ࡱ>  l \pThe Free Software Foundation B=PF0*8X@"1 Helvetica1Courier1 Courier New1 Courier New1 Helvetica$#,##0_);($#,##0)$#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)-**_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"_);_(@_)*)'_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)5,2_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)2+/_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)2$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.003$#,##0.00;[Red]($#,##0.00)4$#,##0;[Red]($#,##00)50.00%;[Red](0.00%)6 0%;[Red](0%)7#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)8#,##0;[Red](#,##0)                + ) , *   Ј ~~ ؈ ~~#؈ ~~8#܈ ~~ ؈ ~~83ffff̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33TABLE OF CONTENTS NO TITLE NO TITLE (1) l  6  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/?? NO TITLE NO TITLE (1)U } 8}  6     FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 8-K 10/05/2015TABLE OF CONTENTS   ARTICLE I: OFFICES~ % Section 1.1 Registered Office~ ! Section 1.2 Other Offices~ " ARTICLE II: CORPORATE SEAL~ !ARTICLE III: STOCKHOLDERS~ ,$Section 3.1 Meetings of Stockholders~ 2*Section 3.2 Quorum of Stockholders; Recess~ %or Adjournment; Required Vote*"Section 3.3 Voting by Stockholders~ 2*Section 3.4 Notice of Stockholder Business~ and Nominations7/Section 3.5 Procedure for Election of Directors~ &/'Section 3.6 Required Vote for Directors~ &4,Section 3.7 Inspectors of Elections; Opening~ *and Closing the Polls1)Section 3.8 Stockholder Action by Written~ *Consent'Section 3.9 Conduct of Business~ *&ARTICLE IV: BOARD OF DIRECTORS~ *5-Section 4.1 Number, Tenure and Qualifications~ *( Section 4.2 Removal of Directors~ *&Section 4.3 Vacancies on Board~ .DlznbJMf"}7O !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345 Section 4.4 Powers~ .)!!Section 4.5 Meetings of Directors~ !2'"Section 4.6 Quorum of Directors~ "6$#ARTICLE V: BOOKS AND RECORDS~ #6$ARTICLE VI: OFFICERS~ $6%%Section 6.1 Number and Titles~ %6$&Section 6.2 Tenure of Office~ &6&'Section 6.3 Duties of Officers~ '6'(ARTICLE VII: STOCK CERTIFICATES~ (>&)Section 7.1 Stock Certificates~ )>%*Section 7.2 Lost Certificates~ *>&+Section 7.3 Transfers of Stock~ +>-,%ARTICLE VIII: DEPOSITARIES AND CHECKS~ ,B$-ARTICLE IX: WAIVER OF NOTICE~ -B5.-ARTICLE X: FORUM FOR ADJUDICATION OF DISPUTES~ .B/ARTICLE XI: AMENDMENT~ /F20*ARTICLE XII: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE~ 0F12$3____________________________14)Created by Morningstar Document Research.05(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/0`*Ww8H<0=PF0*8X> @554433 l  :  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??TABLE OF CONTENTS NO TITLE (1)U } $}       FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 8-K 10/05/2015NO TITLE   Corporate News Release FMC Technologies, Inc. ! 5875 N Sam Houston Pkwy W  Houston, Texas 77086  P: 281.591.4000www.fmctechnologies.com$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/,|wkS\PD=PF0*8X> @ l  "  dMbP?_*+%,&٭e2?'٭e2?(٭e2?)٭e2?",D/??TABLE OF CONTENTS NO TITLEU } y } m} } !      FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 8-K 10/05/2015NO TITLE     For immediate release      Investor  James Davis P: 281.260.3665# investorrelations@fmcti.com Media  Lisa Albiston P: 281.931.2513 media.request@fmcti.com Lisa AdamsP: 281.405.4659media.request@fmcti.com$____________________________1)Created by Morningstar Document Research.0(http://documentresearch.morningstar.com/,|wk;q i=PF0*8X> @"  Root Entry FBook  Q#