32.2 *0M(Certification of Chief Financial OfficerN/N'Under Section 906 of the Sarbanes-OxleyO$OAct of 2002, 18 U.S.C. 1350.P101.INSPXBRL Instance Document.Q101.SCHQXBRL Schema Document.R101.CAL+R#XBRL Calculation Linkbase Document.S101.DEF*S"XBRL Definition Linkbase Document.T101.LAB%TXBRL Label Linkbase Document.U101.PRE,U$XBRL Presentation Linkbase Document.VW$X____________________________1Y)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0Z(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/:R e x9L_#=PF0*8X> @ZZYYXX Root Entry FBook  p  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678