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OTHER P (4)&.NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)&~rNOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)&Estimated future benefit paymen&NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION&Incentive compensation and stoc&xIncentive compensation and (1)&Incentive compensation and (2)&Incentive compensation and (3)&$Incentive compensation and (4)&'Foreign exchange rate forward c&<Foreign exchange rate instrumen&[PForeign exchange rate instr (1)&vForeign exchange rate instr (2)&Foreign exchange rate instr (3)&Contingent earnout consideratio#NOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS&Segment revenue and segment ope&T(Segment operating capital emplo&FSegment operating capital e (1)&HeOther business segment informat&Other business segment info (1)rSummary CompensationBBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT#NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)#NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)# NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)#) NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)#"f NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)#u NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)# NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)&  SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG" NO TITLE (3)2 NO TITLE (4)&JB UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANQ NO TITLE (5) l  5$  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 0} $ }       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012NO TITLE Delaware   36-4412642' (State or other jurisdiction of  (I.R.S. Employer& incorporation or organization)  Identification No.)   1803 Gears Road, ~ .Houston, Texas0((Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.vRt\& v=PF0*8X> @ l  y4  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } %} $ } 1      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012NO TITLE Title of each class 1 )Name of each exchange on which registered% Common Stock, $0.01 par value  New York Stock Exchange' Preferred Share Purchase Rights  New York Stock Exchange  $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/&@vR@4(=PF0*8X> @ l  =6J,S  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 7} $ } } $ =     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012NO TITLE   Page  PART I       Item 1. Business  ~   Item 1A. Risk Factors  ~ & *"Item 1B. Unresolved Staff Comments~ :Item 2. Properties~ :!Item 3. Legal Proceedings~ >'Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures~ >PART II.&Item 5. Market for Registrant?s Common~ B/'Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and-%Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities'Item 6. Selected Financial Data~ J4,Item 7. Management?s Discussion and Analysis~ N-%of Financial Condition and Results of Operations-%Item 7A. Qualitative and Quantitative~ %Disclosures About Market Risk6.Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary~  DataD* lv:^ [L4lt^ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<1 )Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with  ~  /!'Accountants on Accounting and Financial" Disclosure(# Item 9A. Controls and Procedures##~ ##"$Item 9B. Other Information$$~ $$%%&PART III&&&&''.(&Item 10. Directors, Executive Officers((~ (( )and Corporate Governance'*Item 11. Executive Compensation**~ **.+&Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain++~ ++4,,Beneficial Owners and Management and Related-Stockholder Matters2.*Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related..~ ..//'Transactions, and Director Independence.0&Item 14. Principal Accountant Fees and00~ 001Services223PART IV333344.5&Item 15. Exhibits, Financial Statement55~ 5"56 Schedules7 Signatures77~ 7*789$:____________________________1;)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0<(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/>0fP>&As[?3'=PF0*8X> @"<<;;::  l  Dm~  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } } $ } $} $ } 7 D     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012D<OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELEVANT TO OUR BUSINESS SEGMENTS Name  Age  6 .Office, year of election and other information  John T. Gremp  ~   / 'Chairman, President and Chief Executive       Officer (2011)      - %President and Chief Operating Officer      ~ /'Executive Vice President?Energy Systems~ Maryann T. Seaman~ 1)Senior Vice President and Chief FinancialOfficer (2011)2*Vice President, Treasurer and Deputy Chief Financial Officer (2010)-%Vice President, Administration (2007) William H. Schumann, III~ 'Executive Vice President (2011)1)Executive Vice President, Chief Financial$Officer and Treasurer (2010)4,Executive Vice President and Chief FinancialOfficer (2007)Robert L. Potter~ /'Executive Vice President?Energy Systems~ /'Senior Vice President?Energy Processing*"and Global Surface Wellhead (2007)Tore Halvorsen~ 1)Senior Vice President?Subsea Technologies~ DlfZNBq ;Uu 4Q` !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?      6 .Senior Vice President?Global Subsea Production!!!!!!!Systems (2007)"Jeffrey W. Carr""~ """."&Senior Vice President, General Counsel#######and Secretary (2010)$$$$$$5$-Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary%%%%%%~ %& Mark J. Scott&&~ &&&-&%Vice President, Administration (2010)'''''''((((((0((Senior Vice President of Human Resources)))))) )for Dresser, Inc. (2004)* Jay A. Nutt**~ ***,*$Vice President and Controller (2009)+++++++Controller (2008),,,,,,(, Controller?Energy Systems (2007)-Bradley D. Beitler--~ ---)-!Vice President, Technology (2009)......%.Director of Technology (2006)/Johan Pfeiffer//~ ///+/#Vice President?Surface Technologies000000~ 0111111.1&Vice President?Global Surface Wellhead222222~ 2333333-3%General Manager for Subsea activities444444/4'in Europe, Africa, and the Commonwealth555555*5"of Independent States (CIS) (2007)6Barry Glickman66~ 666,6$Vice President?Energy Infrastructure777777~ 788888808(Integration Leader for GE Oil & Gas/Wood9999999 Group (2011)::::::-:%President, Dresser Flow Technologies,;;;;;;*;"a division of Dresser, Inc. (2009)<<<<<</<'President, Dresser Waukesha, a division=======of Dresser, Inc. (2008)>>>>>>3>+Chief Marketing Officer, GE Security (2006)?D{l~)Rv 06YAev@ABC@$A____________________________1B)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0C(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ <=PF0*8X> @"CCBBAA  l   Q  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } U} $ }  } $ } <      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012jbMany of our customers#146; activity levels, spending for our products and services, and ability to Location   Square Feet    Leased or    (approximate)   Owned United States :       *Houston, Texas  ~ \"    Leased/Owned International :      *Kongsberg, Norway~ b2Leased*Rio de Janeiro, Brazil~ b" Leased/Owned*Nusajaya, Malaysia~  Owned *Singapore~ b Leased*Bergen, Norway~ € Leased/Owned*Dunfermline, Scotland~   Leased/Owned~Maca?, Brazil~ b OwnedPasir Gudang, Malaysia~ 3Leased*Stavanger, Norway~ BLeasedLuanda, Angola~ "<Leased*Jakarta, Indonesia~ "<Leased*Aberdeen, Scotland~ b OwnedPort Harcourt, Nigeria~ Leased$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/D l@4(d 6e~/T| -!=PF0*8X> @*   l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } U} $ }  } $ } <      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012jbMany of our customers#146; activity levels, spending for our products and services, and ability to Location   Square Feet    Leased or    (approximate)   Owned United States :       Stephenville, Texas  ~ "   Owned Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  ~ "6    Leased/OwnedInternational : +Sens, France~ y  OwnedCollecchio, Italy~ &LeasedMaracaibo, Venezuela~  OwnedEdmonton, Canada~ zLeased$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4@4(d 9]m=PF0*8X> @*   l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } U} $ }  } $ } <      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012jbMany of our customers#146; activity levels, spending for our products and services, and ability to Location   Square Feet    Leased or    (approximate)   Owned United States :       Tupelo, Mississippi  ~ B   Owned Erie, Pennsylvania  ~ B   OwnedCorpus Christi, Texas~ "< Leased/OwnedFullerton, California~ LeasedInternational :Ellerbek, Germany~  OwnedChangshu, China~ LeasedArnhem, The Netherlands~ bg Owned$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/6e@4(d 9U8, =PF0*8X> @*   l  )  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } }  $ !!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012jbMany of our customers#146; activity levels, spending for our products and services, and ability to        ~ n  ~ j    4th Qtr.   3rd Qtr.   2nd Qtr.   1st Qtr.   4th Qtr.   3rd Qtr.   2nd Qtr.   1st Qtr.  Common stock price:                                 High  (\J@   = ףpG@   GzH@   (\5H@   HzGF@   = ףp=A@   GzTB@   ףp= W@@  Low  {GA@   \(|B@   (\C@   GzD@   zG@@   (\µ:@   7@   Gz:@ $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/* h@4(8-nbV.=PF0*8X> @                          l  ~  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } a/} $ }  } U} $ } $}  $ } } U                          FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012jbMany of our customers#146; activity levels, spending for our products and services, and ability to      " Number of Securities to be  ! Weighted Average Exercise   Number of Securities    Issued Upon Exercise of  % Price of Outstanding Options,   Remaining Available   Outstanding Options,   Warrants and Rights   for Future Issuance   Warrants and Rights        under Equity           Compensation Plans-%Equity compensation plans approved by~ ~ = ףp=@  ~  w@~  security holders/'Equity compensations plans not approved ? ?    ? by security holders Total~ ~ = ףp=@  ~  w@~  $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4 @4(h;x\w=PF0*8X> @           l     dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } +} $ }  }  $ }  } $ } y} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012jbMany of our customers#146; activity levels, spending for our products and services, and ability to      Period   Total Number   Average Price Paid   Total Number of   Maximum     of Shares    per Share   Shares Purchased as   Number    Purchased (a)       Part of Publicly   of Shares That           Announced Plans or    May Yet Be           Programs    Purchased     Under the Plans      or Programs      (b)*"October 1, 2011 ? October 31, 2011~ #{G:D@  ~   #  ~ Z,$November 1, 2011 ? November 30, 2011~ czGAG@  ~    ~ ,$December 1, 2011 ? December 31, 2011~ % (\I@  ~     ~       Total~ )AzGE@  ~  _@  ~      $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/<@4(Pz4{BTdt =PF0*8X> @           l  >5M  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 8} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ }  } $ >     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012jbMany of our customers#146; activity levels, spending for our products and services, and ability to       (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  ~ b  ~ ^  Years Ended December 31 Revenue:                     Subsea Technologies  33333@   U@   @   X@   ̥@  Surface Technologies   33333{@    fffffҍ@    @   ~ f    33333@ Energy Infrastructurefffffv@ffffff|@   `@  @x@3+Other revenue and intercompany eliminationsffffff ~    ffffff8  3&      Total revenue~ O@  fffff5@  ffffƱ@́@      Cost of salesfffff@~  0  ժ@  33333N@Ӧ@3+Selling, general and administrative expensefffff}@~    Xx@  33333u@is@( Research and development expenseV@~    fffffI@  fffffF@ffffffD@      Total costs and expenses@~ 7   F@  33333h@@#Other income (expense), netffffff     ~ fffff=@     0(Income from continuing operations before~ @   33333{@  ̼@Xy@-%net interest expense and income taxesNet interest expenseffffff !   #  "     0(Income from continuing operations beforefffffF@33333π@   33333/@  ̤@33333x@ income taxesDpl@4( I&"1Z^0fj !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=" Provision for income taxes   b@    33333c@    33333cc@   ~ b    `@ !!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!)"!Income from continuing operations"""8y@""""̤w@"" " " ̬v@" " ""$v@""""33333[p@"3#+Income (loss) from discontinued operations,## #?####ٿ## # # ?# # ## @####E@#$net of income taxes%%%%%%%%%% % % % 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Morningstar Document Research.0=(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/@DY:>btQ. =PF0*8X> @:==<<;;888888 8888777777 7777666666 6666333333 3333222222 2222...... ....****** ****           l  ]m  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } $4} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012jbMany of our customers#146; activity levels, spending for our products and services, and ability to       (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  ~ b  ~ ^  As of December 31 Balance sheet data:                      Total assets ~ B   fffffx@   ȫ@   @   33333@  Net (debt) cash (1)  yq   fffffG   LD@   \c   ? ,$Long-term debt, less current portion~ u@  yx@  ~ b \@2*Total FMC Technologies, Inc. stockholders?fffffB@~@  33333;@  33333@@equity   (In millions)~ n~ j ~  f  ~ b~ ^Years Ended December 31$Other financial information:     Capital expenditures~ J \@ ~    ~ 33333sf@3+Cash flows provided by operating activitiesd@Yh@  ̤@  33333[p@fffff@ of continuing operations.&Segment operating capital employed (2)fffff8@33333@  ffffff@  fffff @Č@Order backlog (3)fffff @K@  @  fffff@3333@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/BCX@4( I,7FLD2=PF0*8X> @5                    l  )I&  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 8} $ }  } $ }  }  $ }  } $ }  } $ } $} $} $ }  } $ } $} $ )     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012jbMany of our customers#146; activity levels, spending for our products and services, and ability to        Year Ended December 31,   Change   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f    2011 vs. 2010    2010 vs. 2009  Revenue ~ O   @   fffff5@   33333k@   ~ b %  |q   ~  % Costs and expenses:                              Cost of sales   fffff@   ~  0    ժ@    @   ~ v    v   ~  3+Selling, general and administrative expensefffff}@~    Xx@  33333G@~ .@E@~ .( Research and development expenseV@~    fffffI@  6@~ 333330@~       Total costs and expenses@~ 7   F@  @~ nr~ Other expense, netffffff      @~ ~ Net interest expenseffffff !   #  333333?~ ffffff?~      "Income before income taxesfffffF@33333π@   33333/@  -@~ ~ R~ "Provision for income taxesb@33333c@   33333cc@  $~ @~      )!Income from continuing operations8y@̤w@   ̬v@  3333339@~ /@~ 3+Income (loss) from discontinued operations, ?ٿ   ?  ? * *net of income taxes      Net income8y@fffffw@   ̴v@  9@~ 333333-@~      7/Less: net income attributable to noncontrolling 333333     ~ *~  interestsD"l@4(Ob%hzNS6R !"#$%&'(                             4!,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,!!x@!!!xw@!! ! ̜v@! ! !L8@!!!~ ! !%!!ffffff+@!!!~ ! !% "Inc.########## # # # # ###############$%$&____________________________1')Created by Morningstar Document Research.0((http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4$=PF0*8X> @((''&&!!!!!! !!!!           l  2  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 7} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ } $} $} $ }  } $ } U} $ 2     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012.&Operating Results of Business Segments        Year Ended December 31,   Favorable/(Unfavorable)   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f    2011 vs. 2010    2010 vs. 2009  Revenue                             Subsea Technologies  33333@   U@   @   i@   ~ R %  Iv   ~  % Surface Technologies   33333{@    fffffҍ@    @    Hv@   ~     33333a@   ~ F Energy Infrastructurefffffv@ffffff|@   `@  ~ ~ .lQ~ 3+Other revenue and intercompany eliminationsffffff ~    ffffff8  ffffff%@~ 2$@~       Total revenue~ O@  fffff5@  33333k@~ b %|q~  %      Net income      Segment operating profit     Subsea Technologiesfffffs@33333cz@  fffffy@  33333Y~  %333333@~   %Surface Technologies33333Co@̬e@  ~  *  ,S@~ 33333A@~ jEnergy InfrastructurefffffH@fffffB@   ffffffP@  '@~ z;~ Z     &Total segment operating profitfffffZ@33333˃@   T@  333333,~ -@~  Corporate items:     Corporate expense33333CD   33333A  ?~  333333~ .&Other revenue and other (expense), net633333sH   L  L:@~  @~ >Net interest expenseffffff !   #  333333?~ ffffff?~      Total corporate itemšQyX   fffffY  33333;@~ r@~ D$l|pdXz*A d.IZR !"#$%&'()*+,-./01                             0!(Income from continuing operations before!!!(@!!!!@!! ! ! 33333#@! ! !!333333+@!!!~ !!!!!3@!!!~ !!" income taxes"#Provision for income taxes###b@####33333c@## # # 33333cc@# # ##$@###~ ########~ ##$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6%.Income from continuing operations attributable%%%x@%%%%fffff~w@%% % % ̔v@% % %%fffff7@%%%~ %%%%%333333-@%%%~ %%!&to FMC Technologies, Inc.3'+Income (loss) from discontinued operations,'' '?''''ٿ'' ' ' ?' 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'*''''''' '*'(net of income taxes)))))))))) ) ) ) ) )))))))))))))))4*,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,**x@***xw@** * ̜v@* * *L8@***~ * *%**ffffff+@***~ * *% +Inc.,,,,,,,,,, , , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-.$/____________________________10)Created by Morningstar Document Research.01(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/(TNF!`(=PF0*8X> @1100//****** ****             l  [  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } *} $ }  } $ }  } $                          FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog   Inbound Orders    Year Ended December 31,  (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  Subsea Technologies  @  ~ ^A  Surface Technologies   @@    33333@ Energy Infrastructure\@fffffz@+#Intercompany eliminations and otherL0ffffff@Total inbound orders3333H@*@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4vj^ye=PF0*8X> @Z        l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } } $ }  } $ }  } $                          FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog    Order Backlog     December 31,  (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  Subsea Technologies ~ ?   @  Surface Technologies    @    fffffFy@ Energy Infrastructure\l@fffffVf@!Intercompany eliminations3333332ffffffTotal order backlogfffff @K@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4vj^ %(|=PF0*8X> @Z        l  I&  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 0.} $ }  } $ }  } $                         FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog  (In millions)   December 31,    December 31,   ~ n  ~ j! Cash and cash equivalents ~ b   s@ . &Short-term debt and current portion of   \    ffffff(  long-term debt,$Long-term debt, less current portion~ ruNet debtyqfffffG$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2Mvj^y-h(=PF0*8X> @Z        l  >  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } :} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $                              FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog       Year Ended December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f - %Cash provided by operating activities  d@   Yh@   ̤@  of continuing operations- %Cash required by investing activities   33333q    Y[    fffffo -%Cash provided (required) by financing~ 6l   33333m  activities0(Cash provided (required) by discontinued ??     operations/'Effect of exchange rate changes on cash 333333ӿ   ffffff1@ and cash equivalents    80Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents<@fffff&b  fffff&^@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/<B vj^{AJ{e~3W=PF0*8X> @j          l  4T  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } y#} $ }  } $ }  } $                           FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog    December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j # Revolving credit facilities ~   ~   Commercial paper   ~@   ~ N   Term loan   333333=@    ffffff@@ %Uncommitted credit facilities~ ffffff@Property financing333333@@ Other ?@Total borrowings|@̴v@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/6vj^QZHFj=PF0*8X> @R       l  n  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } -} $ }  } $ } $}  $ } $} $ } $} $ }  } $ } m} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog       (In millions)  Amount   Debt    Commercial   Letters   Unused   Maturity   Description       Outstanding   Paper    of Credit   Capacity           Outstanding (a), $Five-year committed revolving credit ~ b   ~    ~@   +@   ffffff@     December 2012  facility-%Three-year committed revolving credit~ z ?    ?   ?~ z January 2013 agreement     ~ ~   ~@  +@Av@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4 vj^2,bNwk_7=PF0*8X> @              l  u  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 2} $ } U} $ } U}  $ } } $ }  } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012( Inbound Orders and Order Backlog        Payments Due by Period   (In millions)  Total    Less than   1-3   3 -5   After 5  Contractual obligations  payments   1 year   years   years   years Long-term debt (a)  D@   $@  ~    $?   $?  Short-term debt  ~    ~     ?    ?    ? Operating leasesfffffN@~ J   `@  9Y@ffffff@ Purchase obligations (b)33333+@~     333333H@   ? ?2*Pension and other post-retirement benefits33333F@33333F@    ?   ? ? (c)%Unrecognized tax benefits (d)9@9@    ?   ? ?     %Total contractual obligations33333@33333i@  fffffvk@  9Y@ffffff@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/:vj^b3KgU/ l=PF0*8X> @               l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6) Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 2} $ }  } $ } U}  $ } U} $ } $} $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012,$Other Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements       2 *Amount of Commitment Expiration per Period   (In millions)  Total    Less than   1-3   3-5   After 5 , $Other off-balance sheet arrangements  amount   1 year   years   years   years- %Letters of credit and bank guarantees  @   )e@    x@   9T@   lY@   Surety bonds   9@    ?    333333?    ?    7@      2*Total other off-balance sheet arrangementṡ@33333Se@  fffffx@  9T@L_@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0\ ~rfZ^)& =PF0*8X> @               l  ~  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet ArrangemIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 1} 0      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012 Pension PlanITEM 7A.0(QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE DISCLOSURES  ABOUT MARKET RISK  $ ____________________________1 )Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/"~r*=PF0*8X> @ l  O5c  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension Plan Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 8} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ O                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012Income Statement       Year Ended December 31, , $(In millions, except per share data) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  Revenue:             Product revenue  @   fffffɫ@   @ ! Service and other revenue   y@    33333ǁ@    i}@      Total revenue~ O@   fffff5@ Costs and expenses:    Cost of product revenue"@Τ@   )@ )!Cost of service and other revenue~@y@   Yu@ 3+Selling, general and administrative expensefffff}@~    Xx@ ( Research and development expenseV@~    fffffI@      Total costs and expenses@~ 7   F@ Other expense, netffffff        /'Income before interest income, interest~ @   33333{@  expense and income taxesInterest incomeffffff@ffffff@   333333@ Interest expense~ 333333&   '     0(Income from continuing operations beforefffffF@33333π@   33333/@  income taxesDlznEIOzR%D ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? " Provision for income taxes   b@    33333c@    33333cc@ !!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! )"!Income from continuing operations"""8y@""""̤w@"" " " ̬v@" 3#+Income (loss) from discontinued operations,## #?####ٿ## # # ?# $net of income taxes%%%%%%%%%% % % % & Net income&&&8y@&&&&fffffw@&& & & ̴v@& 7'/Less: net income attributable to noncontrolling''' ''''333333'' ' ' ' ( interests)))))))))) ) ) ) 4*,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,**x@***xw@** * ̜v@*  +Inc.,,,,,,,,,, , , , --%Basic earnings per share attributable--------- - - - +.#to FMC Technologies, Inc. (Note 3):)/!Income from continuing operations//(\?///?// / \(\?/ 20*Income (loss) from discontinued operations00 0?000 0?00 0  0 ?0 1111111111 1 1 1  2Basic earnings per share22(\?222?22 2 \(\?2 3333333333 3 3 3 /4'Diluted earnings per share attributable444444444 4 4 4 +5#to FMC Technologies, Inc. (Note 3):)6!Income from continuing operations66= ףp=?666{Gz?66 6  ףp= ?6 27*Income (loss) from discontinued operations77 7?777 7?77 7  7 ?7 8888888888 8 8 8 "9Diluted earnings per share99= ףp=?999{Gz?99 9  ףp= ?9 :::::::::: : : : 1;)Weighted average shares outstanding (Note;;;;;;;;; ; ; ;  <3): =Basic===fffff&n@===~ === = = o@= >>>>>>>>>> > > > ?Diluted???ffffffn@????n@?? ? ? lo@? D>l8>B22XfVQB@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N @@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ 4A,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,AAAAAAAAA A A A  BInc.:)C!Income from continuing operationsCCx@CCCfffff~w@CC C ̔v@C 3D+Income (loss) from discontinued operations,DD D?DDDDٿDD D D ?D Enet of income taxesFFFFFFFFFF F F F 4G,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,GGx@GGGxw@GG G ̜v@G  HInc.IIIIIIIIII I I I JK$L____________________________1M)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0N(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/"d Q=PF0*8X> @NN MM LL GGGGGG CCCCCC 999999 666666 222222 ////// ******      l  `< ^9+  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } =} $ }  } $ }  } $ `                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012 Balance Sheet    December 31, , $(In millions, except par value data) ~ n  ~ j  Assets         Current assets:        ! Cash and cash equivalents ~ b   s@ /'Trade receivables, net of allowances offffff@=@&$7.8 in 2011 and $11.0 in 2010!Inventories, net (Note 5)A@@.&Derivative financial instruments (NoteyQ@33333sR@~ :Prepaid expensesB@fffff2@Other current assets~ d@'Deferred income taxes (Note 10)33333sS@N@Income taxes receivable3333335@D@Total current assetsǥ@R@ Investments,d@fffffb@0(Property, plant and equipment, net (Note33333@~  ~ Goodwill (Note 7)̜p@,q@'Intangible assets, net (Note 7)~ a@'Deferred income taxes (Note 10)fffffP@:@.&Derivative financial instruments (NoteLF@ N@DGl}qM`L"]>C4n ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? ~ :! Other assets!!!fffff&H@!!!!C@!"""""""""# Total assets#~ #B###fffffx@#$$$$$$$$$%Liabilities and equity%%%%%%%%&Current liabilities:&&&&&&&&.'&Short-term debt and current portion of''\@'''ffffff(@'(long-term debt (Note 9))Accounts payable, trade)))fffff@))))u@).*&Advance payments and progress billings***33333#|@****33333c@*+Accrued payroll+++0c@++++9b@+.,&Derivative financial instruments (Note,,,fffffP@,,,,R@,~ -:.Income taxes payable...l]@....C@../&Current portion of accrued pension and///4@////333333@/,0$other post-retirement benefits (Note~ 1.'2Deferred income taxes (Note 10)222ffffff@222233333P@2!3Other current liabilities333q@333333333o@3444444444!5Total current liabilities555q@5555]@526*Long-term debt, less current portion (Note66~ 66666u@6~ 7&18)Accrued pension and other post-retirement888fffffq@8888fffff6f@809(benefits, less current portion (Note 11)':Deferred income taxes (Note 10):::[@::::yW@:.;&Derivative financial instruments (Note;;~ ;;;;; G@;~ <:=Other liabilities===33333a@====fffffc@=.>&Commitments and contingent liabilities>>>>>>>>? (Note 18)Dln.,V1#$'I~M@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ '@Stockholders? equity (Note 13):@@@@@@@@.A&Preferred stock, $0.01 par value, 12.0AA A?AAA A?A.B&shares authorized; no shares issued inC 2011 or 20100D(Common stock, $0.01 par value, 600.0 andDDDffffff?DDDDffffff?D1E)300.0 shares authorized in 2011 and 2010,1F)respectively; 286.3 shares issued in 20114G,and 2010; 237.8 and 239.6 shares outstanding&Hin 2011 and 2010, respectively4I,Common stock held in employee benefit trust,III333333IIII333333 I5J-at cost; 0.2 and 0.1 shares in 2011 and 2010,K respectively/L'Common stock held in treasury, at cost,LLLGLLLLfffffL;M348.3 and 46.5 shares in 2011 and 2010, respectively0N(Capital in excess of par value of commonNN~ N NNNNՅ@N OstockPRetained earningsPPPfffffM@PPPP[@P,Q$Accumulated other comprehensive lossQQQ̼{QQQQ33333oQRRRRRRRRR2S*Total FMC Technologies, Inc. stockholders?SSSfffffB@SSSS~@STequity UNoncontrolling interestsUUU333333*@UUUU333333%@UVVVVVVVVVW Total equityWWWv@WWWW33333@WXXXXXXXXX$YTotal liabilities and equityY~ YBYYYfffffx@YZZZZZZZZZ[\$]____________________________1^)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0_(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/D luU+N6X"xfjz~V=PF0*8X> @r__^^]]YYYY''''####      l  WJ_k  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance SheetShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } :} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ W                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012 Cash Flows       Year Ended December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f - %Cash provided (required) by operating            , $activities of continuing operations:  Net income  8y@   fffffw@   ̴v@ /'Adjustments to reconcile income to cash    3+provided (required) by operating activities!of continuing operations: DepreciationfffffU@,T@   33333S@  Amortization333335@4@   ffffff-@ -%Employee benefit plan and stock-based33333sS@~     S@ compensation costs/'Deferred income tax provision (benefit)333333.fffffU@   333333@ 80Unrealized loss (gain) on derivative instrumentsffffff,'@  ~  >  Other~ &   ? 4,Changes in operating assets and liabilities,    'net of effects of acquisitions:Trade receivables, net33333q)k   ij@ Inventories, net33333Sdffffff3@   @ Accounts payable, tradefffffj@ffffff@   a .&Advance payments and progress billingsW[   f  Income taxesQ@@L   Q@ 1)Accrued pension and other post-retirement9\I   33333P D|ltEb,R.i ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?   benefits, net)!!Other assets and liabilities, net!!!ffffff/!!!!LE!! ! ! 33333a@! """""""""" " " " -#%Cash provided by operating activities###d@####Yh@## # # ̤@#  $of continuing operations0%(Cash provided (required) by discontinued%% %?%%%%?%% % % % &operations?operating'''''''''' ' ' ' -(%Cash provided by operating activities(((d@((((ih@(( ( ( @( )))))))))) ) ) ) -*%Cash provided (required) by investing********* * * * + activities:,Capital expenditures,,~ ,,,,, \,, , ~ , J, 6-.Acquisitions, net of cash and cash equivalents-- -?--- -?-- - - 33333c- .acquired)/!Noncontrolling equity investments///ffffff/// /?// / ~ / / (0 Proceeds from disposal of assets000@0000@00 0 0 fffff2@0 1111111111 1 1 1 -2%Cash required by investing activities22233333q2222Y[22 2 2 fffffo2 3333333333 3 3 3 -4%Cash provided (required) by financing444444444 4 4 4 5 activities:-6%Net increase (decrease) in short-term666?6666fffff366 6 ~ 6 6  7debt-8%Net increase (decrease) in commercial888p@8888fffffP88 8 8 33333Sl@8  9paper0:(Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt:: :?:::~ :z:: : ~ : : $;Repayments of long-term debt;;;ffffff;;;;ٿ;; ; ; ,w; /<'Proceeds from exercise of stock options<<<?<<<<ffffff@<< < < @< "=Purchase of treasury stock==~ =:====̌d== = = fffffvc= >Excess tax benefits>>>ffffff!@>>>>@>> > ~ >  >  ?Other??~ ?????L0?? ? ? 333333? 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U@4 =PF0*8X> @VV UU TT QQQQQQ OOOOOO KKKKKK      l  G;  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash Flows!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 6} $ } $} $ }  }  $ } U} $ }  } $ }  } $ } U} $ }  } $ G     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012Shareholders' Equity       (In millions)  Common   Common    Capital in   Retained    Accumulated   Non-   Total    Stock    Stock Held in    Excess of Par   Earnings   Other    controlling    Stockholders?        Treasury and   Value of        Comprehensive   Interest   Equity       Employee    Common Stock       Income       Benefit           (Loss) Trust$Balance at December 31, 2008ffffff?fffffB  ņ@  ~ fffffy @Յ@ Net income ? ?    ?  ̜v@ ??̴v@/'Foreign currency translation adjustment ? ?    ?   ?LS@ ?LS@4,Net deferral of hedging gains (net of income ? ?    ?   ?Q@ ?Q@!taxes of $41.1) (Note 14)3+Change in pension and other post-retirement ? ?    ?   ??@ ??@4,benefit gains (net of income taxes of $16.0) (Note 11)3+Changes in investments (net of income taxes ? ?    ?   ?ffffff? ?ffffff?of $0.8)     "Total comprehensive income ? ?    ?  ̜v@33333f@?33333@      Issuance of common stock ? ?   @   ? ? ?@2*Excess tax benefits on stock-based payment ? ?  ~      ? ? ?~   arrangements1)Taxes withheld on issuance of stock-based ? ?   333333   ? ? ?333333DlvjD^y Z-p8#w. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? awards-!%Purchases of treasury stock (Note 13)!! !?!!!!fffffvc!! !  ! ?! ! ! !?!!! !?!!! !?!!!!fffffvc!/"'Reissuances of treasury stock (Note 13)"" "?""""F@"" " " F" " " "?""" 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"?"2#*Net purchases of common stock for employee## #?####333333?## # # ?# # # #?### #?### #?####?#$ benefit trust*%"Stock-based compensation (Note 12)%% %?%%% %?%% % % 333333=@% % % %?%%% %?%%% %?%%%%333333=@% &Other&& &?&&& &?&& & & ɿ& & &&333333&&& &?&&&&&&&&&'''''''''' ' ' ' ' '''''''''''''''$(Balance at December 31, 2009((ffffff?(((fffff(( ( 0@( ( ({@(((9l((~ (&(((33333_@()))))))))) ) ) ) ) )))))))))))))))* Net income** *?*** *?** *  * ?* * **xw@*** *?****333333@****fffffw@*/+'Foreign currency translation adjustment++ +?+++ +?++ +  + ?+ + + +?+++++++ +?+++++4,,Net deferral of hedging gains (net of income,, ,?,,, ,?,, ,  , ?, , , ,?,,,,3@,,, ,?,,,,3@,!-taxes of $11.1) (Note 14)3.+Change in pension and other post-retirement.. .?... .?.. .  . ?. . . .?....@C... .?....@C.5/-benefit losses (net of income taxes of $18.0)0 (Note 11)1111111111 1 1 1 1 111111111111111)2!Total comprehensive income (loss)22 2?222 2?22 2  2 ?2 2 22xw@2222L:2222333333@2222u@23333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333333333 4Issuance of common stock44 4?444 4?44 4 4 ffffff@4 4 4 4?444 4?444 4?4444ffffff@425*Excess tax benefits on stock-based payment55 5?555 5?55 5 5 @5 5 5 5?555 5?555 5?5555@56 arrangements17)Taxes withheld on issuance of stock-based77 7?777 7?77 7 7 17 7 7 7?777 7?777 7?7777178awards-9%Purchases of treasury stock (Note 13)99 9?9999̌d99 9  9 ?9 9 9 9?999 9?999 9?9999̌d9/:'Reissuances of treasury stock (Note 13):: :?::::L@@:: : : L@: : : :?::: :?::: :?::: :?:2;*Net purchases of common stock for employee;; ;?;;;;333333@;; ; ; 333333 @; ; ; ;?;;; ;?;;; ;?;;;;333333@;< benefit trust*="Stock-based compensation (Note 12)== =?=== =?== = = ;@= = = =?=== =?=== =?====;@= >Other>> >?>>> >?>> >  > ?> > >>?>>> >?>>>>>>>>333333ӿ>?????????? ? ? ? ? ???????????????D'l\,b]8gR^}8&dK߼@ABCDEF$@Balance at December 31, 2010@@ffffff?@@@@@ @ Յ@@ @ @[@@@@33333o@@@333333%@@@@33333@@AAAAAAAAAA A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAABC$D____________________________1E)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0F(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/xVJ>=PF0*8X> @1FFEEDD@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@(((((( ((((((((                      l  -   dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 6} $ } $} $ }  }  $ } U} $ }  } $ }  } $ } U} $ }  } $ -     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/20126.Impairment of Long-Lived and Intangible Assets       (In millions)  Common   Common    Capital in   Retained    Accumulated   Non-   Total    Stock    Stock Held in    Excess of Par   Earnings   Other    controlling    Stockholders?        Treasury and   Value of        Comprehensive   Interest   Equity       Employee    Common Stock       Income       Benefit           (Loss) Trust$Balance at December 31, 2010ffffff?  Յ@  [@33333o333333%@33333@ Net income ? ?    ?  x@ ? @8y@/'Foreign currency translation adjustment ? ?    ?   ?̌I ?̌I5-Net deferral of hedging losses (net of income ? ?    ?   ?6 ?6!taxes of $12.9) (Note 14)3+Change in pension and other post-retirement ? ?    ?   ?33333s] ?33333s]5-benefit losses (net of income taxes of $58.0) (Note 11)     )!Total comprehensive income (loss) ? ?    ?  x@fffffg @yj@      Issuance of common stock ? ?   ?   ? ? ??2*Excess tax benefits on stock-based payment ? ?   ffffff!@   ? ? ?ffffff!@ arrangements1)Taxes withheld on issuance of stock-based ? ?   /   ? ? ?/awards-%Purchases of treasury stock (Note 13) ?~ :    ?   ? ? ?~ :D3lth\Pm*D_<Q. !"#$%&'()*+,/ 'Reissuances of treasury stock (Note 13)   ?    fffff3@    fffff3    ?    ?    ?    ? 2!*Net purchases of common stock for employee!! !?!!!!333333!! ! ! 333333?! ! ! !?!!! !?!!! !?!!!!!" benefit trust*#"Stock-based compensation (Note 12)## #?### #?## # # L:@# # # #?### #?### #?####L:@# $Other$$ $?$$$ $?$$ $ $ ?$ $ $ $?$$$ $?$$$$333333$$$$$%%%%%%%%%% % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$&Balance at December 31, 2011&&ffffff?&&&^&& ~ &  & & &fffffM@&&&̼{&&&333333*@&&&v@&'''''''''' ' ' ' ' '''''''''''''''()$*____________________________1+)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0,(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ l(U o=PF0*8X> @R*,,++**&&&&&& &&&&&&&&                      l  !*  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and IntNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 7} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ !                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/20125-NOTE 2. RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTING STANDARDS    , $(In millions, except per share data)  Year Ended December 31,   ~ n  ~ j  ~ f 6 .Income from continuing operations attributable  x@   fffff~w@   ̔v@ ! to FMC Technologies, Inc.             5-Weighted average number of shares outstandingfffff&n@~    o@ 1)Dilutive effect of restricted stock units~  ffffff@   333333@ and stock options    ,$Total shares and dilutive securitiesffffffn@n@   lo@     0(Basic earnings per share from continuing(\??  \(\? 4,operations attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc.    2*Diluted earnings per share from continuing= ףp=?{Gz?   ףp= ? 4,operations attributable to FMC Technologies, Inc.    $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.D lui]QJS|8TH< 0 (http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/H=PF0*8X> @          l  ,  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNT!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } a/} $ }  } $ }  } $                            FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012%NOTE 4. BUSINESS COMBINATIONS  (In millions)   December 31,   ~ n  ~ j   Raw materials  fffffVa@   333333[@  Work in process   ̬_@    33333W@  Finished goods   33333@    fffff@ .&Gross inventories before LIFO reservesfffffފ@~ & !and valuation adjustments/'LIFO reserves and valuation adjustments33333sbPbInventory, netA@@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8ymaT`n6=PF0*8X> @R       l  "C  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } m)} $ }  } $ }  } $                            FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012-%NOTE 6. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT  (In millions)   December 31,   ~ n  ~ j " Land and land improvements  33333sB@   L7@   Buildings   fffffk@    fffff6g@  Machinery and equipment   %@    33333@ Construction in process33333#a@R@?@fffff@ Accumulated depreciation~ }*"Property, plant and equipment, net33333@~  $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8D }qeYLQ3OWmaU-=PF0*8X> @R       l  [Y  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 0} $ }  } $ } $}  $ } $} $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012.&NOTE 7. GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE ASSETS       (In millions)  Subsea   Surface   Energy   Total     Technologies    Technologies   Infrastructure December 31, 2010  33333`@   333333(@   fffff_@   ,q@   Translation  ~     ?    ?   ~                   December 31, 2011fffff_@333333(@  fffff_@  ̜p@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/. |pdX9t:."=PF0*8X> @          l  ms  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE !Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } %} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012.&NOTE 7. GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE ASSETS       (In millions)   December 31,   ~ n  ~ j    Gross    Accumulated   Gross    Accumulated    Carrying    Amortization   Carrying    Amortization   Amount       AmountCustomer lists33333sB@,@  33333sB@  '@'Patents and acquired technologyP`@=@   `@  3333336@ Trademarks~ "~    ffffff @  333333 @ Other@@   @  333333@     Total intangible assetsf@ffffffJ@  f@  fffff&E@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8 |pdXC/w1.H_=PF0*8X> @             l  3  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 1} $ }  } $ } U} $                           FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012=5Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt  (In millions)   December 31,   ~ n  ~ j # Revolving credit facilities ~    $?  Commercial paper   ~@    ?  Property financing   ?    ? -%Foreign uncommitted credit facilities~ ffffff@ Other ?@1)Total short-term debt and current portion\@ffffff(@of long-term debt$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/6pmaUI @R       l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } +} $ }  } $ }  } $                             FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012=5Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt  (In millions)   December 31,   ~ n  ~ j # Revolving credit facilities ~   ~   Commercial paper   ~@   ~ N   Term loan   333333=@    ffffff@@ Property financing333333@@ Other ?@Total long-term debtD@33333Kv@Less: current portion$ffffff,$Long-term debt, less current portion~ u@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/: maUI @R       l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } } $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $                       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012=5Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt       Year Ended December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  Domestic  fffff`@   fffff&P@   Q@  Foreign   fffffz@    fffffn}@   ~               "Income before income taxes(@@  33333#@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.maUIfIX|=PF0*8X> @j          l     dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } a/} $ } U} $ } U}  $ } U} $                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012=5Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt       Year Ended December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  Current:             Federal  33333:@   333330@   J@  State   ffffff @   ~     ffffff? Foreign`@fffffK@   fffffX@      Total currenťd@~ &   fffffb@      Deferred:    /'Increase in the valuation allowance for??   ffffff? deferred tax assets,$Other deferred tax (benefit) expense.U@   @     Total deferred333333.fffffU@   333333@     "Provision for income taxesb@33333c@  33333cc@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/DulmaUIf7BSLPt=PF0*8X> @j          l  .  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } :} $ } U} $ } U} $ .                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012=5Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt    December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j , $Deferred tax assets attributable to:         Accrued expenses   L@   33333H@ (  Foreign tax credit carryforwards   ffffff?    ffffff@ 1)Accrued pension and other post-retirement33333S[@fffffO@benefits Stock-based compensation~ R~ Z( Net operating loss carryforwards333337@ffffff=@ Inventories2@4@Foreign exchange@333333@ Other ??Deferred tax assetsIm@33333h@Valuation allowance  7/Deferred tax assets, net of valuation allowance33333l@33333ch@-%Deferred tax liabilities attributable to:2*Revenue in excess of billings on contracts~ *fffffa@80accounted for under the percentage of completionmethodD lmaUI<<gLLU^K  ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - 7 /U.S. tax on foreign subsidiaries? undistributed   6@     B@ ,!$earnings not indefinitely reinvested/"'Property, plant and equipment, goodwill"""E@"""" V@"#and other assets$$$$$$$$$ %Deferred tax liabilities%%%fffffVi@%%%%̌p@%&&&&&&&&&-'%Net deferred tax assets (liabilities)''fffff;@'''lQ'((((((((()*$+____________________________1,)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0-(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ Y)nr =PF0*8X> @R --,,++''''      l  Z   dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } -} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ }  } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012=5Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt        December 31, 2011   (In millions)  Current    Non-Current   Current    Non-Current   Total    Asset   Asset    (Liability)    (Liability)  United States  fffffI@   YL@   $?   $?    [@  Brazil   ffffff)@    ?    ?    fffff0     Norway333333$@ ?    ?  TYR Other foreign @$@   ffffff  '~      -%Net deferred tax assets (liabilities)33333sS@fffffP@  ffffff  [fffff;@     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4P maUIM fmW4859-!=PF0*8X> @              l  3)3  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 8} $ }  } $ } U}  $ } } $ 3                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012=5Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt      (In millions)  Federal,   Accrued    Total Gross     State and   Interest    Unrecognized   Foreign   and    Income Tax   Tax    Penalties   Benefits$ Balance at December 31, 2008 ~ r   333333@   fffff&A@ .&Additions for tax positions related to+@ ?   +@ the current year.&Additions for tax positions related to~ ?   @  prior years7/Reductions for tax positions due to settlementsffffff  ~   0(Reductions due to a lapse of the statute333333ӿ ?   333333ӿ of limitations2*Other reductions for tax positions related333333 ?   333333 to prior years     $Balance at December 31, 2009B@~    E@ .&Additions for tax positions related to3333331@ ?   3333331@ the current year.&Additions for tax positions related to(@333333@   L0@  prior years7/Reductions for tax positions due to settlements.  ~   0(Reductions due to a lapse of the statuteٿ    D7lmaUI(8gMz` ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2  of limitations2!*Other reductions for tax positions related!!!ffffff!!!!!ٿ!! ! ! 333333"! "to prior years########## # # # $$$$ $%Balance at December 31, 2010%%%LD@%%%%@%% % ~ % % .&&Additions for tax positions related to&&&ffffff@&&&&333333@&& & & @& ' prior years7(/Reductions for tax positions due to settlements((~ ((((((( ( ( ffffff( 0)(Reductions due to a lapse of the statute)))333333ӿ))) )?)) ) ) 333333ӿ) *of limitations++++++++++ + + + $,Balance at December 31, 2011,,33333C@,,,@,, ,  G@, ---------- - - - ./$0____________________________11)Created by Morningstar Document Research.02(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*P hX(bwq=PF0*8X> @22 11 00 ,,,,,,           l  M  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } a/} $ } $} $} $ } $} $} $ } $} $                              FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012=5Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt       Year Ended December 31,   ~ n  ~ j  ~ f . &Statutory U.S. federal income tax rate  ~  %  ~  %  ~  %& Net difference resulting from:            - %Foreign earnings subject to different  ~    ~    ~   tax rates,$Foreign earnings subject to U.S. tax~ ~ "  ~   /'Net change in unrecognized tax benefits~ ~   ~    Other~  ?    ?     Total difference~ ~   ~       !Effective income tax rate~ n %~ z %  ~  z  %    $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/< maUIfcSi=PF0*8X> @:      l  E{  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } :} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ } U} $ } U} $ E     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012@8NOTE 11. PENSION AND OTHER POST-RETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANS        Pensions   Other                    Post-retirement                   Benefits  ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j   (In millions)  U.S.   Int?l   U.S.   Int?l       &Accumulated benefit obligationĀ@at@  33333C{@  q@     1)Projected benefit obligation at January 1fffffn~@Hx@ ~    ffffft@333333!@@ Service cost~ 2=@   333333&@  fffff8@?? Interest cost:@L4@   3333339@  fffff1@??Actuarial lossfffff&V@~    YH@  6@?? Amendments? ?    ?  ~  ? ?.&Foreign currency exchange rate changes ?     ?  ~  ? ?( Plan participants? contributions ??    ?  ? ? ? 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"?"########## # # # # ###########.$&Funded status of the plans (liability)$$g$$$W$$ $ Z$ $ $fffffP$$$!$$$333333!$%at December 31&&&&&&&&&& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&&.'&Current portion of accrued pension and'''2'''~ ''' ' ' ' ' ''ffffff'''''''''&(other post-retirement benefits1))Accrued pension and other post-retirement))~ )N))))V)) ) ) 333333Z) ) ))LP)))~ ))))))(* benefits, net of current portion++++++++++ + + + + +++++++++++4,,Funded status recognized in the consolidated,,g,,,W,, , Z, , ,fffffP,,,!,,,333333!,%-balance sheets at December 31.......... . . . . ...........//'Amounts recognized in accumulated other///////// / / / / ///////////$0comprehensive (income) loss:*1"Unrecognized actuarial (gain) loss11s@111e@11 1 33333i@1 1 19]@111ffffff111102(Unrecognized prior service (credit) cost22 2?222~ 222 2 ~ 2 2 2 22?222222223333332%3Unrecognized transition asset33 3?333333 3  3 ?3 3 33333 3?333 3?34444444444 4 4 4 4 4444444444405(Accumulated other comprehensive (income)55s@55~ 555 5 33333h@5 5 5,]@555 55556loss at December 317777777777 7 7 7 7 7777777777768.Plans with underfunded or non-funded projected888888888 8 8 8 8 888888888889benefit obligation:.:&Aggregate projected benefit obligation::fffff@:::h|@:: : fffffn~@: : :Hx@:::!@:::333333!@:+;#Aggregate fair value of plan assets;;~ ;Z;;;;33333v@;; ; ; w@; ; ;;ffffft@;;; ;?;;; ;?;8<0Plans with underfunded or non-funded accumulated<<<<<<<<< < < < < <<<<<<<<<<<=benefit obligation:0>(Aggregate accumulated benefit obligation>>Ā@>>>fffff5@>> > 33333C{@> > >333335@>>>>>>>>>+?#Aggregate fair value of plan assets??~ ?Z????@?? ? ? w@? ? ?~ ??????????D+"l{qd8 0swk@ABCD@A$B____________________________1C)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0D(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ P=PF0*8X> @;DDCCBB>>>>>> >>:::::: ::::::555555 555555111111 111111,,,,,, ,,,,,,$$$$$$ $$$$$$              l  +  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 6} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ }  } $ }  } $ } U} $ } U} "$ } ##U} $$$ +%%%%%%%%%% % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012@8NOTE 11. PENSION AND OTHER POST-RETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANS      !"#$   Pensions   Other Post-retirement $                           Benefits  ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  ~ n  ~ j  !~ "f $  (In millions)  U.S.   Int?l   U.S.   Int?l   U.S.   Int?l        ! " $. &Components of net annual benefit cost:                                 ! " # $ Service cost~ 2=@  333333&@  fffff8@+@6@?? !"?$ Interest cost:@L4@   3333339@  fffff1@7@0@?? !"#333333?$&Expected return on plan assetsC8   Y@  fffff5333333;2 ? ? !" #?$ Curtailment ? ?    ?   ? ? ? ? !" #?$Settlement cost!@ ?    ?   ? ? ? ? ? !" #?$( Amortization of transition asset ?    ?   ? ? ? !" #?$3+Amortization of prior service cost (credit)?      ?333333ӿ?333333 !"#$1)Amortization of net actuarial loss (gain))@~    ffffff!@  @'@ffffff@ɿ333333ӿ !"#$      !"#$*"Net periodic benefit cost (income)5@fffff=@  ffffff(@  7@fffff4@8@~  !"ffffff$      !"#$0(Other changes in plan assets and benefit      !"#$5-obligations recognized in other comprehensiveincome:0(Net actuarial loss (gain) arising during)a@33333N@  33333sB@  ;@3333332ffffff(?? !" $period1)Amortization of net actuarial loss (gain)5~    ffffff!  'ffffff?333333? !"#?$0(Prior service cost arising during period? ?    ?  ? ? ? ? ? !" #?$Dv'lj^RFe GS;$h$* %!%"%#%$%%%&%'%(%)%*%3 +Amortization of prior service (cost) credit   ?        ?    ?    333333?        ?    333333?  ! " #? $(! Amortization of transition asset!! !?!!!!?!! !  ! ?! ! !!?!!! !?!!!!?!!! !?!!! !?! !!!" !#?!$"""""""""" " " " " """"""""""""""""""" "!"""#"$/#'Total recognized in other comprehensive## ]@###fffffL@## # L<@# # #9@###ffffff=###ffffff0##~ # ###333333@# #!#"#$$ loss (income)%%%%%%%%%% % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %!%"%#%$&'$(____________________________1))Created by Morningstar Document Research.0*(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ 8vz=PF0*8X> @6**$))$(($###### ############"# "# "# "#           "# #  # l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } I"}  $                       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012@8NOTE 11. PENSION AND OTHER POST-RETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANS       Pensions   Other            Post-retirement           Benefits  (In millions)  U.S.   Int?l    $ Net actuarial losses (gains)  333335@   @    #Prior service cost (credit) $??   Transition asset $?ɿ   $? $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.j^RFI*U=PF0*8X> @          l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } y#} $ } } $ } } $} $ } } $ } } $ } } $ } } $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012@8NOTE 11. PENSION AND OTHER POST-RETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANS        Pensions   Other                      Post-retirement                     Benefits  ~ n  ~ j  ~ n  ~ j    U.S.   Int?l   U.S.   Int?l        Discount rate 4.60% )\(@  %    5.40% 5.00% 4.60% 5.40%%Rate of compensation increase 4.00% 333333@  %    4.00% 4.20% ? ?$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.? j^RF=PF0*8X> @z            l  ,  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 0.} $ } } $ } }  $ } } $ } } $ } } $ } } $ } } $ } } "$ } ##} $$$ %%%%%%%%%% % % % % %%%%%%%%%FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012@8NOTE 11. PENSION AND OTHER POST-RETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANS      !"#$   Pensions   Other $                           Post-retirement                           Benefits  ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  ~ n  ~ j  !~ "f $   U.S.   Int?l   U.S.   Int?l   U.S.   Int?l        ! " $ Discount rate 5.39% 5.00%    5.90%   5.57% 6.10% 5.63% 5.40% 5.90% !" #6.10%$%Rate of compensation increase 4.00% 4.20%    4.00%   4.18% 4.00% 4.15% ? ? !" #?$.&Expected rate of return on plan assets 9.00% 6.98%    9.00%   7.48% 9.00% 7.69% ? ? !" #?$$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0%j^RF)/9?<0$=PF0*8X> @$$$           "# # #  # l  /D^p  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } U} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } $} $ }  } $ }  } $ }  } $ }  } $ } $} $ /!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012@8NOTE 11. PENSION AND OTHER POST-RETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANS         U.S.    International  December 31, 2011  Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   (In millions) Cash   B@    B@   $?   $?   ?   ?   $?   $?  Equity securities:                                U.S. companies:       Large capffffff[@ffffff[@    ?   ?E@E@ ? ? Mid cap!@!@    ?   ? ? ? ? ?  Small capffffffO@ffffffO@    ?   ? ? ? ? ? International companies~ ~     ?   ?~ R~ R ? ?  Hedge fundsfffffJ@ ?    ?  fffffJ@ ? ? ? ? Limited partnershipsffffff@@ ?    ?  ffffff@@ ? ? ? ? Insurance contracts ? ?    ?   ?333333e@ ?333333e@ ? Emerging market bonds @ @    ?   ? ? ? ? ?        Total assets~ Zfffffs@   $?  fffffU@v@h@333333e@ $?         December 31, 2010      (In millions) Cash~ ~    $?   $?333333?333333? $? $? Equity securities:      U.S. companies:      D`#lj^RFU{BE;KcY !!!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!  Large cap    V@     V@    ?    ?    fffff&C@    fffff&C@    ?    ? ! Small cap!!!O@!!!!O@!! !  ! ?! ! ! !?!!! !?!!! !?!!! !?!!! !?! "International companies"""33333\@""""33333\@"" "  " ?" " " "?""""ffffffc@""""ffffffc@""" "?""" "?" # Hedge funds### @@### #?## #  # ?# # ## @@### #?### #?### #?### #?# $Limited partnerships$$$fffff&E@$$$ $?$$ $  $ ?$ $ $$fffff&E@$$$ $?$$$ $?$$$ $?$$$ $?$ %Insurance contracts%% %?%%% %?%% %  % ?% % % %?%%%%33333`@%%% %?%%%%33333`@%%% %?% &Emerging market bonds&&&333333 @&&&&333333 @&& &  & ?& & & &?&&& &?&&& &?&&& &?&&& &?& '''''''''' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''''''''''' ( Total assets((w@(((!s@((  ( $?( ( (R@(((ffffft@(((9h@(((33333`@(( ($?( )))))))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))))))))))) *+$,____________________________1-)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0.(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/"#O@*>r=PF0*8X> @j-.. -- ,, (((((( ((((((((((                   l  :  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 1} $ } U} $ } U} $                               FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012@8NOTE 11. PENSION AND OTHER POST-RETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANS  (In millions)   Hedge Funds   Limited         Partnerships$ Balance at December 31, 2009  fffff7@   A@ 0 (Unrealized gains relating to instruments    @    @ (  still held at the reporting date Purchases~  ?$Balance at December 31, 2010 @@fffff&E@1)Unrealized losses relating to instrumentsffffff( still held at the reporting date Purchases~ f ? Distributions ?~ $Balance at December 31, 2011fffffJ@ffffff@@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/> 0j^RFgG_2J>2 =PF0*8X> @b       l  8  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } m} $ }  } $ } U}  $ } U} $                          FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012.&Estimated future benefit payments#151;       Pensions   Other            Post-retirement           Benefits  (In millions)  U.S.    International    ~ r ~    ffffff @   ? ~ vA@!@   ? ~ zL7@"@   ? ~ ~ffffff9@#@   ? ~ 333333;@#@   ?  2017-20210e@33333O@    @ $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4 |pdX[<n^g=PF0*8X> @b         l  #  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 2}  $                   FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012)!NOTE 12. STOCK-BASED COMPENSATION      (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f (  Stock-based compensation expense  L:@   ;@   333333=@ 2 *Income tax benefits related to stock-based  !@   "@   %@  compensation expense $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/&9@ui]6=PF0*8X> @b          l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } :} $ }  } $                         FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/20122*Incentive compensation and stock plan#151;8 0(Number of restricted stock shares in thousands)  Shares   Weighted-Average Grant        Date Fair Value& Nonvested at December 31, 2010  ~ A   L4@  Granted  ~     QkD@  Vested  ~ J   Hz8@  Cancelled~ \(4@&Nonvested at December 31, 2011~ <R6@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2xl`TH_s=PF0*8X> @Z        l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 0}  $                    FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/20122*Incentive compensation and stock plan#151;      ~ n  ~ j  ~ f . &Weighted average grant date fair value  QkD@   q= ף:@   Gz,@ * "of restricted stock awards granted0 (Vest date fair value of restricted stock  fffffG@   fffff&K@   :@  vested (in millions)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/({Txl`T:\~V=PF0*8X> @b          l  ]  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } $4} $ } U}  $ } U} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/20122*Incentive compensation and stock plan#151;     . &(Number of stock options in thousands,  Shares    Weighted-    Weighted-    Aggregate $ intrinsic value in millions)  Under   Average   Average   Intrinsic Value   Option   Exercise    Remaining       Price    Contractual           Term( Outstanding at December 31, 2010~ = ףp=@      Exercised~  333333@          3+Outstanding and exercisable at December 31,~ = ףp=@   ffffff?  ,@~ n     $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/6 xl`TTD\=PF0*8X> @          l  $F{  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 2} $ }  } $ } U}  $ } } $ $                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/20122*Incentive compensation and stock plan#151;    ' (Number of shares in thousands)  Common    Common Stock   Common     Stock Issued   Held in Employee    Stock Held in        Benefit Trust   Treasury December 31, 2008  ~ y   ~    ~ :6   Stock awards   ?    ?   ~   Treasury stock purchases ? ?  ~  r 0(Net stock purchased for employee benefit ?~     ?  trust    December 31, 2009~ y~   ~    Stock awards ? ?  ~    Treasury stock purchases ? ?  ~  Z 2*Net stock sold from employee benefit trust ?~ 2    ?     December 31, 2010~ y~   ~  F  Stock awards ? ?  ~    Treasury stock purchases ? ?  ~  * 0(Net stock purchased for employee benefit ?~     ?  trust    December 31, 2011~ y~   ~       Dlxl`T t4[Dz+R ! " #  $!____________________________1")Created by Morningstar Document Research.0#(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ <=PF0*8X> @Z ## "" !!      l  &  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } U5} $ }  } $ } U} $                              FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/20122*Incentive compensation and stock plan#151;    December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j / 'Cumulative foreign currency translation  33333Y   I   adjustments/ 'Cumulative deferral of hedging (losses)   333330    ffffff@ 4,gains, net of tax of $9.1 million and $(3.8)million, respectively0(Cumulative deferral of pension and otherDti.&post-retirement benefit losses, net of1)tax of $161.8 million and $103.8 million, respectively,$Accumulated other comprehensive loss̼{33333o$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/<xl`TG &6*=PF0*8X> @R       l  ;  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 0} $ }  } $ }  } $                          FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012/'Foreign exchange rate forward contracts   Notional Amount     Bought (Sold)  (In millions)     USD Equivalent  Brazilian real   33333s`@    ̌Q@   British pound   ?@    33333H@  Euro333333?333333DMalaysian ringgit Y@33333?@Norwegian krone,@33333y@Singapore dollare@`@ U.S. dollar$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4{ocW{ uj^R*=PF0*8X> @2    l  O  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 0} $ }  } $ }  } $                        FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012QIForeign exchange rate instruments embedded in purchase and sale contracts   Notional Amount     Bought (Sold)  (In millions)     USD Equivalent  Australian dollar   A    @B   British pound   =@    fffff&G@  Euro6@33333<@Norwegian krone33333~T U.S. dollarB@B@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0 YMA5Ya`VJ>=PF0*8X> @2    l  &s;u  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 7} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ &     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012QIForeign exchange rate instruments embedded in purchase and sale contracts        December 31, 2011   December 31, 2010   (In millions)  Assets    Liabilities   Assets    Liabilities 6 .Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:                # Foreign exchange contracts:                2 *Current ? Derivative financial instruments  ffffffN@   fffff&M@   YD@   C@ 4,Long-term ? Derivative financial instrumentsffffff:@33333<@   F@  ?@ Interest rate contracts:     2*Current ? Derivative financial instruments ??    ?   ?4,Long-term ? Derivative financial instruments ? ?    ?  @     /'Total derivatives designated as hedgingU@fffff&V@   ̌U@  ̌R@ instruments     -%Derivatives not designated as hedging      instruments:#Foreign exchange contracts:     2*Current ? Derivative financial instruments333333"@@   ̌@@  A@4,Long-term ? Derivative financial instruments3333332@ @   333333-@  333333'@     3+Total derivatives not designated as hedgingL;@~ >   G@  ffffffG@ instruments     Total derivatives\@fffffY@  ̼`@  ~ DNlYMA5i(.GiYuvu !"#$%                 !"$#____________________________1$)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0%(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/d4(=PF0*8X> @%%$$##          l  E  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } S} $ }  } $ } U}  $ } } $ E                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012QIForeign exchange rate instruments embedded in purchase and sale contracts      9 1Gain (Loss) Recognized in OCI (Effective Portion)    Year Ended December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  Interest rate contracts  333333?   ffffff    " Foreign exchange contracts   ffffff$    333333@    K@      Total~ @  K@     MELocation of Gain (Loss) Reclassified from Accumulated OCI into Income1)Gain (Loss) Reclassified From Accumulated +#OCI into Income (Effective Portion)Year Ended December 31,  (In millions)~ n~ j ~  f #Foreign exchange contracts:    Revenue:@  @  Cost of sales3   3333338 3+Selling, general and administrative expense??   ɿ      Total:@8  33333L     4,Location of Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income=5Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income (Ineffective Portion .&and Amount Excluded from EffectivenessDlYMA58fa:"=k#hd ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?    Testing)!!!Year Ended December 31,! " (In millions)"~ "n""~ "j"" ~ " f" ##Foreign exchange contracts:######### # # # $Revenue$$8@$$$ @$$ $ ffffff@$ % Cost of sales%%%1%%%%333333$%% % % % 3&+Selling, general and administrative expense&& &?&&& &?&& & & & '''''''''' ' ' '  (Total((333333@((((( ( ?( )))))))))) ) ) ) *.+&Instruments that are not designated as+ 1,)hedging instruments are executed to hedge3-+the effect of exposures in the consolidated0.(balance sheets, and occasionally forward./&foreign currency contracts or currency/0'options are executed to hedge exposures810which do not meet all of the criteria to qualify2for hedge accounting.3344,Location of Gain (Loss) Recognized in Income4.4&Gain or (Loss) Recognized in Income on4 55/5'Derivatives (Instruments Not Designated666as Hedging Instruments)777Year Ended December 31,7 8 (In millions)8~ 8n88~ 8j88 ~ 8 f8 #9Foreign exchange contracts:999999999 9 9 9 :Revenue::3333330@::: @:: : ffffff: ; Cost of sales;;;;;;;ٿ;; ; ; ffffff; '<Other income (expense), net (1)<<<<<<~ <<< < < U@< ========== = = =  >Total>>333333'@>>>333333?>> > 33333T@> ?????????? ? ? ? DHlK0i]M#Vc@ A B C D @A$B____________________________1C)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0D(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ P=PF0*8X> @<DD CC BB >>>>>> :::::: 888888 77 66 55 44 22 11 00 // .. -- ,, ++ (((((( $$$$$$ """""" !!                 l  #  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } <(} $ } U} $ } U}  $ } U} $ }  } $ } U} $ } U} $ } U} $ }  } $ #!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012QIForeign exchange rate instruments embedded in purchase and sale contracts         December 31, 2011   December 31, 2010   (In millions)  Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3  Assets                                  Investments:                                 Equity securities ~ N  ~ N   $?   $?   L3@   L3@   $?   $?  Fixed income333333 @333333 @    ?   ? @ @ ? ? Stable value fundffffff @ ?   ffffff @   ?@ ?@ ?  Other333333@333333@    ?   ?333333?333333? ? ? )!Derivative financial instruments:      "Foreign exchange contracts\@ ?   \@   ?̼`@ ?̼`@ ?        Total assetsib@=@  33333s]@   $?d@ffffff=@~ & $?        Liabilities      )!Derivative financial instruments:      Interest rate contracts? $?  ?   $?@ $?@ $? "Foreign exchange contracts~  ?  ~     ?33333]@ ?33333]@ ? )!Contingent earn-out considerationL@ ?    ?  L@~  ? ?~        Total liabilities33333#d@ $?  fffffY@  L@~  $?~ ~        D$lYMA534G-2J(C߷ !!!"!$ ____________________________1!)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0"(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ (=PF0*8X> @j-"" !!                     l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)NOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } a/} $ }  } $ } U} $                        FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012.&Contingent earn-out consideration#151;    December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j $ Balance at beginning of year ~   ~   Remeasurement adjustment   ?    @ / 'Foreign currency translation adjustment       ɿ Balance at end of yearL@~ $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0|pdXKLAcWK#=PF0*8X> @R       l  3  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratio!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } '} $ }  } $ }  } $                         FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012%NOTE 17. WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS    December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j $ Balance at beginning of year  ffffff6@   fffff0@ # Expenses for new warranties   333333C@    ffffff8@ (  Adjustments to existing accruals       ffffff  Claims paid~ 1Balance at end of year333339@ffffff6@$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/2ymaTE.L=PF0*8X> @R       l  ,!['  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 8} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ ,                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/20124,Segment revenue and segment operating profit       Year Ended December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  Revenue:             Subsea Technologies (1)  33333@   U@   @  Surface Technologies   33333{@    fffffҍ@    @ Energy Infrastructurefffffv@ffffff|@   `@ 7/Other revenue (2) and intercompany eliminationsffffff ~    ffffff8      Total revenue~ O@  fffff5@     #Income before income taxes:    !Segment operating profit:    Subsea Technologiesfffffs@33333cz@  fffffy@ Surface Technologies33333Co@̬e@  ~  * Energy InfrastructurefffffH@fffffB@   ffffffP@     &Total segment operating profitfffffZ@33333˃@   T@     Corporate items:    Corporate expense (3)33333CD   33333A .&Other revenue (2) and other (expense),633333sH   L net (4)Net interest expenseffffff !   # Dlvj^Ro@Av mP @++ ** )) ######        l  'B:E  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 0} $ }  } $ }  } $ '                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012=5Segment operating capital employed and segment assets    December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j / 'Segment operating capital employed (1):         Subsea Technologies  @   33333C@  Surface Technologies   d@    z@ Energy Infrastructurev@Lv@0(Total segment operating capital employedfffff8@33333@-%Segment liabilities included in totalfffffė@33333@.&segment operating capital employed (2) Corporate (3) @ @ Total assets~ Bfffffx@Segment assets:Subsea Technologiesfffff@~ &Surface Technologiesx@33333O@Energy Infrastructure~ ~ Z!Intercompany eliminations3,Total segment assets@333335@ Corporate (3) @ @DxlmaUI<6tBQ} ! " # $ % &   Total assets ~ B   fffffx@ !!!!!!!!!"#$$____________________________1%)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0&(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ x, =PF0*8X> @r&&%%$$        l  $ c?d  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } m)} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ $                                 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012=5Segment operating capital employed and segment assets       Year Ended December 31,   (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f * "Revenue (by location of customer):              United States  @   33333_@   !@  Norway  ~     33333@    |@ Angola33333@@   fffffB@ Brazil33333@v@   fffffy@ All other countries33333@V@   }@      Total revenue~ O@  fffff5@      December 31,  (In millions)~ n~ j ~  f Long-lived assets:     United Statesfffffm@)g@   g@ Norwayfffff6e@fffff6c@    d@ Braziľ_@33333SW@   33333P@ All other countries)m@ffffff@   Le@     Total long-lived assets33333@~    33333/@     DlmaUIf"n~U V\ ! " #  $!____________________________1")Created by Morningstar Document Research.0#(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ <=PF0*8X> @## "" !!           l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } } $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ }  } $ }  } $ } U} $ } U} "$ } ##U} $$$ %%%%%%%%%% % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012*"Other business segment information      !"#$   Capital Expenditures   Depreciation and    Research and $    Year Ended    Amortization   Development Expense    December 31,    Year Ended    Year Ended                December 31,    December 31,  (In millions) ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  ~ n  ~ j  ~ f  ~ n  ~ j  !~ "f $Subsea Technologies|f@fffffS@ ~  f  fffffP@ P@fffff&N@fffffP@YI@ !"ffffffB@$Surface TechnologiesS@ffffff:@   ffffff.@  ~ ^~ N2@ @@ !"#@$Energy Infrastructure)@@   @  -@333333-@~ 2333333.@'@ !"#333333 @$ Corporateffffff?333333?   333333?  ffffff @ @@ ? ? !" #?$      !"#$ Total~ J \@ ~    33333Z@33333SY@~ vV@~  !"fffffI@$      !"#$$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8th\cx:=PF0*8X> @J)$$$ "# "#        "#  #   #   #   # l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informatSummary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 7} $ }  } $ }  }  $ } } $ }  } $ }  } $ }  } $ }  } $ }  } $ !!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012*"Other business segment information        ~ n  ~ j , $(In millions, except per share data)  4th Qtr.   3rd Qtr.   2nd Qtr.   1st Qtr.   4th Qtr.   3rd Qtr.   2nd Qtr.   1st Qtr.  Revenue  r@   @   5@   @   33333;@  ~    @   33333i@   Cost of sales   @    @    33333ύ@    U@    33333@   ~ N     T@   ~ "  6 .Income from continuing operations attributable   X@    fffffF^@    33333W@    LU@   ~     ,T@     X@   ~  !to FMC Technologies, Inc.2*Income (loss) from discontinued operations ? ?    ?   ?ffffff333333? ? ?  Net income Y@l^@   fffffW@  lU@33333Y@YT@333333X@X@ 4,Net income attributable to FMC Technologies,X@fffffF^@  33333W@  LU@33333X@~ F X@~   Inc.$Basic earnings per share (1)= ףp=??  (\?  ffffff?= ףp=?(\?(\?? &Diluted earnings per share (1)= ףp=??  (\?  ffffff?= ףp=?Q?(\?? $____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/8th\x3+q=PF0*8X> @j-                       l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Beneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 1} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012Summary CompensationITEM 11.EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION  $ ____________________________1 )Created by Morningstar Document Research.0 (http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ vj4(=PF0*8X> @ l  Q  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 1} 6      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012Beneficial OwnershipITEM 12.0(SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL 5 -OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT AND RELATED STOCKHOLDER  MATTERS  $ ____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/$+,vj"~=PF0*8X> @ l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } $4} $      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012!NOTE 21. SUBSEQUENT EVENT      (In thousands)                Additions         Description   Balance at   Charged to Costs    Charged to    Deductions    Balance at    Beginning of Period    and Expenses   Other Accounts (a)    and Other (b)    End of Period% Year ended December 31, 2009:                    'Allowance for doubtful accounts~  ~  3 ~    ~  N~  |3+Valuation allowance for deferred tax assets~  ~   ~    ~  ~  4%Year ended December 31, 2010:     'Allowance for doubtful accounts~  |~  > ~    ~  F ~  n3+Valuation allowance for deferred tax assets~  4~  z ~    ~  F~  5%Year ended December 31, 2011:     'Allowance for doubtful accounts~  n~   ~  6  ~  ^~  y3+Valuation allowance for deferred tax assets~  5~   ~    ~  ~  9$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/:n}qei>;<#:E,CN5LWK?=PF0*8X> @b,                l    dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } } $ } 1      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012!NOTE 21. SUBSEQUENT EVENT FMC TECHNOLOGIES, INC.  (Registrant)   By: # / S / M ARYANN T. S EAMAN   Maryann T. Seaman1)Senior Vice President and Chief FinancialOfficer$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/.M}qeAx+=PF0*8X> @*   l  8 l  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 0} $ } 1 8     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012!NOTE 21. SUBSEQUENT EVENT Date   Signature   February 27, 2012  / S / J OHN T. G REMP    John T. Gremp  / 'Chairman, President and Chief ExecutiveOfficer%(Principal Executive Officer)February 27, 2012#/ S / M ARYANN T. S EAMANMaryann T. Seaman1)Senior Vice President and Chief FinancialOfficer%(Principal Financial Officer)February 27, 2012/ S / J AY A. N UTT Jay A. Nutt%Vice President and Controller&(Principal Accounting Officer)February 27, 2012 / S / M IKE R. B OWLINMike R. Bowlin,DirectorDl}qeA{0\'nV ZB !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567 February 27, 2012 & / S / P HILIP J. B URGUIERES!!!Philip J. Burguieres,"""Director##$February 27, 2012$0$(/ S / E LEAZAR D E C ARVALHO F ILHO%%"%Eleazar De Carvalho Filho,&&&Director''(February 27, 2012(!(/ S / C. M AURY D EVINE)))C. Maury Devine,***Director++,February 27, 2012,',/ S / D R . T HORLEIF E NGER---Dr. Thorleif Enger,...Director//0February 27, 20120"0/ S / C LAIRE S. F ARLEY111Claire S. Farley,222Director34$5____________________________16)Created by Morningstar Document Research.07(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4}tH0iQ7m8 =PF0*8X> @776655 l  #s( )  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 0} $ } % #     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012!NOTE 21. SUBSEQUENT EVENT Date   Signature   February 27, 2012 $ / S / T HOMAS M. H AMILTON   Thomas M. Hamilton,   DirectorFebruary 27, 2012"/ S / E DWARD J. M OONEYEdward J. Mooney,DirectorFebruary 27, 2012&/ S / J OSEPH H. N ETHERLANDJoseph H. Netherland,DirectorFebruary 27, 2012'/ S / R ICHARD A. P ATTAROZZIRichard A. Pattarozzi,DirectorFebruary 27, 2012"/ S / J AMES M. R INGLERJames M. Ringler,DirectorDl}qeApD,|d@s> !"$ ____________________________1!)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0"(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/ (=PF0*8X> @""!!  l   D? J V a e  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } <} $ } >      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012!NOTE 21. SUBSEQUENT EVENT  Exhibit  Exhibit Description No. @ - %Separation and Distribution Agreement  < 4by and between FMC Corporation and FMC Technologies,  4 ,Inc., dated as of May 31, 2001 (incorporated1)by reference from Exhibit 2.1 to the Form2*S-1/A filed on June 6, 2001) (RegistrationNo. 333-55920).@-%Separation and Distribution Agreement1)by and between FMC Technologies, Inc. and1)John Bean Technologies Corporation, dated0(July 31, 2008 (incorporated by reference1)from Exhibit 2.1 to the Current Report on3+Form 8-K filed on August 6, 2008) (File No. 001-16489). 2.2.a1)Amendment, dated October 25, 2010, by and/'between FMC Technologies, Inc. and John1)Bean Technologies Corporation that amends1)the Separation and Distribution Agreement1)by and between FMC Technologies, Inc. and1)John Bean Technologies Corporation, datedDY l}qeAH]*v)A[ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?  0 (July 31, 2008 (incorporated by reference!!2!*from Exhibit 2.2.a to the Quarterly Report""9"1on Form 10-Q filed on November 3, 2010) (File No.### 001-16489).$$%@%9%1Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation&&/&'of FMC Technologies, Inc. (incorporated''6'.by reference from Exhibit 3.1 to the Quarterly((4(,Report on Form 10-Q filed on August 7, 2009))))(File No. 001-16489).**+ 3.1a+2+*Second Certificate of Amendment of Amended,,1,)and Restated Certificate of Incorporation--/-'of FMC Technologies, Inc. (incorporated..4.,by reference from Exhibit 3.1 to the Current//1/)Report on Form 8-K filed on May 12, 2011)000(File No. 001-16489).112 @2820Amended and Restated Bylaws of FMC Technologies,3343,Inc. (incorporated by reference from Exhibit4404(3.2 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q55850filed on November 3, 2010) (File No. 001-16489).667ffffff@7:72Form of Specimen Certificate for FMC Technologies,8848,Inc. Common Stock (incorporated by reference9909(from Exhibit 4.1 to the Form S-1/A filed::5:-on May 4, 2001) (Registration No. 333-55920).;;<@<3<+Rights Agreement, dated as of June 5, 2001,==8=0between FMC Technologies, Inc. and Computershare>>/>'Investor Services, LLC, as Rights Agent??/?'(incorporated by reference from ExhibitD+ lfo$I1EoWa I?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_@@3@+4.2 to the Form S-8 filed on June 14, 2001)AA%A(Registration No. 333-62996).BBC 4.2.aC/C'Amendment to Rights Agreement, dated asDD7D/of September 8, 2009, between FMC Technologies,EE4E,Inc. and National City Bank, as Rights AgentFF3F+(incorporated by reference from Exhibit 4.1GG2G*to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed onHH1H)September 14, 2009) (File No. 001-16489).IIJ333333$@J:J2Tax Sharing Agreement by and among FMC CorporationKK/K'and FMC Technologies, Inc., dated as ofLL/L'May 31, 2001 (incorporated by referenceMM1M)from Exhibit 10.1 to the Form S-1/A filedNN6N.on June 6, 2001) (Registration No. 333-55920).OOPffffff$@P2P*Employee Benefits Agreement by and betweenQQ-Q%FMC Corporation and FMC Technologies,RR4R,Inc., dated as of May 30, 2001 (incorporatedSS2S*by reference from Exhibit 10.2 to the FormTT2T*S-1/A filed on June 6, 2001) (RegistrationUUUNo. 333-55920).VVW$@W-W%Transition Services Agreement betweenXX-X%FMC Corporation and FMC Technologies,YY4Y,Inc., dated as of May 31, 2001 (incorporatedZZ2Z*by reference from Exhibit 10.3 to the Form[[6[.S-1/A filed on June 6, 2001) (Registration No.\\\ 333-55920).]] ^10.4*^.^&Amended and Restated FMC Technologies,__-_%Inc. Incentive Compensation and StockD lpXcyao"d}/L\-`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~``3`+Plan, dated February 25, 2010 (incorporatedaa4a,by reference from Exhibit 10.4 to the Annualbb0b(Report Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010)ccc(File No. 001-16489).dde10.4.a*e3e+First Amendment to the Amended and Restatedff5f-FMC Technologies, Inc. Incentive Compensationgg5g-and Stock Plan, dated as of December 6, 2011.hh i10.5*i7i/Form of Grant Agreement for Long Term Incentivejj.j&Restricted Stock Grant Pursuant to thekk5k-FMC Technologies, Inc. Incentive Compensationll/l'and Stock Plan (Employee) (incorporatedmm8m0by reference from Exhibit 10.4d to the Quarterlynn2n*Report on Form 10-Q filed on May 10, 2005)ooo(File No. 001-16489).pp q10.6*q7q/Form of Grant Agreement for Long Term Incentiverr.r&Restricted Stock Grant Pursuant to thess5s-FMC Technologies, Inc. Incentive Compensationtt.t&and Stock Plan (Non-Employee Director)uu/u'(incorporated by reference from Exhibitvv2v*10.4e to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Qww4w,filed on May 10, 2005) (File No. 001-16489).xx y10.7*y/y'Form of Grant Agreement for Key Managerzz.z&Restricted Stock Grant Pursuant to the{{5{-FMC Technologies, Inc. Incentive Compensation||1|)and Stock Plan (incorporated by reference}}2}*from Exhibit 10.4f to the Quarterly Report~~1~)on Form 10-Q filed on May 10, 2005) (FileNo. 001-16489).DA lan\v"+F]EZ  10.8*1)Form of Grant Agreement for Non-Qualified<4Stock Option Grant Pursuant to the FMC Technologies,-%Inc. Incentive Compensation and Stock2*Plan (Employee) (incorporated by reference2*from Exhibit 10.4g to the Quarterly Report1)on Form 10-Q filed on May 10, 2005) (FileNo. 001-16489).$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/>Y =PF0*8X> @ l  |{  ܛ  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } <} $ } F |     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012!NOTE 21. SUBSEQUENT EVENT  Exhibit  Exhibit Description No. 10.9* 1 )Form of Grant Agreement for Non-Qualified  < 4Stock Option Grant Pursuant to the FMC Technologies,  - %Inc. Incentive Compensation and Stock2*Plan (Non-Employee Director) (incorporated80by reference from Exhibit 10.4h to the Quarterly2*Report on Form 10-Q filed on May 10, 2005)(File No. 001-16489).10.10*6.Form of Grant Agreement for Stock Appreciation6.Rights Grant Pursuant to the FMC Technologies,-%Inc. Incentive Compensation and Stock4,Plan (incorporated by reference from Exhibit2*10.4i to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q4,filed on May 10, 2005) (File No. 001-16489).10.11*/'Form of Grant Agreement for Performance5-Units Grant Pursuant to the FMC Technologies,-%Inc. Incentive Compensation and Stock4,Plan (incorporated by reference from Exhibit2*10.4j to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q4,filed on May 10, 2005) (File No. 001-16489).D l}qeAEZ cx*q  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?  !10.12*!/!'Form of Long Term Incentive Performance""1")Share Restricted Stock Agreement Pursuant##/#'to the FMC Technologies, Inc. Incentive$$1$)Compensation and Stock Plan (incorporated%%/%'by reference from Exhibit 10.4.k to the&&5&-Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on May 9,''#'2006) (File No. 001-16489).(()10.13*)/)'Form of Long Term Incentive Performance**1*)Share Restricted Stock Agreement Pursuant++/+'to the FMC Technologies, Inc. Incentive,,1,)Compensation and Stock Plan (incorporated--/-'by reference from Exhibit 10.4.i to the..1.)Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on March//%/1, 2010) (File No 001-16489).00110.14*1.1&Form of Long Term Incentive Restricted2202(Stock Unit Agreement Pursuant to the FMC3313)Technologies, Inc. Incentive Compensation44840and Stock Plan for Employees of FMC Technologies55951SA (incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.4.j6626*to the Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on77,7$March 1, 2010) (File No. 001-16489).88910.15*909(Form of FMC Technologies, Inc. Executive::,:$Severance Agreement (incorporated by;;1;)reference from Exhibit 10.5 to the Annual<<1<)Report on Form 10-K filed on February 27,==#=2009) (File No. 001-16489).>>?10.16*?4?,FMC Technologies, Inc. Employees? RetirementD lJgn!>H[pXq$@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_@@3@+Program Part I Salaried and Nonunion HourlyAA0A(Employees? Retirement Plan (incorporatedBB4B,by reference from Exhibit 10.6 to the AnnualCC3C+Report on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010)DDD(File No. 001-16489).EEF10.16.a*F0F(First Amendment to the FMC Technologies,GG/G'Inc. Employees? Retirement Program PartHH1H)I Salaried and Nonunion Hourly Employees?II2I*Retirement Plan (incorporated by referenceJJ0J(from Exhibit 10.6.a to the Annual ReportKKBK:on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010) (File No. 001-16489).LLM10.16.b*M1M)Eighth Amendment to the FMC Technologies,NN/N'Inc. Employees? Retirement Program PartOO1O)I Salaried and Nonunion Hourly Employees?PP2P*Retirement Plan (incorporated by referenceQQ2Q*from Exhibit 10.6h to the Quarterly ReportRR5R-on Form 10-Q filed on November 3, 2009) (FileSSSNo. 001-16489).TTU10.16.c*U0U(Ninth Amendment to the FMC Technologies,VV/V'Inc. Employees? Retirement Program PartWW1W)I Salaried and Nonunion Hourly Employees?XX2X*Retirement Plan (incorporated by referenceYY0Y(from Exhibit 10.6.c to the Annual ReportZZ2Z*on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010) (File[[[No. 001-16489).\\]10.17*]4],FMC Technologies, Inc. Employees? Retirement^^/^'Program Part II Union Hourly Employees?__2_*Retirement Plan (incorporated by referenceD: leu!;y$>lThM5`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{``0`(from Exhibit 10.6.d to the Annual Reportaa2a*on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010) (FilebbbNo. 001-16489).ccd10.17.a*d0d(First Amendment to the FMC Technologies,ee/e'Inc. Employees? Retirement Program Partff-f%II Union Hourly Employees? Retirementgg,g$Plan (incorporated by reference fromhh>h6Exhibit 10.6.e to the Annual Report on Form 10-K filedii/i'on March 1, 2010) (File No. 001-16489).jjk10.17.b*k0k(Sixth Amendment to the FMC Technologies,ll/l'Inc. Employees? Retirement Program Partmm-m%II Union Hourly Employees? Retirementnn4n,Plan (incorporated by reference from Exhibitoo0o(10.6.f to the Annual Report on Form 10-Kpp5p-filed on March 1, 2010) (File No. 001-16489).qqr10.18*r2r*FMC Technologies, Inc. Salaried Employees?ss0s(Equivalent Retirement Plan (incorporatedtt4t,by reference from Exhibit 10.7 to the Annualuu3u+Report on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010)vvv(File No. 001-16489).wx$y____________________________1z)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0{(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/< f3|3F.FYAQ=PF0*8X> @{{zzyy l   ¼  [  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } <} $ } :      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012!NOTE 21. SUBSEQUENT EVENT  Exhibit  Exhibit Description No.   10.18.a* 0 (First Amendment to the FMC Technologies,  6 .Inc. Salaried Employees? Equivalent Retirement4,Plan (incorporated by reference from Exhibit1)10.7 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q80filed on November 3, 2009) (File No. 001-16489).10.19*4,FMC Technologies, Inc. Equivalent Retirement2*Plan Grantor Trust Agreement (incorporated/'by reference from Exhibit 10.7.a to the4,Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on March 1,#2010) (File No. 001-16489).10.20*5-FMC Technologies, Inc. Savings and Investment4,Plan (incorporated by reference from Exhibit4,10.8 to the Annual Report on Form 10-K filed/'on March 1, 2010) (File No. 001-16489).10.20.a*0(First Amendment to the FMC Technologies,6.Inc. Savings and Investment Plan (incorporated3+by reference from Exhibit 10.8.b the AnnualD= l}qeA1@(9;P8 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?  3 +Report on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010)!!!(File No. 001-16489).""#10.20.b*#1#)Second Amendment to the FMC Technologies,$$6$.Inc. Savings and Investment Plan (incorporated%%4%,by reference from Exhibit 10.1 the Quarterly&&3&+Report on Form 10-Q filed on July 29, 2011)'''(File No. 001-16489).(()10.20.c*)0)(Third Amendment to the FMC Technologies,**6*.Inc. Savings and Investment Plan (incorporated++4+,by reference from Exhibit 10.2 the Quarterly,,3,+Report on Form 10-Q filed on July 29, 2011)---(File No. 001-16489).../10.20.d*/1/)Fourth Amendment to the FMC Technologies,00/0'Inc. Savings and Investment Plan, dated111December 22, 2011.22310.20.e*303(Ninth Amendment to the FMC Technologies,4464.Inc. Savings and Investment Plan (incorporated55850by reference from Exhibit 10.8i to the Quarterly6606(Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 3,77#72009) (File No. 001-16489).88910.20.f*909(Tenth Amendment to the FMC Technologies,::6:.Inc. Savings and Investment Plan (incorporated;;8;0by reference from Exhibit 10.8j to the Quarterly<<0<(Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 3,==#=2009) (File No. 001-16489).>>?10.20.g*?3?+Eleventh Amendment to the FMC Technologies,D lx` iu#K3]EKTb#@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_@@6@.Inc. Savings and Investment Plan (incorporatedAA/A'by reference from Exhibit 10.8.e to theBB1B)Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on MarchCC&C1, 2010) (File No. 001-16489).DDE10.21*E5E-FMC Technologies, Inc. Savings and InvestmentFF-F%Plan Trust Agreement (incorporated byGG3G+reference from Exhibit 10.8.a to the AnnualHH3H+Report on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010)III(File No. 001-16489).JJK10.22*K,K$FMC Technologies, Inc. Non-QualifiedLL1L)Savings and Investment Plan (incorporatedMM4M,by reference from Exhibit 10.9 to the AnnualNN3N+Report on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010)OOO(File No. 001-16489).PPQ10.22.a*Q0Q(First Amendment to the FMC Technologies,RR1R)Inc. Non-Qualified Savings and InvestmentSS4S,Plan (incorporated by reference from ExhibitTT4T,10.9 the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filedUU2U*on November 3, 2009) (File No. 001-16489).VVW10.23*W,W$FMC Technologies, Inc. Non-QualifiedXX3X+Savings and Investment Plan Trust AgreementYY/Y'(incorporated by reference from ExhibitZZ0Z(10.9.a to the Annual Report on Form 10-K[[5[-filed on March 1, 2010) (File No. 001-16489).\\]{Gz$@].]&Commercial Paper Dealer Agreement 4(2)^^2^*Program between Banc of America Securities__/_'LLC and FMC Technologies Inc., dated asD lce~E-BNa^v^`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~``6`.of January 24, 2003 (incorporated by referenceaa/a'from Exhibit 10.10 to the Annual Reportbb2b*on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010) (FilecccNo. 001-16489).dde$@e.e&Commercial Paper Dealer Agreement 4(2)ff-f%Program between Wells Fargo Brokeragegg1g)Services, LLC and FMC Technologies, Inc.,hh3h+dated as of December 21, 2007 (incorporatedii5i-by reference from Exhibit 10.11 to the Annualjj3j+Report on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010)kkk(File No. 001-16489).llmQ$@m.m&Commercial Paper Dealer Agreement 4(2)nn.n&Program between J.P. Morgan Securitiesoo.o&Inc. and FMC Technologies, Inc., datedpp6p.as of March 7, 2008 (incorporated by referenceqq/q'from Exhibit 10.12 to the Annual Reportrr2r*on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010) (FilesssNo. 001-16489).ttu ףp=$@u.u&Commercial Paper Dealer Agreement 4(2)vv0v(Program between Citigroup Global Marketsww.w&Inc. and FMC Technologies, Inc., datedxx5x-as of January 2010 (incorporated by referenceyy/y'from Exhibit 10.13 to the Annual Reportzz2z*on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010) (File{{{No. 001-16489).|}$~____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.Dn lcz1DT n#:S{o0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/H=PF0*8X> @~~ l  x z  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } <} $ } > x     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012!NOTE 21. SUBSEQUENT EVENT  Exhibit  Exhibit Description No.   (\$@ . &Issuing and Paying Agency Agreement by  . &and between Wells Fargo Bank, National/'Association and FMC Technologies, Inc.,1)dated as of January 3, 2004 (incorporated5-by reference from Exhibit 10.14 to the Annual4,Report on Form 10-K filed on March 1, 2010).(File No. 001-16489).Gz$@/'$600,000,000 Five-Year Credit Agreement6.dated December 6, 2007 among FMC Technologies,4,Inc., the Lenders party thereto and JPMorgan1)Chase Bank, N.A., as Administrative Agent5-(incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.152*to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed on/'December 7, 2007) (File No. 001-16489).$@3+$350,000,000 Credit Agreement dated January.&13, 2010 among FMC Technologies, Inc.,6.the Lenders party thereto and Bank of America,3+N.A., as Administrative Agent (incorporatedDO l}qeA=Tbs"q !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?  3 +by reference from Exhibit 10 to the Current!!5!-Report on Form 8-K filed on January 15, 2010)"""(File No. 001-16489).##$Q$@$<$4Tax Sharing Agreement by and among FMC Technologies,%%:%2Inc. and its affiliates and John Bean Technologies&&-&%Corporation and its affiliates, dated''0'(July 31, 2008 (incorporated by reference((/('from Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report))2)*on Form 8-K filed on August 6, 2008) (File***No. 001-16489).++,p= ף$@,2,*Securities Purchase Agreement by and among--3-+FMC Technologies, Inc., Schilling Robotics,../.'Inc., Schilling Robotics, LLC and Tyler//8/0Schilling, dated December 24, 2008 (incorporated0050-by reference from Exhibit 10.15 to the Annual1111)Report on Form 10-K filed on February 27,22#22009) (File No. 001-16489).334)\$@404(Unitholders Agreement by and between FMC55/5'Technologies, Inc., Schilling Robotics,6606(Inc. and Tyler Schilling, dated December7707(26, 2008 (incorporated by reference from8878/Exhibit 10.16 to the Annual Report on Form 10-K99991filed on February 27, 2009) (File No. 001-16489).::;Gz$@;0;(Amended and Restated Operating Agreement<<6<.by and among FMC Technologies, Inc., Schilling==1=)Robotics, Inc., Schilling Robotics Newco,>>.>&LLC, Schilling Robotics, LLC and Tyler??8?0Schilling, dated December 26, 2008 (incorporatedDY l`'[{-?OYv#d@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_@@5@-by reference from Exhibit 10.17 to the AnnualAA1A)Report on Form 10-K filed on February 27,BB#B2009) (File No. 001-16489).CCD33333$@D.D&Purchase Agreement, dated September 9,EE.E&2009, by and between FMC Technologies,FF2F*Inc., Direct Drive Systems, Inc., (?DDS?),GG1G)each stakeholder in DDS signatory theretoHH.H&(each, a ?Seller?) and Vatche ArtinianII4I,as the Sellers? Representative (incorporatedJJ8J0by reference from Exhibit 10.10 to the QuarterlyKK0K(Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 3,LL#L2009) (File No. 001-16489).MMN333333,@N/N'FMC Technologies, Inc. Code of BusinessOO/O'Conduct and Ethics Including ProvisionsPP-P%for Principal Executive and FinancialQQ0Q(Officers (incorporated by reference fromRR6R.Exhibit 14.1 to the Annual Report on Form 10-KSS6S.filed on March 12, 2004) (File No. 001-16489).TTU5@U3U+Significant Subsidiaries of the Registrant.VVW7@W0W(Consent of Independent Registered PublicXXXAccounting Firm.YYZ?@Z0Z(Certification of Chief Executive Officer[[6[.Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) and Rule 15d-14(a).\\]333333?@]0](Certification of Chief Financial Officer^^6^.Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) and Rule 15d-14(a).__D lb# q#<]E`pXeM?`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw`32.1**`0`(Certification of Chief Executive Officeraa/a'Under Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxleybb$bAct of 2002, 18 U.S.C. 1350.ccd32.2**d0d(Certification of Chief Financial Officeree/e'Under Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxleyff$fAct of 2002, 18 U.S.C. 1350.ggh101.INShhXBRL Instance Documentiij101.SCHjjXBRL Schema Documentkkl101.CALl*l"XBRL Calculation Linkbase Documentmmn101.DEFn)n!XBRL Definition Linkbase Documentoop101.LABp$pXBRL Label Linkbase Documentqqr101.PREr+r#XBRL Presentation Linkbase Documentst$u____________________________1v)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0w(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/4c# n.~fV>=PF0*8X> @wwvvuu l  * {"  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7) NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 7} $ } } $ }  *     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012.&SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REGISTRANT  Company(1)  Organized Under  Percent of Voting   Laws of  Securities Owned(2) FMC Technologies Inc.  Delaware   Registrant CDS Engineering B.V.  The Netherlands  100%" Direct Drive Systems, Inc.  Delaware  100% FMC Kongsberg Holding ASNorway 100%( FMC Kongsberg International A.G. Switzerland 100%FMC Kongsberg Subsea ASNorway 100%/'FMC Petroleum Equipment (Malaysia) Sdn.Malaysia 100% Bhd. FMC Subsea Service, Inc.Delaware 100%FMC Technologies A.G. Switzerland 100%FMC Technologies ASNorway 100%*"FMC Technologies Australia Limited Australia 100%FMC Technologies B.V. Netherlands 100% FMC Technologies Company Nova Scotia 100%( FMC Technologies do Brasil Ltda.Brazil 100% FMC Technologies LimitedEngland 100%*"FMC Technologies Limited (Nigeria)Nigeria 100%/'FMC Technologies Measurement Solutions,Delaware 100% Inc.,$FMC Technologies Norway Holding B.V.The Netherlands 100%FMC Technologies S.A.France 100%D l|pdX`8o3zL !"#$%&'(), $FMC Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd.   Singapore  100%$!FMC Wellhead Equip. Sdn. Bhd!!Malaysia! !100%"Multi Phase Meters A.S.""Norway" "100%6#.P.T. FMC Santana Petroleum Equipment Indonesia## Indonesia# #60%$Smith Meter GmbH$$Germany$ $100%%&$'____________________________1()Created by Morningstar Document Research.0)(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/l/\=PF0*8X> @))(('' l  /2  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 1      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012NO TITLE /S/ J OHN T. G REMP  John T. Gremp/ 'Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer% (Principal Executive Officer)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*chvjJ1=PF0*8X> @ l  A  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBAN NO TITLE (5)U } 1      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012NO TITLE /S/ M ARYANN T. S EAMAN Maryann T. Seaman1 )Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer% (Principal Financial Officer)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*mhvjF)x=PF0*8X> @ l  Q  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4) NO TITLE (5)U } 1      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012/'UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY /S/ J OHN T. G REMP  John T. Gremp/ 'Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer% (Principal Executive Officer)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*h{ocWK+c=PF0*8X> @ l  Ga  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??Q NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) NO TITLE (2)!OTHER BUSINESS INFORMATION RELE!Many of our customers146 activi!Many of our customers146 ac (1)!Many of our customers146 ac (2)!Many of our customers146 ac (3)!Many of our customers146 ac (4)!Many of our customers146 ac (5)!Many of our customers146 ac (6)!Many of our customers146 ac (7)!Many of our customers146 ac (8)!Operating Results of Business S!Inbound Orders and Order Backlo!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (1)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (2)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (3)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (4)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (5)!Inbound Orders and Order Ba (6)!Other OffBalance Sheet Arrangem Pension PlanIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowsShareholders Equity!Impairment of LongLived and Int!NOTE 2 RECENTLY ADOPTED ACCOUNTNOTE 4 BUSINESS COMBINATIONS!NOTE 6 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIP!NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANGIBLE  NOTE 7 GOODWILL AND INTANG (1)!Shortterm debt and current port!Shortterm debt and current (1)!Shortterm debt and current (2)!Shortterm debt and current (3)!Shortterm debt and current (4)!Shortterm debt and current (5)!Shortterm debt and current (6)!Shortterm debt and current (7)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER POSTR!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (1)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (2)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (3)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (4)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (5)!NOTE 11 PENSION AND OTHER P (6)!Estimated future benefit paymen!NOTE 12 STOCKBASED COMPENSATION!Incentive compensation and stoc!Incentive compensation and (1)!Incentive compensation and (2)!Incentive compensation and (3)!Incentive compensation and (4)!Foreign exchange rate forward c!Foreign exchange rate instrumen!Foreign exchange rate instr (1)!Foreign exchange rate instr (2)!Foreign exchange rate instr (3)!Contingent earnout consideratioNOTE 17 WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS!Segment revenue and segment ope!Segment operating capital emplo!Segment operating capital e (1)!Other business segment informat!Other business segment info (1)Summary CompensationBeneficial OwnershipNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENTNOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (1)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (2)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (3)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (4)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (5)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (6)NOTE 21 SUBSEQUENT EVENT (7)!SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES OF REG NO TITLE (3) NO TITLE (4)!UNDER SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANU } 1      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 10-K 02/27/2012NO TITLE /S/ M ARYANN T. S EAMAN Maryann T. Seaman1 )Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer% (Principal Financial Officer)$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/*mhvjF)x=PF0*8X> @ Root Entry FBook  a   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0